Don't Marry Career Women


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Great article. Everything the guy said is totally true and I'm glad this article piss-ed off the feminists and made them lose sleep.

The counter point is basic bull**** from a woman that could only blame men for her problems.

Everything that guy said is true and he backed it up with evidence.

That is why I say F-cuk american career women. That is all they are good for!

professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat and less likely to have children. And if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. A recent study in Social Forces, a research journal, found that women--even those with a "feminist" outlook--are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner.


If a host of studies are to be believed, marrying these women is asking for trouble. If they quit their jobs and stay home with the kids, they will be unhappy ( Journal of Marriage and Family, 2003). They will be unhappy if they make more money than you do ( Social Forces, 2006). You will be unhappy if they make more money than you do ( Journal of Marriage and Family, 2001). You will be more likely to fall ill ( American Journal of Sociology). Even your house will be dirtier ( Institute for Social Research).
so damn true .


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Micheal Noer, indeed did his research.... I aplaud him....


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Very good article.

But, eh, statistics, numbers, facts, all the same. I would like to think that something like this wouldn't dictate someone's decision about marriage.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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dude you don't want to become a donkey to the girl, she has to pull her own weight too, especially for more overall money.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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CopperGoat said:
dude you don't want to become a donkey to the girl, she has to pull her own weight too, especially for more overall money.

that is another issue.

The topic at hand is that career women are bad for your mental health.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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CopperGoat said:
dude you don't want to become a donkey to the girl, she has to pull her own weight too, especially for more overall money.
Agreed. A wife should either be out working or at home taking care of your kids. And kids should come before her paid job. But a paid job before staying at home doing nothing but leeching off you. Financially, she should at least be out of debt and paying all her own bills, if not also chipping in for joint ones (at least until she has kids).


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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wayword said:
Agreed. A wife should either be out working or at home taking care of your kids. And kids should come before her paid job. But a paid job before staying at home doing nothing but leeching off you. Financially, she should at least be out of debt and paying all her own bills, if not also chipping in for joint ones (at least until she has kids).
Man the first mistake you're making is marriage here, and having kids. Don't you realize that marriage is today the ultimate spiritual killer of men? It takes all your money, all your vigor and vitality, and all your time, sacrificing yourself, to some hoe and some stupid kids, who I wouldn't want them to be in this ****ed up world anyway.

Besides, it's not that hard to stay at home and take care of kids, I would be glad to do that, and have my wife working!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
in todays society the reason why relationships and marriages fail, is because we are fake from the beginning. take a good friend of mine who had the hots for one of my girl pals. he wanted to know what she liked and disliked. i told him she liked opera, poetry, art, alternative music and liked to dance, etc. he basically had nothing in common with her. but he was smart. he researched all the info i gave him. one day while we were all hanging out he started talking about catching the opera next week. to her amazment she said she was going to. and he acted all stupid and said "you like the opera?" and next night later they met there, even though he hated every minute of it. after he took her to dinner and said the nights still young. do you want to go and get a couple of drinks and she said yes. as soon as his buzz kicked in he hit the dance floor even though he thought dancing was for fruits. anyways they started going out soon after.

fast-foward to 8 months later. we were all hanging out and she said next week one of my favorite poets is in town and she asked him to go. and he said that stuff is stupid and boring. then he went to his car and blasted rap music. and she said i thought you hate this kind of music. he just shrugged.

then came the line all of us hear one time or another. YOUR NOT THE SAME PERSON I MET AND FELL IN LOVE WITH. you use to like doing anything with me.

hence a week or 2 later she dumped him.

the real key to an everlasting relationship or marriage is to find someone with the same genuine interests as you. i was fortunate enough to find that girl. people always ask us if we ever run out of stuff to talk about. not when you have found someone who never faked their way into your heart!


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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insanity said:
in todays society the reason why relationships and marriages fail, is because we are fake from the beginning. take a good friend of mine who had the hots for one of my girl pals. he wanted to know what she liked and disliked. i told him she liked opera, poetry, art, alternative music and liked to dance, etc. he basically had nothing in common with her. but he was smart. he researched all the info i gave him. one day while we were all hanging out he started talking about catching the opera next week. to her amazment she said she was going to. and he acted all stupid and said "you like the opera?" and next night later they met there, even though he hated every minute of it. after he took her to dinner and said the nights still young. do you want to go and get a couple of drinks and she said yes. as soon as his buzz kicked in he hit the dance floor even though he thought dancing was for fruits. anyways they started going out soon after.

fast-foward to 8 months later. we were all hanging out and she said next week one of my favorite poets is in town and she asked him to go. and he said that stuff is stupid and boring. then he went to his car and blasted rap music. and she said i thought you hate this kind of music. he just shrugged.

then came the line all of us hear one time or another. YOUR NOT THE SAME PERSON I MET AND FELL IN LOVE WITH. you use to like doing anything with me.

hence a week or 2 later she dumped him.

the real key to an everlasting relationship or marriage is to find someone with the same genuine interests as you. i was fortunate enough to find that girl. people always ask us if we ever run out of stuff to talk about. not when you have found someone who never faked their way into your heart!
A person's interest lasts only a finite amount of time. You should be looking for someone that has similar value systems.

Interest = Snowboarding
Value = Hates Republicans

Interest = Computers
Value = Working Class background

Interest = Exercising
Value = Enjoys being weird

the more similar values you share, the more compatible you are.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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To begin with - look at the photo of the author. A picture says a thousand words, and that guy is a disingenuous goof. The woman humiliates herself by even responding to him.

Hitman 10000, I think you're very right - values play a big part in a successful relationship. So many people make terrible marriage choices because they weren't really thinking about who they were marrying in the first place, and how the combination would impact major life decisions down the road. The more complicated our lives become - the more important the compatibility of values are. (A good way to test compatibility is by considering how solid the friendship aspect of the relationship is. Many people marry someone they could never even be friends with).

A marriage between two people with careers is complicated. Basically, life nowdays is complicated. If you are a man who believes a wife should stay home with the children, for example, then marry a woman with the same values. There are many career women out there who believe their children should be raised that way, and would be willing to give up their careers over that period of time.

To expect women not to have careers in this day and age - especially in modern society where one has to make a minimum amount of money in order to survive - is simply f*cked up and retarded. It can be difficult for even two people with careers to get ahead nowdays. If the author, and men who share similar opinions are confident that they can be the sole breadwinners and adequately provide for the wife, children, and their future costs, then good on them...but in reality, most men can't do it.

If life and society continues on the current complicated route, and if marriage / and the family unit continues to be stressed and challenged by external demands, it may more so be a refleciton that the basic set up no longer works. Either life (society) has to become simpler again...or marriages have to evolve into something more modern.

And considering the currently high divorce rate in our society, and the disadvantageous emphasis on individuality...its interesting to wonder if/ and how things may evolve in the future. Will marriages / and the family unit continue to adjust to (and fail under) a fast paced society - or will society eventually adjust to the family unit?

If its the former, then it may be appropriate to question if the union of marriage, as we now know it, will remain. How about something more suitable, like a marriage between more than two people? Similar to the futuristic arrangement as depicted by Robert Heinlein in Friday, for example....where two couples form a union; there is ample income and children are being cared for, more adequately than 2 people could provide alone. Factors like career and travel would not be such a burden on the family as it would under today's circumstance. Personally- I like the idea....and wish I could live to see the day. (Probably mainly because I don't feel comfortable with the idea of having sex with the same person for the rest of my life). And while such a futuristic arrangement may sound outlandish to us now, consider that Heinlein was a keen visionary - he predicted today's internet, amongst other things, long before they happened. The notion is not entirely futuristic...its also similar to the past, and how people and family units used to be more sharing and cooperative.

Whatever one believes, the bottom line is that our expectations today, of what two people can do alone, may be largely unrealistic and unnecessarily stressful. We can nit pick and blame the role of the husband or the wife...but to what advantage?

sh4rk b1t3

Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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Hmm... this leaves us with three choices. Select the correct one from the list, and live happily ever after!

A) Marry a career woman ---> Make life hell
B) Marry some high school dropout ---> Pay millions in alimony
C) F*ck marriage and have sex with whoever you want and choosing not to feel guilty about it.

If you selected choice A, you are wrong. You are a f*cking moron, and you should commit suicide then burn your body to ensure that your genes are not replicated or passed on.

If you selected choise B, you are wrong. You are a f*cking moron x 2, and you should give all of your money away before it ends in the hands of some f*cking b*tch.

If you selected choice C, you are RIGHT. Looks like you got off of your moral high horse elitist aditude, and accepted the fact that the human race would have died off a long time ago if marriage before sex was nessesary.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
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vancouver bc
Interesting... I think it only applies to women tho. I know many guys who go to work and still have sex with a lot of girls.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
highschoolguy said:
Interesting... I think it only applies to women tho. I know many guys who go to work and still have sex with a lot of girls.
Please, this is a 'No Troll Feeding' area. :nono: