"Don't HIT on total strangers. It's creepy"

PUA in Training

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
This is from a website called heartlessb!tches.com (there's no ! in the actual web address, of course lol). There's a part of the website that is devoted to the Nice Guys vs Jerks debate. I know, don't take dating advice from women, but basically they give the same advice as sosuave, as far as where "nice guys" (AFC's) go wrong, and what to do about it: be the best you you can be, and your love life will take care of itself.

They sometimes get email from guys who just don't get it. Either guys who still insist that women go for jerks because they like being treated bad, or this guy. Then they basically verbally b!tchslap the guy for the world to see. I posted the whole thing, but the part that especially got my attention was the part about hitting on total strangers, so I put it in italics. There's funny stuff on this site making fun of AFC's (they call them "nice guys"). The "heartless b!tch's" responses are in brackets. I'd be interested to hear what you guys think.

Date: Sat, 20 May 2006
From: Nathan Kendrick
Subject: Some nice guy questions

Just stumbled onto your sight today...

good stuff. As a reforming "nice guy," I'm doing my best to learn all those things I should have during the years wasted in self-pity. Perhaps you'll have a take on these comments:

By way of contrast with another guy at work, it occured to me: you know how some guys don't know how to treat women as anything but sex objects? Well, I don't know how to treat them as sex objects.

[Somehow I seriously doubt that.]

Not to mean of course, that I don't lust after a lovely young lady as much as the next guy... but I'm a little befuddled how to make that interest known.
[Ok, so you SEE them as sex objects, you just don't know how to make that objectification *known*... Wow. Charming.]

The art of flirting, if you will.

Namely, in my goal of getting out and making an effort, it occurs to me that I have scant idea what to say. Yeah, I know, just introduce yourself. Listen, I can go up to anyone and say, "Hi, I'm Nate, and you are?" It's the inane conversation that follows that puzzles me. So I usually fall back on the same BS I'd use in a non-meat-market gathering.

I hate asking, "what do you do," as if that should define a person, or the worst, "so, having a good time tonight?" I've played with the idea of being completely direct: "You look really good and so I came up to make inane banter in hopes of getting your number and maybe a date." Might be a fun approach... I'll have to try that.

[What about having something INTERESTING to talk about? Here's a novel concept: What about NOT seeing women as sex objects or potential dates? What about striking up a conversation with a woman with NO agenda?]

It would be nice to have a genuine compliment for a young woman that didn't involve her face, chest, or butt. Like if she's wearing some cool earrings or a pretty shirt. But lets face it, at least half the time she's wearing something pretty generic, and it was only what was underneath that attracted my attention.
[Like her but or chest? Because, let's face it, if you haven't even had a conversation with her, there can't be much else to "attract" you.]

And sure, it'd be nice to be interested in what was underneath that (as in, her personality) but you don't introduce yourself to someone because of their personality--you don't know it.
[Unless you meet people through activities that are of mutual interest - like outdoors clubs, photography courses, etc...? In other words, places where you might actually get to know someone as a PERSON.]

And then there's the question of venue. For example, there are a few attractive young ladies who can be found periodically increasing their chance of skin cancer out by the pool, but I presume they don't really want to be bothered.
[Here's an even MORE novel concept. Why not try to meet people who are interesting rather than looking for "attractive young ladies"? Why is it these "nice guys" are always looking for the hot chicks and yet lamenting that none are interested in THEM?]

(Incorrect?) Or at the gym, I think I correctly assume that they are not there to be picked up.
[The kind of women who would go to a gym to be "picked up" probably aren't the type who would be interested in YOU, and for that, you should be grateful.]

Bars are such terrible places to meet people. It would be easier if my hobbies weren't so male-dominated.
[So expand your horizons. Not to "meet women" but to be a more well-rounded person. To be more INTERESTING.]

Not to mention, outside of a bar, it's impossible to tell if a woman is old enough... you're never sure if it's safe to hit on the girl behind the counter because she just might be a girl.
[Why not stop trying to see every woman as a potential date? You sound creepy. Why not spend a few months just getting to know women as FRIENDS without having any AGENDA at all?]

With young girls trying to look older and women trying to look younger, it gets confusing. I would have picked one young lady at the gym for high-school, until I saw the Univ of GA sticker on her car on the way out.

[She could have been driving her older sibling's car. Her MOTHER might be going to the university. You just don't know.]

But mostly, my confusion comes back to what I asked in the beginning. What do you say to a young lady?
[Ick. I can't begin to tell you why this question is so wrong in so many ways. You just don't get it. Don't HIT on total strangers. It's creepy. If you have nothing to say, then get out and learn to be a more-well rounded person. Do some PERSONAL growth instead of obsessing on how to approach women.]

I think my tendency, to get into an intellectual or getting-to-know-you conversation, no matter how interesting, does not convey the necessary meaning, or suggest in her mind the romantic interest that is my ultimate motivation.
["Romantic"? As in you want to get into her pants? Because, let's face it, you can't have much more motivation than that if you don't even know the person and you are hitting on them. In case you didn't get it the first time: This is not a site to give you advice on how to get women to date you.]

Too nice, no spark.

[It has nothing to do with you being "Nice". You are being CREEPY. Don't you get it?]

Yeah, so it's still neurotic navel-gazing, a typical nice-guy habit. But just because I don't know what to say, doesn't mean I don't try anyway.

Chew it up and spit it out, or ignore it. I was hoping you might have some fun with it.



Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Complete BS. How can you get to know chicks if you don´t approach them? By not approaching them you act like an AFC. The conversation skills is what seperates the PUA from the Creep. A PUA captures every opportunity and doesn´t just let it slip :rockon:

PUA in Training

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
I think what she's talking about is a problem I've had, and still do I guess but nowhere near as bad as I used to. You notice she said something about not seeing every woman you meet as a potential date. Now from a DJ perspective, if a guy does see every woman he meets as a potential date, it could be a good thing if he just looks at it as a challenge. It's fun for him.

However, if he is an AFC he'll look at it like I used to: "maybe she'll be my girlfriend? What do I say? Don't do/say anything stupid, don't blow this." IMO that WILL make a guy come across as creepy because he reeks of desperation. I know I did. I think that's their whole point as far as what's wrong with "nice guys" (AFC's). They're needy and desperate, which women find creepy, and somehow they get the idea that women don't find them sexy because they're "too nice".


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Well, but our goal is to become a DJ and not an AFC. The more you think about your approach the more nervous you get. The more nervous you get the more uncomfortable and creepy the situation will become. If a woman is uncomfortable being around you she´ll see you as a creep.
Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
Complete BS. How can you get to know chicks if you don´t approach them? By not approaching them you act like an AFC. The conversation skills is what seperates the PUA from the Creep. A PUA captures every opportunity and doesn´t just let it slip :rockon:
She said don't HIT on them, not don't approach them.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
i don't see ugly or fat chicks as potential dates.

But i do see attractive, fit hot chicks as potential dates (unless i've got to know them to a degree and i hate their personality, if i find them stupid or annoying then i don't see them as potential dates) but just a random hot chick i haven't talked to could be a potential date if the right situation came about.

I don't go hitting on random hot chicks though just walking down the street unless i see or find some sort of opportunity, which is unusual. Most girls i've dated i met at college or at get togethers etc.

anyways i think their advice to get to know a girl and be friends with them without any hidden agenda is stupid and counterproductive. Atleast for me it would be.

I'm in college, i'm a busy guy and i have enough friends and i have a hard enough time balancing and finding time for my friends and everything else as it is. I don't need more friends, the only reason i would be friends with a chick who wasn't interested in me would be if she had hot friends i was interested in meeting or if she was the girlfriend of one of my good friends. If she was the girlfriend of one of my friends then i would see her as a friendly aquaintance/friend but i wouldn't hang out with her like i do my other friends.

If i was gonna make another friend i would rather make a guy friend. Not one of those emo whiny guy friends, that's the same as being a friend with a girl pretty much. I would rather have a guy friend because we can hang out, drink, play video games, if his girlfriend dumps him he'll be like "man this sucks", he'll have a few drinks, and all i'll have to do is say "sorry bout that man, you'll meet a better chick, don't worry" and that will be that. He won't get all emotional on me, he won't cry to me or whine to me, i won't have to endlessly council him like i would with a chick or an emo guy and so on. He would be more stable and i wouldn't have to listen to tons of negative problems, he could solve them on his own for the most part and we would just have to give slight dating advice, no *****ing or whining etc.

So having a chick as a friend for any other reasons would be pointless and it would be a waste of my time that could be better spent hanging out with my guy friends or being out trying to meet girls who i could potentially have some sort of relationship with.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Learn to differentiate between what women SAY in a web site, and what women DO in the real world.

Why do these intelligent women feel the need to rant against pretty much everybody, especially men? Because they have healthy sex life and happy relationships?

This is the same as when an intelligent AFC says "women should do this, this and this...". You should do what you want, not what some heartbroken puppies want from you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Skydiver43127 said:
Learn to differentiate between what women SAY in a web site, and what women DO in the real world.

Why do these intelligent women feel the need to rant against pretty much everybody, especially men? Because they have healthy sex life and happy relationships?

This is the same as when an intelligent AFC says "women should do this, this and this...". You should do what you want, not what some heartbroken puppies want from you.
Seems like I can't rep you up again.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
I'm tired of stupid women spewing forth garbage out of either jealousy that they are ugly and guys don't approach them or out of holier-than-thouness that they're so awesome and they dont' want so many what they think of as losers approaching them.

Fvck that. The reason you approach women is because your body says hey i wouldn't mind fvcking that. Anything else is female agenda and not to be considered as you are male. And anything more than you wanting to fvck her body once you get to know her personality is gravy. Approaching a woman is first "am i attracted to her" and then "now i will talk to her to see if she's suitable outside her hot ass." Don't listen to some fat girl's comments that you should talk to women for their inner beauty first and foremost and to get to know them when in reality women aren't all that entertaining or interesting very often.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Ick. I can't begin to tell you why this question is so wrong in so many ways. You just don't get it. Don't HIT on total strangers. It's creepy.
I can actually understand this mindset.

Look at it logically, what makes up the majority of heartlessb!tches.com?

Exactly, actual hotties are few and far between on the net, even more so there, were talking chicks of the calibre that an AFC with enough liquid courage decides to bumble bullsh!t too when the urge to fvck overides his social conditioning.

Most of these b!tches are not getting "hit on" by the guys they want, and most definately never been properly gamed.

Therefore its obvious why so many of them have a negative opinion on this subject.

Btw they still thrive on as much male attention as they can get but its subjective. As in that douchebag who just told her she was beautiful boosted her ego nicely but hes still a douchebag at the end of the day and shes still gonna b!tch to all her girlfriends and anyone else who listens how much it sucks being "hit on" (gamed isnt a viable word for most of these chicks) by strangers.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
Macedonia, East Europe
Actually the article is pretty damn good.

You aren't READING it guys. You're trying to project previous women rants on the article. Read it again:

The jist is:

- Build a more interesting well-rounded life
- If women are nervous around you it's because you are coming across creepy, and this is because you probably have a wolf-vibe going on
- In order to get rid of this, take some time off to first go and just be social, befriend alot of women and cool guys, and just hang out
- When you're meeting women at this stage, don't go in trying to HIT on them, go in to socialize (every natural I know and most PUGs say this too, and it's been a big AHA in my own personal life)
-And later when you become a more rounded, social, good vibes, charming person, you can go with the intent of picking chicks up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
i actually like that website. it really made alot of sense back in the day when i had questions. i always had 2 or 3 friends that would be dating these really sexy chicks and i always watched them treat these girls like garbage. now you would think any smart girl who is getting treated like crap and being hit on by other guys would leave the other guy. but oddly enough these girls stayed with these guys. if these guys said kiss my feet, these girls would kiss their feet. i was very impressed at some of these guys who showed me examples of how not to treat a girl like a princess. it came in handy.

i think it all came down to, these guys were literally being their selves. they weren't following no dj examples or self help book philosophy. now when you think of the nice guys and afc's. these guys are acting that way cause they always hear girls say i want a nice sweet guy. so thats how they act and they get stuck in that pattern. when i meet a nice person, i think they either want something from me or are up to something.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
The best way I know to meet women is to be active and go to lots of different places and just be social. I have met more women this way than all others combined. I do not try to "force" a connection. I vibe and we either connect or not, then I repeat the process over and over. By any definition I am terrible seducer by percentage basis, but I am constantely surrounded by women I legitimately like, and most people who meet me have good things to say. That's "the game" at it's most basic level. and is quite effective. Using this approach, the women pursue me more than I pursue them. I initiate, get a connection, and then bait them to chase me as needed.

Some guys do legitimately come across as creepy and unable to vibe with anyone. I can spot them within seconds just by their mannerisms, the way they dress, etc. Girls will definitely know who is social and gets out, and who doesn't. If I can tell, then they definitely will be able to.

The good news is this can be changed. It is not an inherent character flaw, but a life situation that needs new direction.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
The mindset and motive behind that nice guy disgusts this b!tch who did that reply.

It is creepy for any girl to know that this guy only wants to **** her, and besides, he has nothing to game her with. He is not being suave and the interaction lacks all the good VIBE. Girls love to be ****ed but they must be properly gamed first.

It's BS that you must get to know her as a person first. She must get to know you, she must have an idea of you. You must project your personality / identity to her. This is where the advice of making yourself more rounded person kicks in. Sure, you can have sh!tloads of material/routines and get some ass from her but this is ASF stuff, not DJ (good stuff anyway if you are into that). As a DJ we are on the road to develop ourselves on every area of life to become INTERESTING and succesful, to have layers on our personality. Rest is just sucking her into our reality. Forget her reality, forget getting to know her. It doesn't really matter (not that you don't care but your life is more exciting anyway). No need to go and ask her tons of questions. This is what nice guys do, only because they don't have their own identity and reality formed. Nice guy wants to be sucked into girls reality, take her value and give none, maybe he even wants that this HB9.5 takes his hand and leads his worthless ass into nice sexual adventures... Creepy nice guy.

What do you think is this nice guys problem?

"I think my tendency, to get into an intellectual or getting-to-know-you conversation, no matter how interesting, does not convey the necessary meaning, or suggest in her mind the romantic interest that is my ultimate motivation."

This guy wanted to learn "the art of flirting" but the b!tch turns him to build his personality first, to have some stuff to vibe with. Good advice to set him onto right road. But this is probably all she can tell him to do. I doubt she can tell him to go learn concepts like "attraction", "frame control" or "c&f". She ain't doctor of attraction and she only points out the things she is disgusted about. She doesn't mention anything about basic converation skills and this guy seems to be stuck into his interviewer mode. If this guy goes and say, hits the gym 3 times per week for one year, travels a bit and takes parashute class, can he still hit the proper conversation if he lacks basic conversation skills?

Basically the b!tch tells him not to be so needy. And her solution to overcome this is to have stuff to vibe with. Of course, she doesn't tell him not to put women into pedestal and not treat them like princesses. She doesn't tell him to learn about gaming women and teasing their brains out... Some REAL tools to overcome neediness. This is why it's not good to take advice from women. They tell you to go build your value but they never ever release the REAL tools to apply this built value in the interactions.

Of course EXTREME value will get rid of any neediness. Say you are a rock star, you have so much value that every b!tch wants to be with you. This will take away the scarcity mindset that is the real problem. But this way it is difficult to achieve. Way too hard. So, while it's good advice to go out and build some value (necessary part of game) it's not enough. Without fixing the inner-game problems and having the "i'm the price" mindset or attaining extremely high value to create attraction without knowledge of "proper gaming", AFC will stay AFC, although better version of himself.

Just my 2 cents.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Actually the article is pretty damn good.

You aren't READING it guys. You're trying to project previous women rants on the article. Read it again:

The jist is:

- Build a more interesting well-rounded life
- If women are nervous around you it's because you are coming across creepy, and this is because you probably have a wolf-vibe going on
- In order to get rid of this, take some time off to first go and just be social, befriend alot of women and cool guys, and just hang out
- When you're meeting women at this stage, don't go in trying to HIT on them, go in to socialize (every natural I know and most PUGs say this too, and it's been a big AHA in my own personal life)
-And later when you become a more rounded, social, good vibes, charming person, you can go with the intent of picking chicks up.
... and you're purposely ignoring:
- spend months trying to be friends with a girl, denying your sexual interest
- you can't approach a girl who isn't as passionate as you about the political situation in Pakistan

Maybe you're right, I am kind of sceptical on advice from girls. And maybe you're trying to project good Sosuave advice you've read on an article that is just your everyday rant.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
Macedonia, East Europe
Skydiver43127 said:
... and you're purposely ignoring:
- spend months trying to be friends with a girl, denying your sexual interest
- you can't approach a girl who isn't as passionate as you about the political situation in Pakistan

Maybe you're right, I am kind of sceptical on advice from girls. And maybe you're trying to project good Sosuave advice you've read on an article that is just your everyday rant.
It doesn't say that. Doesn't say to deny sexual interest. It says to be a cool guy who has female friends in general (95% of girls out there you don't want to boink, you can befriend them).

This is the best thing i've ever done in my own personal life.

Besides, you can read their nice-guy section here and see just how good their advice is:


All too often we hear self-professed "Nice Guys" complaining about why they can't get a date, and whining that women just want to date jerks, etc. etc. The truth of the matter is that there are genuinely caring, compassionate, decent, fun guys out there who have NO TROUBLE meeting people, getting dates, and having relationships.

Unfortunately, many of the guys who DO have trouble, insist on laying blame and asserting that women don't want them because they are too "Nice". These people who call themselves "Nice Guys" can't see that THEIR OWN behavior is the problem. Whether it is targetting women who are troubled to begin with, or acting in a manipulative, patronizing or obsequious fashion, these guys sabotage themselves and blame others for their misfortunes.

This section is devoted to the guys who suffer from that self-professed "Nice Guy" affliction. Here is the place to find out why YOUR behavior isn't as "Nice" as you think it is...


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with the whole getting to know them first and not just looking for sex idea (she will reject if she's unsure - by putting pressure on her you make her make that decision too early) however this girl does seem VERY bitter/cynical so I would take her advice with a grain of salt. Like alot of advice here frankly.

however girls love to blame guys. The problem girls have is that they see nice-guys as wimps. I know plenty of these types, once you get to know them they will stand up for themselves however when you first meet them they will show respect and therefore will seem more agreeable or silent. Guys that don't show respect (non-wimps) will see that works and it allows them to use that to get what they want only making them worse. Therefore they become more jerky the longer you know them. That's what girls don't understand - they are creating the jerks by rewarding bad behaviour. You will notice that most good long-lasting relationships (the ones they envy), the guy is a nice-guy, just not too nice ;-) to not have any balls. I think they begin realising that the older they get.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
AlekNovi said:
You aren't READING it guys.
I'm going to take this as you saying "you are stupid and illiterate" and therefore will ignore all you say for now on.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
THe woman replying sounds really bitter to me. ITs like shes just pissed of becuase the guy is interested in a good looking woman. Shes mad becuase shes ugly and it irritates her when a guy comes along and makes it known that hes looking for a good looking woman. In her mind, that guy is speaking for the rest of men, and its a reminder that she isnt desired by men, and it offends her.

Shes a dumb *****.

Yes! approach women just becuases shes good looking and do it cold. You dont have to know her from somewhere.

If this woman were actually good looking, she wouldnt be so bitter, she would actually be giving real advice to the guy. what the guy was actually askign about.