Don't ever take your dad's advice. i want my balls back, please help!!!


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
hey guys,

since this is my first post i wanna make sure i thank you all for doing what you do and contributing refined knowlege and theory to this site. im pretty new to this dj thing(no more than a month), and so far, its been working very smoothly.

i work in a company of about 400 employees. its a community of its own in that there are alpha males, beta males, omega males and everything in between... with a few hotties.

i'm a 21 year old american badass living in a non-english speaking country and working in a medicine manufacuring company. there's the hottest girl of the company is like 26. needless to say, i started working on her with a lot of the techniques i learned from this site as well as deangelo's mailbags, and fighting off the real competition in a subtle witty way.

everything was going perfect. everything. since i work with her, i didnt wanna get too involved and have **** go around the company about us. i was in it more for the evaluation. an important note to take is that all of our convo's are in english.

my dad used to always give me 'advice' and tell me stories about how great he was with women and what not. he started noticing that, since my effort to improve my skills, more girls/women/moms started showing heaps of attraction for me. i dont remember how it ended up, but he told me that i was doing it all wrong and that he was still more skilled than i was, so... i decided to challenge him. the next day, i got her number and had a 5-day holiday after that.

the second day of the holiday i told my dad about the chick at work, that i got her number, that i didnt give her mine and that, with smses, i wanted to see how well he was at his game.

he took the challenge. (after all, he doesnt have anything to lose, right?) this is how the sms conversation went:

him: guess who's thinking about you?

her: i dunno, who?!!

him: im soo hurt, how could you forget me, tinkie poo? (suicide at this point)

her: im sorry but i have no idea, is this a joke?

him: you're so cruel! i can't believe this!

her: im sorry...

him: im gonna go jump off my roof becuase of you (he said somethin really pathetic like that, i think it was worse, somehting about the sun not shining anymore...)

her: you're not H, are you?!?!

him: oh, im so happy you remembered me, tinkie poo! how are you? (i'm screaming into a pillow now and freaking out. dude, this is work! my ****ing career is at stake!)

her: busy studying.

him: oh really, what?

her: business.

him: oh, wow! i love business!

her: didnt reply

him: are you alone?

her: im with my sister.

him: can i trade places with her?

her: no, im studying.

him: dont worry, i wont bother you, i'll just sit and watch!

her: maybe later...

him: im coming over right now! leave the door open!

her: nothing

me: what have you done with my balls! give em back to me now!!!

him: what are you talking about? now you can **** her.

me talking to myself: i miss my balls....

the rest of the vacation i didnt get any messages and kept myself busy with other girls, friends and parties. im a dj (disk jockey) in training so i was kept quite busy. i went back to work only to get really cold vibes from her, i acted like i didnt know anything about what had happened and she didnt bring it up either. she pulled back and started ignoring me so i did the same, only i didnt show that i was bothered in any way. it did bother me tho. i went home that day and told my dad what had happened and he just replied, "well, hamza....she's obviously crazy and very immature. dont worry about her."


anyways, i figured that what's sone is done and that i should just move on. and i did. i ignoreed her completely unless she was in my face or whatever where i'd say a 'good morning" to her non chalantly. i started flirting with other chicks in the company in front of her and just basicaly living out my life care free. at first, she wasnt giving any room for anything. but i acted like i didnt know what was up and that i thought something was wrong with her. then she started stealing glances of me which i ignored at first. i started looking back and she would look away. then i noticed her staringat me every chance she'd get, then turning away when i'd CASUALLY glance at her. then we started making momentary eye contact, which i thought was a good thing, until i tried grinning at her and then the process starts all over.

this wasnt really bothering me becuase i more or less took her as a project chick until.... until i found out she's bi! she had a friend who used to work her but quit a month or so ago. i always used to see them together and thought that they were just good friends. htey would always spend the night at each others house and come back the next day all bubbly. one i asked them if they had fun and they just replied, "we didnt sleep!" and giggled. recently, she was caught by this other chick that i flirt with in the bathroom with her 'bestfriend's" replacement. guys, i have to ****ing get in this triangle. you see, i live in a quite conservative country and people end up going fruity because of the lack of play and fear of society. they just couldnt find trustworthy ****. **** man, I NEED IN!!!!

since there really isnt a rush on this(even tho id like to be ****ing 3 chicks in the same bed with a peep show tomorrow), im open for any good advice on what i should do. and again, thanx guys

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Let this be a lesson to you:

Beware the married AFC, for he is lost.

Beware the 40+ year old AFC, he too is lost.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
My Dad's advice has always been spot on..... it was my mom's that led me here.

ahahahahahahahahaha... that is a funny sms convo, though. i almost puked lol


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
guys please this is not helping me on what i should do if you have any ideas please help


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Well, you've got a tough run at this one.

First off, I'd consider bypassing the girl you F'ed up with, and go for her friends who are Bi, then use them to get other chicks for you to have threesome's with.

Then, just go for the Field tested, doctor approved "double induction massage" technique to get the threesome going.

Hope that helps,



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2004
Reaction score
In her eyes, that was you. So you are a chump in her eyes and to anyone she tells this idiotic story to.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
damn thats a funny story,

anyways, if i were you i might just tell her that my dad took the phone from me and then maybe things will almost be back to normal with you guys


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score

Double wow...

Dude.. what were you thinking! Do you pay attention to your parents? I'm willing to bet your mom bosses your dad aroud allllllllllll over the place...

Either that, or he was legitimately trying to sabotage things between you and her. which means he, to some degree, knows how women work, and KNEW that acting like that would totally screw you over. Some people are sadistical like that... hell, sometimes I even get a kick out of watching someone else fail, especially when they are set up for it... that's usually with only people I don't like, though.

I'm the type of guy who doesn't let anybody else handle MY sh*t... whether it's business or women. I've learned not to take any of my friends advice, I've learned what advice is good and bad on this site (I usually just come here to give advice, I really think I just need experience to become the PUA I want to be.) and I've learned that I don't need anybody else to depend on to survive.

Hopefully you'll learn that too, starting with this little incident.