Don't complain about your problems.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I see a lot of unmanly whining and moaning about problems here. Seriously guys, don't come here to complain about your problems, come here to fix them. There is a serious difference. You know how they say don't try to solve a woman's problem, just listen? That's what the majority of guys here seem to want us to do.Women want to complain and want someone to listen to their problems. If you come here and ask for advice, be willing to listen accept it, otherwise get a livejournal or a blogger account and rant till your hearts content. I'm almost fed up with the womanly jackassery in the main discussion forum.

And yes I see this is complaining about complaining, but if one person heeds this advice and actually listens, then it's worth it.

Never complain to a woman. I had girlfriend who said, I wouldn't open up about what was bothering me, but when I would let it out, I could sense a change in her. She really didn't want me to gush out my problems on her. I also had friends who constantly complained about their lives to anyone who would listen, male or female. When a man complains, especially to a women he looks weak. When he constantly complains to other men he looks weak. Now think about this. If your in a pack of killers, do you want to look like the weak one? If your an alpha male, are you gonna show weakness by complaining or show strength by doing something about it? If you can't stand a whiny and b1tchy woman, how do you think people feel about a whiny and b1tchy man? Even worse. Suck it up buttercup, and do something about your problems! Fix them, listen to good advice and apply it, seek out answers. Try something different. Don't give up. That's what a real man does.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
The problem with about 90% of the posters here is that they come here in hopes of getting advice they WANT to hear, not what they HAVE to hear.

And when that doesn't happen, they immediately go on the defensive and say that we don't know the situation and ALL of the details... funny, because we could make better assessments given these details.

We tell them what WILL happen in the most likely scenario and they shrug it off.

Two weeks later (if they're still around), they will post saying that we were right and how can we help them fix the situation. By then, it's either a lost cause or they won't listen... AGAIN.

Thus, the vicious cycle continues.

I don't mind if someone complains about their problems to me as long as they are going to LISTEN to the advice and take heed to it. If not, I'm just another guy wasting another post out of the 10 post limit.

One thing is to come on here and post asking for advice... another is actually WANTING that advice, no matter what it is. And if someone thinks we're being TOO tough on some of the posters, it's because we HAVE to be... we're MEN, not pansies.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Warrior74 have you considered that some men complain here because they don't do it in person?

Thankfully I have a therapist, because that's the only person I can talk with about the things that are on my mind.

The majority of men come to this forum because they are unhappy with their lives


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
Warrior74 have you considered that some men complain here because they don't do it in person?

Thankfully I have a therapist, because that's the only person I can talk with about the things that are on my mind.

The majority of men come to this forum because they are unhappy with their lives
If they are unhappy, and they want to get it off their chest and do something about it, that's one thing. It's another thing to get it off your chest over and over and over, refuse to listen to advice and do nothing to fix the problem. That's why I just don't tolerate it, its giving them an inch and they take a mile. Some people love to wallow in self pity, its the only way they know how to get any attention.

If you are unhappy, do something to fix it. Harden the fvck up boys.

Websters dic

Don Juan
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
I put myself in that list of complainers and my god you're right.
We just have to suck that **** up and DEAL with it.
the world doesn't wait for no one.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
I'm tired of reading all the threads which say that women are good for nothing more than being a *** dumpster and the such. It gets old and it's just not true. If you walk around with this attitude, you will never get laid.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
OFWHAP said:
Women are good for nothing more than being a *** dumpster and the such.
I beleive in that and still get laid, i just dont say anywhere near a woman.
If im wrong life will teach me, theres no argument that can win life lessons and what a learned till now is that simple fact. ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
Not to mention those that think talking about their problems will help.

It's just focusing the mind on misery which is stupid for many reasons. The main reason being if you think negatively you'll become a negative person.

Its good to know where you're going wrong. It can help you see what needs fixing but don't be focusing on it a second longer then you need to.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
The posters here aren't thinking emotionally,aren't going to lose puzzy over the decision and have NO time invested in the problem-they just might have a better view of the whole picture than most of the OP's starting all the whiney posts. NOW if we could get them to listen.