don't be fooled - a dose of reality

Apr 12, 2007
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1) don't be a bad boy (girls will not seek a relationship with you), and don't be a nice guy (girls will not want you sexually)............instead, be that guy who is a perfect that guy who is ****y, confident, outgoing, sexual, yet at the same time sweet and knows how to make a girl melt with your words and actions - be THAT guy that can make a girl fall in love with you after 1 date.

2) being good looking helps with all aspects of every interaction u have with girls - if you think otherwise, then you must be either rich, famous, or in denial. Hit the gym, work on your clothing, do the simple things that improve your looks.

3) "if you hesitate, you masturbate" - nobody cares what a girl is doing or how busy she is - aka if she is shopping, or on the phone, or with her 4 friends............if you like what you see, you go SEIZE that opportunity and make the best of it. What do i mean by "make the best of it?" I mean go to her and say SOMETHING.........ANYTHING.........whatever you do is better than doing never know, if u mess up and sound like a moron, she may think it's cute just because u had the balls to walk over in the first never know guys

4) all girls HATE "sex"............but all girls LOVE GOOD SEX. This means that whenever you are with a girl, you have to sell her the idea that you will be the best sex of her life. There are many ways to do this, but the bottom line is, SELL the idea that you will make her orgasm more than she can imagine. There are subtle ways, and there are straightforward ways............i can't use examples because different kind of girls prefer different kind of approaches............key point is - SELL SELL SELL

5) as a man, you can do whatever you want:

call her 10 times a day IF U WANT, and if she asks "why are u stalking me??" then tell her "cuz ill do whatever i want, if u dont like it then **** u" (notice, for a *****y response, u gotta act like an *******) - but don't be that guy that sits there thinking "oh no, i called her twice and she did not call back, i need to follow "rules" - MEN DONT HAVE RULES - WE RULE, WE DO WHAT WE WANT, WE ARE THE ABSOLUT SUPREME POWER IN THE guys gotta understand that

6) do NOT be a virgin

yea the absolut truth hurts doesn't it? You as a man cannot know what everything is like until you know how it feels to *** inside a woman. If a virgin, your outlook on the opposite sex is skewed and you have no idea whats up. Trust me on this guys.


if you are going to be a player and cheat on girls and fvck around, then expect eventually for your girls to do the same. And don't get pissed when that happens, its totally fine, because after all, THEY are doing the same thing YOU are doing.

8) The more you read, the less you know!
The more you experience first hand, the more you know.
Self explanatory


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
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And that post basically sums up everything you need to know. It's not quite Pook's 15 lessons (what is?), but damn good advice.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Bla bla bla, same old, same old....I've seen this all before, just typed out better.
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
Bla bla bla, same old, same old....I've seen this all before, just typed out better.

if you have seen this all before, then please tell us all how you have applied this to YOUR life.

or did you see it all before and not take it all in like you should?


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
I don't even agree with like half this stuff personally. I realize its the message not exactly what he says but heres my CRITIQUE. Girls love sex just as much as we do. Women are really emotional beings. Sexual attraction for them can be just about screwing if they are hoes and not actually interested in you (to a point they are but not enough) but like... its not like that in chicks they are way too emotional. Any decent chick will start falling for you and want to have sex with you even if your a **** lover. People don't really think about that. You don't have to act like your a great lover just act like your the ****. What you think is reality is all it is. Being sexual just shows you have the confidence to show it and your not asexual. If you try to act like your gonna be the best sex ever.. I dunno I just can't even see that.. at that point in knowing a chick I wouldn't even be thinking about me pleasuring her I'd just want to ****. I see that as completely different things. In my mind its not me seducing them, its them having the chance to get with me. I view myself as the sexual being not them. They are morely there to please you and this type of attitude is supreme.
I'm far too lazy to imagine calling a girl 10 times a day. Thats way too much work. I guess you could but.. theres.. its not rules its guidelines. Just keep them in mind before you do potentially stupid things. Why know the game if your not going to use it to your advantage. The greats here say don't use the rules just be all natural and be a man. I say be yourself but remember the "rules".
And finally the cheating thing. You can cheat on a girl as much as you want and if your man enough they will stay with you and just try harder. If your not they will cheat on you back and say **** you and they are gone. Its just if you got the conscience for it.
I'm 215 and 5'7. I balded early so I shaved my head. I generally shave about once a week. I got my **** going but they don't know that and I don't talk about it. I don't talk to chicks about them, I talk to them about nothing. I don't ask questions about them or what they do because I don't care. I don't need to know all about some girl to get to know them. I can't remember the last time I asked one of my buddies stupid questions like that. Its like **** my aunts and stuff ask me when they come over for dinner or something. People say looks matter so much. When a girl meets me she thinks I'm cute. I've worked girls from the point where they never look at me to the point where they are dying to hook up with me. If you THINK you look good you do. Thats all there is too it. Just tell yourself your hot. I realize this got way off topic but thats my 2 cents on this board lately and this message. Smoked some pot and got writing.. what can I say.
The truth is women are attracted to strength if your a bad boy you can still get whoever you like and keep them you just have to be man enough is all.
I gotta admit I see a lot of truth in this message but I just don't agree with a lot of stuff on this board anymore. The "Rules" and **** like that. Maybe I just smoked some good weed but I've met about 5 guys who used the david d **** and all that. From what I've seen theres something I'm doing you guys are not. I dunno what to say. You guys talk about Mystery and say 30% pick up rating? If I have 5 minutes nah. Thats way too low guys. I dunno


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Lowell, MA
out of everything ive seen in this place, all the advice and everything, this is by far the best ive ever seen...the thing is everyone is born with it u dont ****ing read this stuff and get better, its about expleince and just not giving a ****

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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absolut honesty said:
6) do NOT be a virgin
I just want to start out by saying that YES, this is probably one of the best threads ive ever read on this site. Straight to the point and covers a great majority of everything people tend to mention on the forums...but "do NOT be a virgin." heres a problem for us V-card holders...We can't just NOT be virgins man. How can we do that without doing her first? Sounds funny I know...So im guessing here your saying "fake it until you make it"? Or do you suggest that we say something like "yea, im a virgin, if you don't like it then fvck you"?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Every guy is a virgin at the beginning, I don't know what point you are trying to get to on this.
It is far more important for a girl to be good looking than it is for a guy, being famous is the best way to allure the hottest babes if you are a male. :yes:


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2002
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Iamthealphamale!! :rockon:

Thats some awesome pot and one awesome post.... i believe brother..preach the word

Also... how the fcuk does this make sense??:

"1) don't be a bad boy (girls will not seek a relationship with you)"
and then
"5) ... and if she asks "why are u stalking me??" then tell her "cuz ill do whatever i want, if u dont like it then **** u""


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
'Do not be a virgin'? LOL...

Well everybody has to start somewhere don't they :)


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hoogie said:
Iamthealphamale!! :rockon:

Thats some awesome pot and one awesome post.... i believe brother..preach the word

Also... how the fcuk does this make sense??:

"1) don't be a bad boy (girls will not seek a relationship with you)"
and then
"5) ... and if she asks "why are u stalking me??" then tell her "cuz ill do whatever i want, if u dont like it then **** u""
Lol, well, it did have its up points aswell to be fair...

Oh and:
"why are u stalking me??" then tell her "cuz ill do whatever i want, if u dont like it then **** u"

Lol yes mate, stalk her if you want it's your choice! :p... I can see that your dominance would be attractive, but stalking her? :p
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
about the stalking point is, as a real man, you do not need to worry and analyze how much to call and when to call. All you need to do is realize that YOU are the absolute power in this world, you are the MAN and she is the weak little 110 pound woman!!! You can call as much as you like, you have all the control. Do not worry about calling once every week, or just Sunday and Wednesday nights. Do not worry about her calling you back. DO NOT SIT THERE AND ANALYZE. If you got the balls, you will call as much as you feel like it.

Of course, obviously if you call 10 times and she calls you a stalker, while you still have asserted yourself, its highly likely she's not interested and you aint ever seeing her again. However the main point there is as a man, you do not analyze that kind of silly trivial stuff, and just call whenever and however you want.

as for the virgin talk.............

when I say don't be a virgin, I am referring to losing your virginity as soon as you can - does not matter how. I do not know how hard it is for some of you to lose your virginity, but my whole point was that you will never understand sexuality (which is HIGHLY important when dealing with women and girls of all ages) until you have had sex a few times.

As for HOW to lose your virginity, i'm sure there are 10000 ways on this site already so I don't need to mention anything
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
KoalaKing said:
Every guy is a virgin at the beginning, I don't know what point you are trying to get to on this.
It is far more important for a girl to be good looking than it is for a guy, being famous is the best way to allure the hottest babes if you are a male. :yes:
a handful of people r really famous, 99.5% of us are not. So your advice is very bad right there


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
I'd agree with absolut about everything except #6.

You don't really want to do "anything" to lose your virginity. The first time I was hitting it I was like "I struggled for years for this? I'd rather be jerking off!"

Getting laid is cool and all, but just don't compromise yourself or your standards just so you can lose your v-card. It is NOT worth it if you regret it afterwards. Make sure it's something meaningful, don't be a slave to your d!ck (or social norms that say you should be tagging anything with a snatch).

And no, the world is not going to look different and new once you get laid. Women aren't going to pick up on your new-found masculinity. Sh!t's gonna be exactly the same. There is no ancient wisdom that comes from inside a baby-factory.