There are two basic prerequisites for success in any area of life: knowledge and the desire to put it to use. Hence, knowledge isn't power; knowledge applied is power. Power in the field in focus, whether it's finances, seduction, fitness or so forth.
One after one, you acquire power in each of the fields that are important to you, and eventually become a powerful individual. Someone who knows where he wants to go, knows how to get there, and knows he never will unless he concentrates his efforts on it and works towards achieving his goal, whatever it may be, on a daily basis.
But let's face it, we are what we're surrounded by. We learn from those around us, starting early in life with our parents, then our friends, and finally our coworkers. However, the unfortunate reality is that most of us don't know a lot of people, or even one person, who's either very motivated, very knowledgeable or both.
So for those of us who didn't grow up around doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs, and who's next-door neighbor didn't happen to be a world-renowned success coach, there are books. And the people who wrote those books are the ones i have to thank for everything i have and everything i ever will have.
To put it bluntly, if you don't read, you're not gonna get very far in life. I know people who have achieved incredible success in certain fields by learning only from the people around them, but overall, they're still unhappy. Whether it's the millionaire businessman who's lonely or the pick up artist who's broke, their success is as limited as their field of view.
And the way to expand your field of view is to read. Books written by people who know things you and your friends don't, and have experienced things you and your friends haven't. So here are some of my favorites, the ones i would recommend every friend to read, and do everything in my power to withhold from an enemy.
Contrary to what you may have expected, you won't find any books on seduction here. I haven't ready, nor do i plan to. These books will help you build some real character and succeed in life. Like i always say, if you have the kind of life girls want to be a part of, you're not gonna have to worry about finding them anymore, they'll find you.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It seems that everyone knows this book, but few have read it, and even fewer understood it. It's short, informative and to the point. You should read it because an ambitious person, no matter how kind and courteous, will always have enemies. His ambition alone is reason enough for jealousy and hatred. If you want to learn how to go out there and destroy your enemies, or simply make sure they don't destroy you, this book's a good start.
The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli
This book by a military strategist was meant to serve as a guide for a new prince. It's longer than The Art of War, but far easier to read. It's highly useful if you're in the posession of anything (from a girlfriend to a corporation) others might want to take away, or want to take away something that's in the posession of others. Whatever you're competing for, this is a book you hope your competitors haven't read.
Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
This is what our parents should have taught us about money, but didn't. This is why most people are in debt. This is why most people live paycheck to paycheck. This is why most people are a layoff away from bankrupcy. If you have any interest in your financial wellbeing whatsoever, you'll get off this chair right now, walk over to the bookstore, buy this book, and lock yourself up in a room until you're finished reading. It'll open up your eyes and make the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. And in all likelyhood, you'll be downright angry that someone hasn't told you about it sooner.
One after one, you acquire power in each of the fields that are important to you, and eventually become a powerful individual. Someone who knows where he wants to go, knows how to get there, and knows he never will unless he concentrates his efforts on it and works towards achieving his goal, whatever it may be, on a daily basis.
But let's face it, we are what we're surrounded by. We learn from those around us, starting early in life with our parents, then our friends, and finally our coworkers. However, the unfortunate reality is that most of us don't know a lot of people, or even one person, who's either very motivated, very knowledgeable or both.
So for those of us who didn't grow up around doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs, and who's next-door neighbor didn't happen to be a world-renowned success coach, there are books. And the people who wrote those books are the ones i have to thank for everything i have and everything i ever will have.
To put it bluntly, if you don't read, you're not gonna get very far in life. I know people who have achieved incredible success in certain fields by learning only from the people around them, but overall, they're still unhappy. Whether it's the millionaire businessman who's lonely or the pick up artist who's broke, their success is as limited as their field of view.
And the way to expand your field of view is to read. Books written by people who know things you and your friends don't, and have experienced things you and your friends haven't. So here are some of my favorites, the ones i would recommend every friend to read, and do everything in my power to withhold from an enemy.
Contrary to what you may have expected, you won't find any books on seduction here. I haven't ready, nor do i plan to. These books will help you build some real character and succeed in life. Like i always say, if you have the kind of life girls want to be a part of, you're not gonna have to worry about finding them anymore, they'll find you.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It seems that everyone knows this book, but few have read it, and even fewer understood it. It's short, informative and to the point. You should read it because an ambitious person, no matter how kind and courteous, will always have enemies. His ambition alone is reason enough for jealousy and hatred. If you want to learn how to go out there and destroy your enemies, or simply make sure they don't destroy you, this book's a good start.
The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli
This book by a military strategist was meant to serve as a guide for a new prince. It's longer than The Art of War, but far easier to read. It's highly useful if you're in the posession of anything (from a girlfriend to a corporation) others might want to take away, or want to take away something that's in the posession of others. Whatever you're competing for, this is a book you hope your competitors haven't read.
Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
This is what our parents should have taught us about money, but didn't. This is why most people are in debt. This is why most people live paycheck to paycheck. This is why most people are a layoff away from bankrupcy. If you have any interest in your financial wellbeing whatsoever, you'll get off this chair right now, walk over to the bookstore, buy this book, and lock yourself up in a room until you're finished reading. It'll open up your eyes and make the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. And in all likelyhood, you'll be downright angry that someone hasn't told you about it sooner.
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