DOn juan techniques...WHY DOES IT NOT WORK FOR ME


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
FFS i dont get it, its impossible, why cannot i pick up.

I was a nerd, im not anymore BUT IT DOESNT HELP NE P>U

IM happy, i make people luagh by bieng an idiot yet i still cant pick up. HOW CAN YOU LEARN TO BE FUNNY.

it says here to ignore good looking chicks...what happens if they ignore you, im 15 havent EVER kissed a girl, i try so hard but no nothing.

I get called a jerk if im mean, even if its funny....WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? PLEASE F---n help me.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
L.A., CA
WWJD? He'd help out a DJ in need.

Let's get some things cleared first:

1) I was a nerd, im not anymore BUT IT DOESNT HELP NE P>U

Just because you jumped out of your nerd skin and put on a new skin, it doesn't mean you automatically become a don juan/pick up artist. It really does take practice and experimenting so you would know what to do and what not to do.

2) IM happy, i make people luagh by bieng an idiot yet i still cant pick up. HOW CAN YOU LEARN TO BE FUNNY.

First of all, if you're happy you wouldn't be complaining on the forum. Second, you being an idiot is making people laugh, but not in the right way. They're laughing AT you (especially the ladies), not WITH you. Big difference there. Humor isn't performing an act or doing a circus show; you should have some level of dignity within you somewhere. Finally, it's difficult to LEARN to be funny. If you learn techniques and methods to be funny, it's not natural, thus making it another non-funny act. I suggest you listen to comedians' stand ups and find ways to bend your everyday situations into something comical. (like in a way you would tell a story)

3) it says here to ignore good looking chicks...what happens if they ignore you, im 15 havent EVER kissed a girl, i try so hard but no nothing.

Ignore good looking chicks? Who told you THAT? You don't IGNORE hot girls because you're just ignoring them; what good will that do you? The best approach towards hot women is to be different from the other chumps who kiss her ass and worship her. I'm 17 I didn't kiss a girl yet, but you don't see me b*tching all over the forum. I'm not proud of it, but my time WILL come, and I WILL make it happen.

4) You get called a jerk, even if it's funny. WHY? Because you might be over-doing the funny act. The girl(s) are calling you a jerk in a playful manner is one thing, but if they get offended then you'd know you went overboard. Try not to abuse the playfulness.

5) You obviously need more practice and patience in order to be a DJ at this point. YOu're giving up on the slightest mistakes and mishaps. It's understandable but you really have to give it your all, learn from your mistakes, and refine your "game" before you give up. You can do this; I know how you feel because I've been there, but your life won't change with you complaining about it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by notdonjuan
FFS i dont get it, its impossible, why cannot i pick up.

I was a nerd, im not anymore BUT IT DOESNT HELP NE P>U

IM happy, i make people luagh by bieng an idiot yet i still cant pick up. HOW CAN YOU LEARN TO BE FUNNY.

it says here to ignore good looking chicks...what happens if they ignore you, im 15 havent EVER kissed a girl, i try so hard but no nothing.

I get called a jerk if im mean, even if its funny....WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? PLEASE F---n help me.

1. Getting out of the nerd's path is something you should do for yourself, not to attract ladies.

2. Don't be an idiot, just be yourself. If you feel like doing something idiot, do it, but don't fake it.

3. I gave my first real kiss at 16. A year later I had made out with a dozen girls and had already done anal sex.

4. My current girlfriend keeps saying I'm a jerk... so what? Girls love jerks.



Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Originally posted by notdonjuan
FFS i dont get it, its impossible, why cannot i pick up.

I was a nerd, im not anymore BUT IT DOESNT HELP NE P>U

IM happy, i make people luagh by bieng an idiot yet i still cant pick up. HOW CAN YOU LEARN TO BE FUNNY.

it says here to ignore good looking chicks...what happens if they ignore you, im 15 havent EVER kissed a girl, i try so hard but no nothing.

I get called a jerk if im mean, even if its funny....WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? PLEASE F---n help me.
Your negative aura is appalling.

First, you set yourself up for failure by saying its impossible. You will never achieve anything with that attitude.

Just because you were once a nerd and you change yourself doesn't mean that you changed other peoples thoughts about you. Change other people and then you will get rid of your nerd aura.

I have never heard of ignoring anybody. It says talk to the good looking girls like they are anybody else. Don't ignore them.

My girlfriend calls me a jerk and says that she doesn't know why she is going out with me but she says it in a funny playful way. Not a mean way.

I have been called a jerk both ways. It matters on how you meet me. Some AW's call me that, other more down to earth people call me awesome. It is all perception.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
One thing that I try to drill into some AFCs is that techniques and formulas will only get you so far, but actually improving your true self and working on inner game will make you far more attractive than any routine.

Get a mental image of exactly what you want to be. Make it as specific as possible. Once you've finally realized your goal, it becomes much easier to reach.



Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
i make people luagh by bieng an idiot

Then you wonder why you can't pick up? Cool, calm and collected gets you girls, being and idiot does the exact opposite.

Watch Ocean's 11, or 12. Watch how George Clooney and Brad Pitt carry themselves. That's the type of confidence you want to project. That's what girls want...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
one more thing....

Why are you so desperate? Your post reeks of desperation. Now i know you're frustrated, but take a deep breath and try to see there is more to life than women. You started changing...props for that...but that is only the beginning.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
maate, its funny your right about reaking of desperation...i was just very very depressed that day angry too not to mention. So the fthign about being nfunny, not to be an idiot? Like not do stupid jokes, even if it gets the luaghs, for exampe eddie murphy stand up comedian does impression the works but he looks like a fukn idiot doing his act, my humour is like that...HA!

My problem is competition wiht other males, what do i do? how do i beat them, i mean all my competition are my mates ALL OF THEM, and it sucks. I see them P.U. quites easily i mean they have the reputations already. How do i do it, i feel liek a **** head ive read all these "PooK" posts, he seem s liek a good don juan but **** its all very confusing.

He says thing like Dont revolve your life around girls, my life is about the girls. I remember when i was a nerd, i was alll about study hard be doctor get money isnt that trying ot achiev your goals, then why didnt i get the girls then.

Experience, my school isnt very big, i f try and mack on to everyhot girl ill most likely be rejected MANY times, doesnt that make me look stupid, desperate?

Im very sorry for talking like this, but its neccesary right now, there is no need for pride right now, so yeah help please.

And about the ugly thing cvan yu be like average/below average/black to still get gorgeous model liek girls. i hate my self, everythign about me, i know i have it better then most, but still, I hate my self very much. grrrrrrrrrr


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
correction theird paragrapgh first sentence my life wasnt about hte girls back when i was a nerd i dint get them then i dont get them now this **** is so hard. GRRRR


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by notdonjuan
maate, its funny your right about reaking of desperation...i was just very very depressed that day angry too not to mention. So the fthign about being nfunny, not to be an idiot? Like not do stupid jokes, even if it gets the luaghs, for exampe eddie murphy stand up comedian does impression the works but he looks like a fukn idiot doing his act, my humour is like that...HA!

My problem is competition wiht other males, what do i do? how do i beat them, i mean all my competition are my mates ALL OF THEM, and it sucks. I see them P.U. quites easily i mean they have the reputations already. How do i do it, i feel liek a **** head ive read all these "PooK" posts, he seem s liek a good don juan but **** its all very confusing.

He says thing like Dont revolve your life around girls, my life is about the girls. I remember when i was a nerd, i was alll about study hard be doctor get money isnt that trying ot achiev your goals, then why didnt i get the girls then.

Experience, my school isnt very big, i f try and mack on to everyhot girl ill most likely be rejected MANY times, doesnt that make me look stupid, desperate?

Im very sorry for talking like this, but its neccesary right now, there is no need for pride right now, so yeah help please.

And about the ugly thing cvan yu be like average/below average/black to still get gorgeous model liek girls. i hate my self, everythign about me, i know i have it better then most, but still, I hate my self very much. grrrrrrrrrr
You hate yourself? Well, you aren't going to get anywhere with that mindset. You can read all the books in the world about seduction and you'll still land flat on your face. You need to change that first.

The difference between your friends and you is 'confidence'.

Small tip, don't try to 'mack' every girl in the school. Just learn to chat with them in a cool and calm way. Get them laughing, flirt a little, be challenging, be a fun guy to have around. You will be surprised how girls react to this.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by biker_gixxer
You hate yourself? Well, you aren't going to get anywhere with that mindset. You can read all the books in the world about seduction and you'll still land flat on your face. You need to change that first.

The difference between your friends and you is 'confidence'.

Small tip, don't try to 'mack' every girl in the school. Just learn to chat with them in a cool and calm way. Get them laughing, flirt a little, be challenging, be a fun guy to have around. You will be surprised how girls react to this.
Agreed. Before I found this forum, I was afraid of, not talking, but flirting with girls... for some reason. I just felt like the weird guy. I felt like if I ever got a little intimate, flirtatious or whatever, with a girl, everybody would see that as weird, thinking "what? Is <<my name>> flirting with a girl!?", and they would laugh. These were my thoughts. I'm still having that problem, but it's much better now. It is much better because I chat people, and I'm trying to get more used to it. I'm trying to be as social as possible, and I'm not afraid to flirt with girls anymore.

I'm pretty much in the same situation as "j8snx1" (the second poster). 17 years old, and never kissed anyone (it's honestly a relief to see some others being in my situation)! No one I know knows, though, because I haven't talked about kissing for 5-6 years, when I asked a mate how it was. And when I put the word kiss in my mouth, it's weird and embarassing. I am actually really scared to let anyone know this, and this is the first time I say it so clear. I feel really weird. I feel like a looser, and I have always been one, when it comes to girls. But I am going to put an end to that now. I wouldn't have put an end to it, if I didn't realize (thanks to this forum) I was the one who had to take control; not just waiting for things to happen.

I live my own life. Just started working out (weight lifting three times a week; soccer practise three times a week). Just started being more social. Just started doing more stuff. Stopped hezitating so much. And already, after just a few months of self-improvement, I've got much more confidence and I'm feeling more normal. I'm doing it for myself. You should do that also.

Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
phshhhh you have 3 posts and wonder why you arent a DJ? Atleast you got one thing right, you are an idiot.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Read stuff in the DJ Bible

First love yourself, because why would girls love you if you don't love yourself?

Second, on being funny...Look up Being ****y + Funny. That is the correct type of humor you should be using, not impressions, you are not doing stand-up.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
Wow skil your a fukn nice ****! whats up yur ass. I really dont think the number of posts you have is how good yu are with the girls.

Thanks to everywu for the help though, much appreciated, reading the DJ bible again


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I think your head is in the right place, but you need to establish a solid base, or foundation. What's the base? Confidence! Without that, you will be struggling for a long time. That's the one thing that any DJ or Pimp has in common.

Start downloading some material on Alpha-male traits, or self-help books on confidence. Read as much as you can on this.
If I were to recommend any books to read, it would be Mickey Royal's 'The Pimp Game' and David D's material. Study their material, make it part of who you are.

Here's a good place to start, change your damn name bro. 'notdonjuan' is reinforcing your negative mind set. I think 'pimpintraing' or something is better.
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