How you say something matters a lot particularly in relation to being liked or disliked. The spoken words often conveys very little emotional information, your tone of voice, facial expression and body movement will contain a lot more emotional communication.
Irony and sarcasm are great examples of this, you say one thing, but mean something else and it's entirely non-verbal communication that reveals to the other person that it's ironic or sarcastic. This is why, without really exaggerating something, it's hard to tell when someone is being ironic/sarcastic when communication is limited to
Obsessing about
what to say is generally pointless when it comes to attraction and it's not universally transferable experience. Say you get advice about what to say to woman, he testifies that it works great for him, but when you say the exact same words it just doesn't work for you. The reason would be that the most important part of the communication got lost,
how he said it. One guy can tell a joke and make a room full of people laugh hysterically, but when another guy presents the same joke word for word in a different way he could be met with everyone rolling their eyes. The presentation makes a huge difference, the
how matters a lot more than the
You're closer to it than the people you know who spend hours nitpicking on their lines. It could very well be that they incorrectly attribute their successes to all the effort they spent smithing words, when in fact it's actually that their non-verbal communication just happens to be on point. This is bad because they're wasting their time trying to improve the wrong thing, so they don't really improve much at all.
What you say isn't entirely irrelevant, so the answer to your question isn't a blanket no, but if you want to improve with women it's not what you should focus on.