Does this happen to anyone else

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
I dont know if its just me or are girls just the biggest ****ing fakes known to man. When im alone with girls when her friends (boys and girls) arent around its prettty easy for me to get some ass. But once your in school or she's with her friends they act like your lowere than the dust of the earth. this pisses me off and confuses the **** out of me. But when another guy goes to her and does the same thing i do or even worse they get a totally differnt response. Like im tottaly pissed of at women i dont know why their so ****ing shallow and fake. someone explain this to me.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
You might get more responses if you used proper grammar/spelling. I will post my thoughts on your subject anyway, for the parts that I was able to understand.

Unfortunately, if you are in high school, many girls are considered to be "fake." Yes, I know, boo hoo. They tend to change as soon as they get older. But they most likely have a reason to be treating you that way and you probably put them on that pedestal. You have to let them know that it is NOT okay for them to treat you like dirt when they are around their friends. You may be wondering, "Well, how do I go about doing this?" It's simple. The next time they approach you, you ignore them! You need to show you are the prize.
Countless people come on this forum and ask simple questions and the same answer is that they are not acting like they are the prize. You are the man, not her. It's time you start acting like it. Become a more dominant character. I am not asking you to be arrogant or rude to them, but give them some neg's to bring them down to earth, that's all.

Hope I helped, best of luck with your situation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Weren't you one of the guys that said I was an idiot because I said hot girls won't go out with you if you don't score touchdowns? Heh...

Anyway, it's life. Just move on, really. There's definitely some cute girls without this kind of bull****. FEW, but there are some. Hang out with the dorky cute girls.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
It's because you have no reputation. Girls care about that. Case solved.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Yea i guess your right Bling but im not gonna change try to become cool to get a fuking shallow ***** i dont do what girls want alkali i do what i want. so i guess ill just be jerking of for a while lol .


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Back in the day I use to like b!tches. But, now b!tches aint sh!t. Young playa, Its all good baby. Just keep getting some ass and throw em away when your done. Isn't that what they do to you? Just fvck em, leave em, and forget em!!! Don't trip cause some girl wants to ignore you after your done doin ur biziness with them. Move on with you life and have fun!! I didn't know not calling you back would make you cry...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
WTF to the responses...

Your response was pretty vague so a few questions. When your alone with the girl your saying you escalate and can get laid?

But when she's with her friends you can't seem to escalate because she is acting different?

Or overall she acts like she's never seen you?

Give an example? cause I have a feeling you misunderstand something that is going on.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Arite i was hanging out with these girls in the summer. im a pretty ****y guy i dont try to be ****y like most sosuave people i just am. So i told these girls that i made up a new language that english is to unsophisticated for me and they laugh and speak it with me. usually when i touch these girls they touch me bakc and ****, But in school when everyone is trying to be popular i do the same thing and then their like your so wierd and i try to kino and their like dont touch me. It pisses me off where girls change their personalities like how they change their shirts. I do things like this not only to the same girls but with different girls that i approach in school and i know these girls have retarded personalities. But when i act retarded and ****y they start giving me that ****ing look. And act like they dont want to have anything to do with me when i know if i met her randomly liek at a beach where none of her friends are around i would get her easily

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Im not talking about one girl im talking about different approaching situations. Like i think approaching a girl on the street is alot easier than approaching a girl in school. When i approach on the street its easy for me to get her number when i do the language thing on the street or start randomly freestyling to them i get a laugh and a # and a **** later. When i do that in school i get a wtf r u doing. Your a wierdo stay away from me. I hope this explained it better .


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Alkali said:
It's because you have no reputation. Girls care about that. Case solved.
Problem identified, maybe. What's the solution to getting a reputation?


New Member
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
hmm I've had this too.

When I'm with a girl 1 on 1 i can fake a rep.

Its real easy.

I mean, DHV, kinda give you a rep for just that one girl dosnt it?

My friend tony knows every girl in the ****ing school, so that helps me out, and gets me ****blocked occasionally as well.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
no im not gonna fake a rep to get a girl i never do that i just be myself i dont try to be anyone else and if thats what it takes to get a shallow stupid ***** that only cares about reputation than i guess ill be jerking off for a while like i said above. girls dont care about rep they only care about it in school because thier fuking fakes thats waht i think. Im not a ***** i dont act liek sumthing im not for ***** .


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I have this same exact problem right now, when some girls i know are w/ there friends they ignore what I say sometimes or they act like I'm weird and when were not act school there like normal, I think ill do the ignoring thing like axcell said that defiantly sound like it will work and its something I should already be doing because otherwise they probably see me as the person who will make time no matter what for them, and thats something that is not true about me i have things that are more meaningful than to talk to that girl.... jtrain hopes the same for you, and if you think of it this way than its not changing yourself but managing your time now and then


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
ok, dude, i dont know you but im goin to have a go at solving your problem, first of all why do you approach chicks what dont seem to respect you, i would bulk up it gets you soo much more respect, like axcell said neg them, lower them off their "pedestal, get more of a rep, do it for yourself, your gettin p1ssed off at getting negative responses, if you get a rep you are not being fake you are doing it for yourself,

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
lol yea lifesfun once i talk to a girl and she acts like im wierd than i keep doing what im doing to show them i dont giv a fuk what they think about me and if they keep trying to act tough i dont talk to them.. Lol and playa99 your wrong first of all im already big i weigh 205 and i bench like 315. getting a rep is the exavct opposite of being yourself when your yourself you dont need a rep because how u are is exactly how people see u. Getting a rep is basically acting like a girl girls are the ones that act fake in school and out were not supposed to do that and thats what a rep is being a fake son of a ***** thats to ***** to show his realsef. im not gonna act like im gangsta when im not just so people like me **** people. I dont even use techniques with girls nature has already gioven us all the instructions we need if they dont like that then **** them. acting fake to get a girl is putting her on the pedestal i hav better things to do like football then to concentrate on being a fake to get puss's that smell like dead fish. If thats what you do then i suggest you show your real self it taks alot of pressure of you. life gets aloyt eaiser and more fun because insted of you doing things cause everyone else likes them your doing its because you think its fun.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
getting a rep is exactly what the people like pook go against. That is denying your true self for the approval of other why do you need a rep i guarantee if you are yourself you will get a rep soon enough because nowadays people just wanna fit in if you be yourself you will stand out and that is what a reputation is. If girls dont like that im getting tired of writing this and my hand hurts cause i just finished doing this JERK THE **** OF. people are supossed to except you for who you are if they dont except you that most likely means they dont except themselves and their just hiding behind trhgeir pathetic little reps but i will stand man With GIRL OR WIThOUT girls most great men were bachelors anyway.