Does this girl like me?


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Stupid question here, but please I really do appreciate your opinions. There's this girl that I'm kinda getting mixed signals from and want your "outside" opinions.

Basically we're in the beginning process of starting a relationship (nothing solid yet). But she invites me over frequently. We hold hands and cuddle when we watch movies. She's super flirty, loves tickling me and is even doing that thing where she laughs at my jokes as if I'm the funniest man alive (which we all know is just there where of letting us know they like us right?). She sent me a text the other day telling me she was going out on a hot date, which she did just to see my reaction (I played it cool) and she told me she was just joking.. I'm assuming that was a test to see my interest level and to judge how jealous I get.

Anyways, it's pretty safe to assume this girl digs me right?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Yes she digs you.

Cut back on the cuddling and ESPECIALLY hand holding. Those things come down the road when she has proven that she is ALL about you.

For now keep her interest by being your own man and not giving into her. Oh yeah, escalate sexually.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
dude..she diggs you absolutely.
good on you.

Please be a little more explanatory to OP, if hes asking you if she diggs him, then he is probably as confused about what you are saying.

if you tell him cut back on the cuddles and hand holding, does that give her the wrong signal? and escalate s3xually? if you cut back on cuddling and hand holdin how can you get her to put out s3xually?...

please explain...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
100% shes into you, my advice would be not to go over at every invintation she gives, show that youre busy with other things and that you'll find a way to fit HER into YOUR busy schedule, even if its a complete lie and you just play halo 3 all night. Id go for the kiss next time though.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
Um, what is mixed about those signals? If you don't score with this chick, you will have committed the biggest ball-drop since Clint Stoerner. She wants you. Just make your move and make it happen.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks guys, I figured as much. It really helps to hear it from others! Yes those signals are clear. Where I was having the problem is I've asked her out twice now... the first time she said yes, but then said she was sick so canceled, then the next week I asked her out again and she said she couldn't cause she was going to see the dark knight (sweet movie!) with her friends. Turns out that was actually on thursday night, so she should have been open on friday. Also, she texted me tons and I mean tons in the beginning, but has backed off big time recently... So I guess I was just wondering if thats all normal... maybe she was just trying to get my attention in the beginning and now that she knows she has it, she doesn't feel the need to try as hard...? Tell me what ya think? Thanks a million for the advice already given!!!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
dennisjr2222 said:
Thanks guys, I figured as much. It really helps to hear it from others! Yes those signals are clear. Where I was having the problem is I've asked her out twice now... the first time she said yes, but then said she was sick so canceled, then the next week I asked her out again and she said she couldn't cause she was going to see the dark knight (sweet movie!) with her friends. Turns out that was actually on thursday night, so she should have been open on friday. Also, she texted me tons and I mean tons in the beginning, but has backed off big time recently... So I guess I was just wondering if thats all normal... maybe she was just trying to get my attention in the beginning and now that she knows she has it, she doesn't feel the need to try as hard...? Tell me what ya think? Thanks a million for the advice already given!!!
yeah her flaking is a bad sign. You probably didn't act quickly enough. I would advise distancing yourself from her. Don't contact her. Make her contact you. And when she does you can go from there.