Does she like me and how do i take her?


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Hey new to the boards and could use some help.

My situation is this I have had girls from school and work and the other school in my county over the years but this year i am going to a school just built this year and meeting a lot of chicks i would of never met before. So after scoping out the situation i found one i really liked...I would say she is a 9 body and is smart and funny to and so i started working on her and but found she has a boy firend but that hasnt really slowed me down.

So any way this is where i am at we have some regular physical contact just joking around and stuff at school and we talk a bit at school sometimes she'll go out of her way to include me into conversations(I sit in a seating order by all her friends) and once after we met at the mall and talked alone fer a bit she searched me out on ICQ and found my contact and added me and we talk on there some usually about school but sometimes just joking around.

So here i sit and wonder what should i do....her and the BF seem close and have been going out for about 8 months so does she like me or just being nice and is she worth time to keep working on.....I am doing this solo at school too we hang out with different crowds and are from different towns so it isnt easy that way either.

All help is appreciated and i read some of the bible too and do know how to pick up but it just different with this girl i am looking fer more than a night now.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Durham, NC
Welcome to the boards bro. Don't worry about it, anyone you talk to here has gone through the same ol' bull****.

You think you want a guide, step by step, on how to get your girl. And honestly, I could give something like that that may even have a relatively high success rate.

BUT, I would not be helping you. One of the things you need to learn on your path is that no one can give you an answer to all your problems, one that works 100% of the time. Rather, I will tell you that we all have come down the road you're on now.

Work at being a DJ. Keep reading the bible, keep working.

As for that girl, forget her!!! Easier said than done i know, but focus on the girl you normally wouldn't. You'd be amazed at how many awesome ladies that are out there.

Start here! Good luck ;)

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hey man, I have the SAME EXACT PROBLEM. Forgetting the girl....whoa....I have a thread on that....and people gave lots of advice. You might wanna check it out. But I was OBSESSED. Yes, and I still kinda am. It's a lot easier said than done. Anyways, all I gotta say is that be careful to see if she's just using you or not. If she's usually kinda shy girl, then she's probably blinded by the fact hat she has a BOYFRIEND. No matter how bad, he is, he'll always be a prince in her eyes. But if she's popular/outgoing, That's what people say....but I 'm probably wrong:(


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score

Thanks Viva but what i am looking for is the step by step one ;). I have been with the plenty of other girls and sampled many different types of people and have no trouble getting them and some have lasted a long time others not but now this is a new challenge and it intrigues me.

This is the most perfect girl for me i think i ever me seriously though she is funny sarcastic hot and smart(we are in a semestered school and we have all 8 classes the same) and even though i did try forgetting her on the christmas break i couldnt.

The fact that she has a boyfriend doesnt stop me so I dont wanna just forget her after i feel about her this way. Plus i have been in this situation before except slightly different because me and the girl worked together and hung out a little. She had a boyfriend when me and her met but i went after her and she and had her if i wanted her (she told me that if i would of asked her to break up with her boyfriend she would of but i told her i liked another girl) but i didnt want her because i liked this other girl more and i am not one to settle.

I have no trouble picking up girls when they are single and i know for a fact i could of taken 2 girls away from there Bf's(they told me) but they weren't what i wanted at the time it just with this girl the only time i see her with out looking suspicous is at school or O/L and everything i do is around her friends not mine so its more difficult and i was looking for advice. Though if everyone seems to think i should just forget her maybe I will.

Thanks again....and thanks fer the reference posts Viva i read all four and there was some good stuff in there and if anyone has some suggested readings(from the bible or themself) gimmie a link and it would be much appreciated.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Durham, NC
Well then, go get her!!!

You'd be amazed at how much power you have. You'd be amazed at what you can achieve. Let this girl be your "challenge" for the next few weeks, even though I highly advise you to just walk away.

OK, best thing for you is this.

1. one week c+f, joke around with her, give her the line "too bad you have a bf". USE A HELL OF A LOT OF KINO. Push the limits...

2. GANJI GAMES, which is leaving her alone for a while (at least one week, or until she comes back to you). CUT OFF contact, if she comes back, then you know she at least cares enough about you to not completely ditch you.

If she just doesnt't give a ****, then she will not come back after the Ganji games and that would be your cue to WALK AWAY.

The reason why i tell you to focus attention elsewhere is because odds are are that you won't succeed, if you can handlethat failure then go for it.

There are plenty of other girls out there just as good as this one, so honestly you really should just leave it alone. I personaly try not to steal a guys gf, but again that is a personal decision.

Have fun ;)
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Don Juan
Aug 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by VIVAlasVEGASBaby


With all due respect VIVAlasVEGASBaby, I strongly disagree with suggesting Ganji Games to newbies.

Displaying higher value, independence, and non-neediness are formidable tools, but this Ganji Games thing is getting out of hand.

Porky made a thread about this

but the verdict is split/inconclusive.

In the game of the Don Juan, inner game and value is much more important than tips and techniques. There are somethings in Don Juanism that are black and white / a priori (eg. Supplication is BAD), while other techniques are in a gray area. I believe that the success of these grey area techniques are dependant on your congruency with them, and your general skill level. I think newbies should be suggested to work on the black and white.

Once again VIVA, I don't intend to start a war, I simply present my opinion in hopes that people will evaluate suggestions, especially since this is an one-itis situation.

I completely agree with VIVA on this though



Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Durham, NC
Daani, No worries. No war will be fought ;)

I simply gave him what i tought to be the best way of "getting his girl" however risky it is.

I warned him, i told him to forget about it. He still wanted his how to guide.

I told him Ganji Games exactly because he is a newbie. He'll realize soon enough that maybe all his work will be better spent elsewhere. As for suggesting Ganji games to a newb, i completely agree with not offering it, but i am giving what he thinks he wants so he will fail (even though my guide is gearded towards him getting that girl). He'll realize soon enough what he really wants. ;)

You have to fail and hit rock bottom before you understand what really matters.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I can pull off ganji games fine, but if you read some of the other threads about them most guys screw up when attempting them.

Just a caveat.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ganji Games

1. I am a newbie to the board but not when it comes to picking up so you dont have to really talk down about me ;).

2. I have read about Ganji games and i have to admit its something i have never tried (but i have never needed to before) The thing is i dont seeing it working here for two reasons.
a) she has a boyfriend as i said so she doesn't need to come to me i have to take her with me as i see it. if ignore someone with a boyfriend i think they will just forget me.
b) New school and different social groups we arent(well i mean we dont goto the same parties) and were never friends and i dont know her friends so she doesnt need to come to talk to me about that either really so she doesnt have to come to me again.

Explaining the BF thing- Me and him know each other and have never gotten along so taking her from him doesnt bug me. The girl i could of took over Christmas i left b/c me and her BF have been friends fer years.

So as i see it i will prolly go after her fer maybe a month(she is worth the time if you knew her trust me) i am in no rush to get into another relatioship i dumped one girl on the break and like i said could of had another one(her best friend actually LOL) so i can focus on one project girl for now after coming off a relationship.

Again though replies are appreciated