I've suffered from cystic acne (the worst kind, and it leaves scars) since I was 13 years old. I have been on every medication for acne known. I was even on Acutane twice (that **** is nasty).
Suffice to say, I'm 27 and still have issues, although it is less severe. I have scaring but acutane helped heal many of the worst scars. The scars on the inside, on your self esteem, can last a life time.
That said, there is actually some new studies that does show diet can trigger breakouts.
Western Diet Linked to Acne
December 2002
For many years diet has been suspected to contribute to acne. A recent international study comes to the conclusion that Western diets are at least partly to blame. The belief is that refined starches and sugars stimulate the production of insulin, causing an excess production of male hormones. They, in turn, cause the overproduction of sebum, the oily substance that clogs pores.
The study compared Western populations with people of primitive cultures which have no refined products in their diet. The difference in acne rates was striking: 79 to 95 percent of Westerners have teenage acne, while none of their Primitive culture counterparts suffered from the affliction. When switched to a Western diet, they experienced similar rates of acne as Westerners.
While notable in it's findings, the study is not considered by some medical experts to be scientific. But it is noteworthy, as other experts, such as Dr. Nicholas Perricone, also recommend foods that are low on the glycemic index, which correlates to the body's production of insulin.
I have been told in the past that diet does not effect acne. This is untrue for some people. You may actually have an allergic reaction to many foods that will cause breakouts. Trust me, I've been to many dermatologists, and they all say the same thing "Eat a healthy diet regardless".
There is hope. Within the last few months, I have completely eliminated certain high risk foods and activities from my life and infact I have seen a massive improvement in controlling my acne. These are easy to do and cost nothing.
1) Stop eating junkfood, simple starches, cola, coffee. These can trigger insulin spikes which can impede proper levels of skin oil. This step alone has improved my overall health as well as my complextion.
2) Drink tons of water. This goes hand in hand with a healthy diet and good complextion.
3) Avoid hot showers, baths, steam rooms, hot tubs. Do not wash more than twice a day if at all possible, but by all means wash after excerting yourself (excercise, heavy work). Do not scrub your skin too harshly, as this can trigger increased oil production. You can learn to enjoy cold showers, they are great for waking up =)
4) Avoid prolonged sunbathing, as this can dry the skin and trigger oil production. Small doeses of sunbathing are healthy for skin but don't sit out too long without sunscreen.
5) Stop touching your skin where you have acne.
6) Wear loose fitting and comfortable natural fibers. Also wear an undershirt (cotton) when ever possible.
7) Excercise, Excercise, Excercise - Get into weightlifting or running, or some other activity. This helps keep your body fit, but more importantly, keeps stress levels down (a MAJOR cause of acne).
8) Practice stress relief. Meditation, relaxing music, taking walks, watching funny movies. TRUST ME, stress will wreak havoc on your mind and body and trigger your worst outbreaks of pimples.
9) Eat lots of foods rich in omega 3, like fish. This stuff is magic.
10) Avoid benziol peroxide. This stuff drys your skin out too much. Its mainly for people with lite acne. Instead use oil free healthy soaps and moisterizers.
As DX_Flyer said, everyone is different. But if you follow those steps I can safely say your skin will look more healthly and you will have less acne. Stick with it, it is a life long programme, it takes time to see results, but it has worked wonders for me.