Does not drinking hurt my game?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
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Call me a fool but I'm turning 21 in a couple of days and I HAVE NEVER drunk a beer in my entire life. :confused: Maybe it's me but everytime I'm talking to peeps the subject of drinking comes up. Every girl I'm into either drinks or smokes. I have never done anything (Smoke, drink, no drugs) in my life and I'm confused. Does being "drug-free" help or hurt my game? Yes older people always look at me and say things like, "it's amazing you don't drink or smoke" or "What! you don't drink! that's good man!" I don't drink/smoke/do drugs because of A BAD child-hood (which I believe where the cause of my AFC-ways). :confused: :confused: :confused:


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
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There is nothing wrong with not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. In the way of the game, you might actually draw better girls to you because you have some "code" (lack of a better word at the moment) you live by. It shows you have your feet on the ground and are sure of yourself.

Be confident in yourself and women will come to you.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
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we'll I'll be the first to say it sure as hell doesn't feel that way. Even though I'm not it feels like I'm missing out on something


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
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ProDJ26 said:
Call me a fool but I'm turning 21 in a couple of days and I HAVE NEVER drunk a beer in my entire life. :confused: Maybe it's me but everytime I'm talking to peeps the subject of drinking comes up. Every girl I'm into either drinks or smokes. I have never done anything (Smoke, drink, no drugs) in my life and I'm confused. Does being "drug-free" help or hurt my game? Yes older people always look at me and say things like, "it's amazing you don't drink or smoke" or "What! you don't drink! that's good man!" I don't drink/smoke/do drugs because of A BAD child-hood (which I believe where the cause of my AFC-ways). :confused: :confused: :confused:
dont smoke, dont do drugs, but casually drinking NEVER killed anybody...

your lack of game might be with some girls perception that your too uptight.. in the way you act.. drinking might help you get that out of the way...

im not advocating anything bad here.. its good that you dont do those 3 things, if you are a fun person without drinking then forget what i said, or learn to be fun without being drunk..

in a nutshell: just relax!


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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yea im 15 and i will NEVER smoke or do drugs

however i do drink now and then and it really loosens me up especially around the ladies

when you drink dont get crazy drunk or anything but gettin a little tipsy never hurt anyone and it can help your game out alot


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
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sav said:
your lack of game might be with some girls perception that your too uptight.. in the way you act.. drinking might help you get that out of the way...
if someone says you look uptight & boring you can always answer: "well, i get my adrenaline rush from skydiving" :rockon:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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kreuz said:

There is nothing wrong with not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. In the way of the game, you might actually draw better girls to you because you have some "code" (lack of a better word at the moment) you live by. It shows you have your feet on the ground and are sure of yourself.

Be confident in yourself and women will come to you.

Exactly. Women like guys that know what they want. I've learned this from first hand experience. They like confident men that know what they want, have values and morals they live by, and aren't afraid of being made fun of. You'll stumble upon a girl eventually. I know a lot of 20, 21 year olds that used to drink but now realize that there's really no point. Maybe it's just where you're looking, on a friday night, instead of going to a party, why not go to the library?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
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I gotta say that drinking was a good decision I made.

I didn't drink ANYTHING til I was 20. I didn't want to, and had a bad history as well. However, I have had a lot of great opportunities come about from drinking.

First, when I drink I do loosen up and I have a lot more fun. I am less reserved and don;'t over analyze or think things. This can be good with women.

Second, I have made great contacts and networking from drinking. Oh, the guy next to you at the bar is talking about his business. I can chat him up without seeming weird, or 'alternative' because we are out drinking at a bar and it's socially acceptable for everyone to talk amongst eachother without seeing weird.

So, I have made contacts, and had people I met while out having fun that have added value to my life.

Third, what do you do when the 'guys' want to go out for a brew and let off some steam. It creates a bond between co-workers, etc.

Fourth, grabbing a drink can be a fun, cheap, short and sweet date.

Sometimes people freak out on here when mentioning 'drinking.' But, if you can be smart, I don't see why you can't go out and have some drinks on a given Friday or Saturday--let loose on the dancefloor, talk to that girl you might not under different circumstances, and have a good laugh with buddies. It can bring fun memories.

I am not saying, drink, drink, drink. But, I have been in your shoes and I am glad that I am about to go out drink (not feel guilty) and meet new people, fun with friends, and just relax for an evening.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
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Eb9#5 said:
if someone says you look uptight & boring you can always answer: "well, i get my adrenaline rush from skydiving" :rockon:
what good is that if your naturally uptight?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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How would not drinking hurt your game, this seems very strange.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Props. Most AFC's use drinking as a crutch to try to lower their inhibitions. Work on your game without alcohol. Invest the money you save on a new car or a down payment on a house. Your liver and fellow freeway flyers will thank you.


ProDJ26 said:
I HAVE NEVER drunk a beer in my entire life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I don't think you should use alcohol as a crutch to lower inhibitions. But social, moderate drinking can definitely spice up your life in some good ways like Scought mentioned.

Alcohol isn't really something to be afraid of.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I drank so much for the past 16 years that I think I broke my liver. Now my hangovers last for days; three beers = sick in bed for three days, so I had to quit.

Bars are the only place where it is odd to not drink. If not drinking makes you feel out of place, just buy one bottle of that cheap swill known as American beer and carry it around all night. It's worth the 2-3 bucks as a prop to fit in.
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
It does both IMO, it helps because it shows you have standards for yourself, but it hurts you because when you drink, or do other things like drugs with the girl it creates a fun story between you two, plus your both not thinking clearly which leads to the bed room : ) So I would say drink with the girl to get to start things off then whn you two hang out turn down the alcohol, and say you only drink everyone in a while. There u can have both, your standards and the druken story with her.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Just getting a glass of water or a soda will allow you to "fit in" by having a drink in your hand. And it costs a lot less. I have nothing against moderate social drinking, but I find for most people it's a crutch, it rarely helps and it gets expensive, especially over time.



Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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dang CalmCool, that is surprisingly good advice for a man with 3 posts.



Don Juan
Mar 1, 2005
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Not drinking is fine. If you don't want to, don't do it. Your problem is that you think your not drinking makes you socially awkward. If that's what you think then that's what it will become for you. You need to understand, believe, and feel that not drinking is something good which shows your: mature, know what you want, have control, and can have fun without drinking. Anyone who can't respect that is complete trash. If you believe and feel this way about not drinking you will find others will too. This is because of all the signals you'll give off. Right now when you turn down a drink you probably feel socially inept, unconfident, and like a loser; guess what, everyone can see this and this, and that’s how they'll treat you for not drinking.

I don't drink right now either. When I tell people I don't drink I think it's a good thing and they should if anything respect me more for it, every time they do.

Here’s an example: I was at this party and publicly told a bunch of people I don’t drink when I was asked why I'm not drinking. Of course I said this very confidently like there’s nothing wrong with it and they should respect it. One guy said something like “Ya, but don’t you like to get the taste of it, even if you don’t drink much, that’s what I…” then he got cut off by the people around him and they were saying how dare you try and peer pressure this guy, that’s horrible.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
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Not drinking will only hurt your game if you let it.

In the same way, drinking if you dont want to be drinking is going to hurt you. Girls are going to be able to sense that you aren't comfortable drinking or you are doing something just because it is the thing to be done.

It's fine if you don't want to drink. You don't need to explain it to anyone. If someone offers me a cigarette while I'm out, I say "Thanks, but I don't smoke." Same goes if someone offers you a drink.

You can do all the same things that everyone else does without consuming alcohol. There is also something to be said for going in with a clear head.

You basically have to do what is right for you. It's going to impress people more if you take a firm stance and do it with integrity than if you change your beliefs to accomodate other people.

Drink coke or water. If someone asks why you don't drink, come up with a few snappy comebacks. Make light of it. "My psych meds don't mix with alcohol" something stupid like that. Or look them in the eye and say "I just dont" and move on.

If you keep focussing on small aspects like this, you're going to get tripped up really easily. The fact is, it's not really WHAT you do that matters but HOW you do it. If you act in line with your beliefs and do so with confidence and integrity thats when you know that you have your game together, and people will pick up on that.

Good luck man.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
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ProDJ26 said:
Call me a fool but I'm turning 21 in a couple of days and I HAVE NEVER drunk a beer in my entire life. :confused: Maybe it's me but everytime I'm talking to peeps the subject of drinking comes up. Every girl I'm into either drinks or smokes. I have never done anything (Smoke, drink, no drugs) in my life and I'm confused. Does being "drug-free" help or hurt my game? Yes older people always look at me and say things like, "it's amazing you don't drink or smoke" or "What! you don't drink! that's good man!" I don't drink/smoke/do drugs because of A BAD child-hood (which I believe where the cause of my AFC-ways). :confused: :confused: :confused:
If you don't want to drink, then don't drink.

I gave up drinking after years working on the door of clubs - I don't want alcohol in me, having seen what it's done to so many other people! I also had 'bad' experinces with alcohol when I was a child, so I know totally where you're coming from.

You'll cop a lot of peer pressure (STILL people give me crap for not drinking on almost a weekly basis), but you'll be the one with the holier-than-thou grin on your face the next day when they're suffering from a mean hangover.

And yeah, it will almost certainly affect your game - It's harder to approach girls (especially in a club environment) when you're not drunk... But I adjusted when I stopped drinking, and feel better for it.

For me, it goes like this...

Pros, a lot of people (worthwhile people, not drunk slappers) respect someone who has the willpower not to get drunk all the time. I also think it makes all people feel more reassured when around you (gotta be a good thing). You'll be healthier if you don't drink (don't buy that crud about 1 1/2 glasses of red wine a day being good for your heart - thats true, but it doesn't quite work when you drink three weeks worth of wine every Saturday night, which is what most drinkers do). You'll also find it easier to stay in shape - Fastest way to a big gut is beer (round my way, it's called.... a beer belly). Also, think of the money you save if you're drinking cokes and waters. Biggest pro for me is that you meet a higher calibre of girl outside of the meatmarket clubs - college libraries, health food stores, walking in the park... I think the girls I meet in those places are much more fun.

Cons, if you're like me you'll go out less than you would if you were to drink. This means you might need to think up other ways to score. I've already mentionned that it's much easier for a drunk guy to pick up a drunk girl than it is for a sober guy to pick up a sober girl, or for a sober guy to pick up a sober girl.

Summary - Drink if you want to, but take it from someone whos seen countless drunks seriously injured (or killed) as a direct result of their drinking - it's not all fun and games. Equally, although drinking will change your game it won't necessarily destroy it. Basically, do your own thing... And only do what you want to do - if peer pressure is your only reason for drinking, then you're a total chump ;) :up: - Hope this helps.