Does it get easier when you are older?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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I´m 17 years old and it seems like I´m cursed. There is something about me that girls hate, I just can´t figure out what. I´m good looking, but it seems that I really can´t get another gf. I had a gf a while ago in the US, but it wasn´t anything serious. Back in Germany the problem is in school there are no hot chicks in my grade.
I just came back from a club. I totally hate clubbing, but I got nothing else to do on the weekends. Picking up women there is almost impossible. Where I´m from you need to have the social value of a rockstar to make out with chicks in a club otherwise you´re gonna fail miserably cuz the ***** shield is incredibly high and amoks are everywhere. It´s like they can immediately see through me and sense that I´m a loser in their eyes. I don´t mind cuz most of the chicks there are ugly anyways. Everytime I see someone in a club that tries to pick up chicks gets totally blown off. I wished I was a natural.
Why does picking up women have to be so hard?
I just don´t know what I´m doing wrong. Is picking up young chicks harder than older chicks because you need to have really high social value?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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Speaking for me only, the older I get the more important I see it is to know exactly what you want. Cus any idiot knows what they don't want. Also stop making all these definitive laws about life and where you live being 'the exception'. Besides maybe gravity, eating, sleeping, and craping life can go any which way. Somes social proof helps, sometimes it doesn't matter. Sometimes c&f works, other times it backfires horribly. Don't expect much consistancy out of anything in life.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
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You want to know why they are picking up that your a loser. It's because your allowing them to. You see you are subconciously sending signals through your body language that shows you are doubtful. It's showing that you are unconfident in yourself. And let me tell you something it's not going to get better with age but it will get better with knowledge. Go out and pick up some books about body language and read up on what your doing wrong so you can fix it. I also highly recommend "The Sale's Bible" by Jeffrey Gitomer. It is an amazing sale's book that will teach you alot on how you can sell yourself. You'll become alot more confident in yourself once you figure out how.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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thefonz said:
Speaking for me only, the older I get the more important I see it is to know exactly what you want. Cus any idiot knows what they don't want. Also stop making all these definitive laws about life and where you live being 'the exception'. Besides maybe gravity, eating, sleeping, and craping life can go any which way. Somes social proof helps, sometimes it doesn't matter. Sometimes c&f works, other times it backfires horribly. Don't expect much consistancy out of anything in life.[/QUOTE]
Hmm, I believe when you know exactly what you want and you work on it you can achieve consistancy. The more you work on your game - the better and more consistent you get in picking up women IMO...


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Klippymitch said:
You want to know why they are picking up that your a loser. It's because your allowing them to. You see you are subconciously sending signals through your body language that shows you are doubtful. It's showing that you are unconfident in yourself. And let me tell you something it's not going to get better with age but it will get better with knowledge. Go out and pick up some books about body language and read up on what your doing wrong so you can fix it. I also highly recommend "The Sale's Bible" by Jeffrey Gitomer. It is an amazing sale's book that will teach you alot on how you can sell yourself. You'll become alot more confident in yourself once you figure out how.
I think you are right. That might be my problem.
Another question: Can too much masturbation affect your game?


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
I think you are right. That might be my problem.
Another question: Can too much masturbation affect your game?
I seriously doubt it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
Klippymitch said:
You want to know why they are picking up that your a loser. It's because your allowing them to. You see you are subconciously sending signals through your body language that shows you are doubtful. It's showing that you are unconfident in yourself. And let me tell you something it's not going to get better with age but it will get better with knowledge. Go out and pick up some books about body language and read up on what your doing wrong so you can fix it. I also highly recommend "The Sale's Bible" by Jeffrey Gitomer. It is an amazing sale's book that will teach you alot on how you can sell yourself. You'll become alot more confident in yourself once you figure out how.
I'm going to reiterate the bolded part. Some people tend to think all various forms of social/people/etc skills just come with age, but that isn't true at all. Relying on the passing of time to give you skills with people will only leave you alone and miserable and right back where you started years ago. I should know. You have to make a conscientious effort to go out and improve yourself.

I think you are right. That might be my problem.
Another question: Can too much masturbation affect your game?
I don't know about "your game", but if you're always alleviating your sexual urges with your palm then you won't have as much of a natural drive to pursue women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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I don't know about "your game", but if you're always alleviating your sexual urges with your palm then you won't have as much of a natural drive to pursue women.
Well, I masturbate a lot. I´m feeling tired often and my mind seems to work slower. I also don´t have any sex drive...


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Oh I see you are also having physical symptoms. I bet you've been stressed out for awhile and the stress has played a huge part in the development of your symptoms. You see when someone is stressed over a long period of time their brain changes and nuerons wither in the hippocampus part of the brain. This results in the person developing Depression and it's hard to get out of. But don't worry I will help you. First you need some supplements and I have tried these and I will tell you they are the best I have tried thus far. And I have tried alot of supplements and meds trying to fight depression.

2 Methyl 13-C - It's a bodybuilding product with the main ingredients being Creatine, Nitrous Malate, and Caffeine. It is amazing at increasing your energy levels.

Black Hole by Controlled Labs - It's a Appetite Enhancer but it is a really a good anti-depressant and anti-anxiety supplement. You see the main ingredients in this product effect the CB2 Receptors in your brain. It's the same receptors marijuana effects but this product doesnt get you high. Because Marijauana also effects CB1 receptors and that's what produces the psychoactive effects of weed.

Any ways I hope this helps you and you get better.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Also if you do choose to take my advice. Can you update me in the future I would love to know if it has helped you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Klippymitch said:
Oh I see you are also having physical symptoms. I bet you've been stressed out for awhile and the stress has played a huge part in the development of your symptoms. You see when someone is stressed over a long period of time their brain changes and nuerons wither in the hippocampus part of the brain. This results in the person developing Depression and it's hard to get out of. But don't worry I will help you. First you need some supplements and I have tried these and I will tell you they are the best I have tried thus far. And I have tried alot of supplements and meds trying to fight depression.

2 Methyl 13-C - It's a bodybuilding product with the main ingredients being Creatine, Nitrous Malate, and Caffeine. It is amazing at increasing your energy levels.

Black Hole by Controlled Labs - It's a Appetite Enhancer but it is a really a good anti-depressant and anti-anxiety supplement. You see the main ingredients in this product effect the CB2 Receptors in your brain. It's the same receptors marijuana effects but this product doesnt get you high. Because Marijauana also effects CB1 receptors and that's what produces the psychoactive effects of weed.

Any ways I hope this helps you and you get better.
Thanks for the advice, but I don´t wanna take any supplements. I am stressed out, that´s true. The thing is the only reason why I´m feeling depressed sometimes is because I miss the US. I noticed a big change in my personality and self confidence when I came back to Germany. I don´t seem to feel happy where I live now. It seems that I´m just existing right now and not living. The good thing is in about 6months I´ll be back in the states and go to college there, so that helps me a little to be more positive. My theory is that women can sense that I´m not truly happy and that´s why they are trying to avoid me...


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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PlasticSurgeon said:
Listen bud.. I have a solution.

Your job is to make friends with a guy who you respect and who you know get's women, and has the respect of women. Be his best friend, follow him around, watch how he talks, how he walks, and find out all his motivations. Just like an actor would. You then have to mold yourself, using him as a guideline.

I did this and it was awesome. Eventually I formed my own style apart from my mentor, but in the beginning I was even starting to look like this guy. You will go from Zero to Hero in no time!

And yes, it gets easier when you're older.
You are right, but all the puas I know are complete a$$holes that are only popular with girls because they tease other people and are the most annoying and obnoxious people. They are jerk puas. Don´t get me wrong, but I USED to be a real pua that just couldn´t close because I was a pvssy at that time, but I had game. I think I´m just out of practice because I don´t really consider any of the chicks I see in nightclubs as hot and if I do, they always have a bf that like owns the club or something...

I think I have my own solution:
What I´m gonna do is, I´ll spend the next 6 months of life on studying and improving my game. I don´t care if I get slaughtered by some stupid biatches that think they Mrs. World because in 6 months I´ll have to start all over again, but as a different me. An improved me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:

I´m 17 years old and it seems like I´m cursed. There is something about me that girls hate, I just can´t figure out what. I´m good looking, but it seems that I really can´t get another gf. I had a gf a while ago in the US, but it wasn´t anything serious. Back in Germany the problem is in school there are no hot chicks in my grade.
I just came back from a club. I totally hate clubbing, but I got nothing else to do on the weekends. Picking up women there is almost impossible. Where I´m from you need to have the social value of a rockstar to make out with chicks in a club otherwise you´re gonna fail miserably cuz the ***** shield is incredibly high and amoks are everywhere. It´s like they can immediately see through me and sense that I´m a loser in their eyes. I don´t mind cuz most of the chicks there are ugly anyways. Everytime I see someone in a club that tries to pick up chicks gets totally blown off. I wished I was a natural.
We're all naturals in some areas. Very few are actually naturals when dealing with women, but it can become ALMOST natural, with some experience. On occasion, I want to be more "manly" with how I handle women. There's still a niceguy somewhere in my brain that makes me tempted to always run through hoops for people. But you have to work on it. A lot of worthwhile things take time and effort. I'm a kid who went from being hyper (twitchy) and nervous to a much calmer person. But it took time, effort; a lot of growth and maturity.

ChrizZ said:
Why does picking up women have to be so hard?

Because most of them weigh a lot. Badoom boom!

Certain things will get better. Like in high school, there will always be cliques, but the amount goes way down.

As far as women go, I'm doing a lot better in how I react and what I say, and how I treat them, but I still can't seem to get a date...

I'm more willing to call people out on their garbage. I've got a long way to go, but I've made some good strides towards becoming the man I want to be.

You will always have jerks. But hopefully the amount eventually goes away.

Keep working on it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
It's not just the getting OLDER part, it's the getting MORE EXPERIENCED part that makes the difference. So, as you get more experienced (and older, of course) it becomes easier to pick up.


Younger chicks, im-humble-o, were MUCH easier to pick up than chicks older chicks. Teenage girls, now that I look back, were a piece of cake to pick up compared to chicks in their early 20s. I was still picking up 17 year olds at 22, just 'cos they were easier to pick up (which maybe is why I never developed in actual skills of note). Now that I'm 25, the 17-19 market is closed off to me, but the early 20s chicks I find very frustrating.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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and why is it that most of the time the loud and obnoxious guys that act like a$$holes get all the girls? Can the calm and quiet guy also be a pua?