Does Genuine interested women still give sh1t test???


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Do you guys think a women that is genuinely interested in you will still give you sh1t test to see if you care about them or like them as much as they like you???

I ask this because a couple of chics have done this to me and one in particular pulled the phone issue game wit me. So there was no contact until she reached back to me a week and half lata. Now she is being cold and distant towards me. Im thinking she wanted to see how much i care and how genuinely interested I wuz. But u kno what, to me she put me in a lose-lose situation. If I had done the opposite, she would have been running away big time with her not reaching back. Is there a balance inbetween being needy and not caring or did I do the right thing by not reaching out because she is now mad at me ???

Tips would be greatly appreciated.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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Yes. Women always put you through tests. Life is a test that Nice Guys/AFC's fail.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
YES... cause it makes the dating game more fun for them since there is no challenge in the the fact that they can have any man they want any time they want cause there are too many men and not enough women...


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
DonS said:
The more a woman is interested in you, the more sh!t tests you will receive. Think about it; does your mom sht test you? Does the nasty ass mail lady sht tst you? Sht tests are a great sign. If she stops sht testing you, it means she doesn't really care anymore and you are on the way out.

She is acting cold and distant? Why in the hell would you want to hang around that? Absolutely zero contact until she contacts you; and when she asks why you haven't been calling, you say because I've got way too much going on to spend any time on someone who is cold and distant. She will see you are a man with options and high standards; and secretly, that is what she hopes you will turn out to be.
U know what, she was acting cold and distant because I didnt crumble by calling her everyday looking for her like most men would. She obviously requires attention not to the extent of an attention ***** but knowing me and my approach with getting to know females, I think she wants to make sure that Im not an a-whole or a d1ck head, so what did I do, I checked up on her like I was the bad guy but I NEVA APOLOGIZED FOR MY ACTIONS BECAUSE IT DEFINITELY WASNT WARRANTED HERE. I guess we have to deal wit their sh1t test. But I've been consistent wit my actions of being cool in any of these types of situation. So at the end of the day, Im good no matter what. Thanks for your input guys. Anymore advice would be added benefit for all of us here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
I find it disappointing that it's both normal and acceptable to play hard to get...initially, not returning phone calls for a week and/or flaking, when there is genuine interest. I'm playing this game with one woman right now, as she takes way too long to return calls. She definitely is losing points by the day, that's for sure.

I'm told that the games stop around 30ish, when their biological clock starts ticking.


New Member
May 25, 2008
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Did anyone here recover from a failed test, where she told you her feelings had changed?

I recently failed a test and want to apply some damage control to repair things.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Don't have time to read the replies since I'm on the train but there is a lot of insights I noticed...

If your the sex worthy guy then you won't get the obvious congruence tests. When I was at my best I was getting subtle tests...such as if I go in my head for a certain amount of time or flinch...I would start losing the set.

Reason you don't get the obvious one's is because your authentic, she can tell your real on so many levels because your centered.

You will always get tested whether its obvious or subtle. Chicks want to see if you are a man who can handle her especially the 9s...I don't even want to go indepth on how these 9s subtly test you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
TruthTeller said:
Is there a balance inbetween being needy and not caring or did I do the right thing by not reaching out because she is now mad at me ???

Tips would be greatly appreciated.
I think you have to show interest but also make sure she knows you have other options or make sure she knows you don't need her!! What I do is always say I'm not looking for anything but I'm keeping an open mind. That way they know you're not rushing to find somebody.

I was conatcting a girl last week and she suddenly stopped on thursday nite. I just got a text from her there asking how my weekend was!! haha. Thats because I didn't contact her back. :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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spiritpresent said:
Did anyone here recover from a failed test, where she told you her feelings had changed?

I recently failed a test and want to apply some damage control to repair things.
Nothing you can do except completely cut off all contact with her.

We tell guys this all the time, they don't listen, the girl gets tired of the guy being around trying to work out "damage control" calls him a creepy psycho, threatens police action and then we inevitably get the post...

"Wow, you guys were right, no contact is the way to go".

So go no contact and in the meantime game other chicks and if the one you want never comes back to you she wasn't worth a damn anyway for your life. :up:


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
i don't get sh!t tested much because i don't have many relationships that last past a day or aren't 'friends with benefits' scenarios. i think guys who seem to be more into dating get sh!t tested a lot more. i'm only out for the sex.

but yes, i do believe women will sh1t test a man that they are interested in. possibly to figure out his own interest in her.

and yeah, there is a balance between being needy and not caring. but it's never acceptable to be needy, yet, is often acceptable to be non-caring... so i'd lean as close to non-caring as you are comfortable with. and make adjustments at half time...


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
9 months into the DJ world, my impression is that they never really go away. Not sure if this will evolve or not. At first, as I became more DJ, there was a huge spike in the number of sh!t tests I was receiving. I have noticed that with my longer lasting acquaintances, the tests appear less direct but are nonetheless part of the banter. At this point, I think it starts becoming more a function of your persona (I enjoy the banter).