Does anyone here have hope for our civilization?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2016
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It seems there’s an inexorable push towards a society that celebrates freedom from accountability and, basically, freedom from reality. Where do most of you see our cultural trajectory launching us? Better or worse places? Do you think our grandchildren will have better lives than we have?


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
It seems there’s an inexorable push towards a society that celebrates freedom from accountability and, basically, freedom from reality. Where do most of you see our cultural trajectory launching us? Better or worse places? Do you think our grandchildren will have better lives than we have?
The country and culture that I grew up in, quite frankly, no longer exists.

Here are a few major changes that have and will continue to change America for the worst:

The rise of feminism and the feminine imperative have permeated every aspect of American society.

The war on traditional masculinity.

The ever Increasing movement toward socialism.

No fault divorce.

The rise of the single mother. The impact to society of children being raised without a father in the home is huge.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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Waves.. it goes up and down.. sometimes things f up, and we change direction. Again mouse utopia experiment proves that things could go sour. All great civilizations and empires trough history have peaked and dissolved. Evolution or breakdown is inevitable. Society is a fragile thing against time. Yes the system seems to disintegrating at fast pace now. Things are unsustaniable, and the kids pay the price, and these single mother young adults will run the world in a few years. They have already made an hugh impact now, and it's only going to escalate further. These feminezed generations will push the agenda too far I'm afraid. If the future is feminaz!'s and ladyb*ys, good loord


glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I certainly don't see civilization getting any better for the common man. For the man at the top of the heap, maybe. But even that is subjective.
For the rest, it's a learning curve. Staying positive the best plan.
The good old days are long gone, but doesn't mean it's over. Adapt and adjust, that's what both sexes have done over the years.
As long as we do that, we will prevail.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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life per see is a pendulum, if you do much of something it will start to give you problem and then you swing back to the mid, as you can see a lot of things did happen in the last years who are kinda a push back from the whole feminism and socialism, trump winning is kinda a prove of that, turkey revolt some years back.

so asking for hope? yeah I can see that having hope things will get better, will be anytime soon, now that is a more interesting question

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
The country and culture that I grew up in, quite frankly, no longer exists.

Here are a few major changes that have and will continue to change America for the worst:

The rise of feminism and the feminine imperative have permeated every aspect of American society.

The war on traditional masculinity.

The ever Increasing movement toward socialism.

No fault divorce.

The rise of the single mother. The impact to society of children being raised without a father in the home is huge.

This started small, when I was barely born, the 70s. 1965 was a disasterous Immigration Act. It's a meme war, and it's intentional. Gays started small. Now they're kissing on prime-time TV. It's social engineering. It's an intentional infliction of Harm on a RACE, the WHITE Race.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
This started small, when I was barely born, the 70s. 1965 was a disasterous Immigration Act. It's a meme war, and it's intentional. Gays started small. Now they're kissing on prime-time TV. It's social engineering. It's an intentional infliction of Harm on a RACE, the WHITE Race.
Good man, you see the future. I don't know what the ultimate goal is but you can see what they are trying to do with western, mostly white men and that's either feminize and/or eliminate them. They(me) will be replaced with any number of brown men who will do all of the 1%ers bidding. And all of these feminists, they are going to rue the day that they agitated for the muzzling of the white man. Careful what they wish for, they have finally gotten it.

They are simply out of their collective minds if they think the brown man is going to treat them any better. They think that traditional muzzie cultures are going to raise them up the way that western men have? They think that traditional asian culture is going to raise them up the way that western men have? They think that traditional latino culture is going to raise them up the way that western men have? The answer, in case you didn't already know, is hell no. That's why all of these women want to bring their children here, for a better life, escaping the lesser treatment in those cultures. What they are going to do is simply bring that mistreatment here, for the western sisters.

And the absolute craziest part, the western sisters are helping and supporting them to do so. I took my daughters to a kids play today and they had the bullsh*t american poster with linda sasour wearing the hijab with a caption that said we the people are greater than fear. It's laughable. The very item of clothing used to enforce female servitude in muzzie land is being used as a symbol of freedom in the west. and this female playhouse was all over supporting it.

These women, these women, they are f*cking crazy and will lead to the destruction of the west.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
Good man, you see the future. I don't know what the ultimate goal is but you can see what they are trying to do with western, mostly white men and that's either feminize and/or eliminate them. They(me) will be replaced with any number of brown men who will do all of the 1%ers bidding. And all of these feminists, they are going to rue the day that they agitated for the muzzling of the white man. Careful what they wish for, they have finally gotten it.

They are simply out of their collective minds if they think the brown man is going to treat them any better. They think that traditional muzzie cultures are going to raise them up the way that western men have? They think that traditional asian culture is going to raise them up the way that western men have? They think that traditional latino culture is going to raise them up the way that western men have? The answer, in case you didn't already know, is hell no. That's why all of these women want to bring their children here, for a better life, escaping the lesser treatment in those cultures. What they are going to do is simply bring that mistreatment here, for the western sisters.

And the absolute craziest part, the western sisters are helping and supporting them to do so. I took my daughters to a kids play today and they had the bullsh*t american poster with linda sasour wearing the hijab with a caption that said we the people are greater than fear. It's laughable. The very item of clothing used to enforce female servitude in muzzie land is being used as a symbol of freedom in the west. and this female playhouse was all over supporting it.

These women, these women, they are f*cking crazy and will lead to the destruction of the west.
Yes sure.. equal and opposit effect. Fem!naz!'s have gained the power today.
As seen clearly here in europe, around 2050 or before, the majority will be muslims here and inevitable sharia law is comming. And everything woman have gained, will be taken back, and their rights will be less than they had 100 years ago.

But the interllectual thought process does not extend far enough for them to realize the consequences long therm's of their choices today. Low birth rate, negelect of role as the natural female place in society, iresponsibility, consumerism, fake assumption that money will give them happiness. Singlemotherhood etc. It's a Slow motion shipwreck, titanic is full throttle towards the icebergs in broad daylight

No offence towards muslims, I don't care.. I'm a man;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Yes sure.. equal and opposit effect. Fem!naz!'s have gained the power today.
As seen clearly here in europe, around 2050 or before, the majority will be muslims here and inevitable sharia law is comming. And everything woman have gained, will be taken back, and their rights will be less than they had 100 years ago.

But the interllectual thought process does not extend far enough for them to realize the consequences long therm's of their choices today. Low birth rate, negelect of role as the natural female place in society, iresponsibility, consumerism, fake assumption that money will give them happiness. Singlemotherhood etc. It's a Slow motion shipwreck, titanic is full throttle towards the icebergs in broad daylight

No offence towards muslims, I don't care.. I'm a man;)
Good way of soft scrubbing at the end of your post, everything else I agree with. Look, to the muzzies, unless you're middle eastern, you're a dhimmi to them, a second class citizen. You might have some more privileges than a woman but you're not on the same level as they are. And btw, they may be mostly looked at as sex slaves, you would simply be a slave, taxed because of your lesser status.

So when the muzzies win, we all stand to lose.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
It is definately getting better. It is getting better at a fast rate. It is easy to give into despair and fear porn. Paradoxically, feeling fearful makes us feel better.

People are becoming more "awake". Look at the rise of MGTOW, or spirituality etc. 15 years ago the term "woke" was not even a thing. More and more high schoolers are skeptical of the mainstream narrative. The mainstream media is losing viewers in droves. People are as suspicious of their tyrannical overlord ( government) as ever.

This may be a little too New Agey, but the world most likely moves in seasons much like the weather. We are leaving the winter of humanity and we are entering a spring like era. This spring like era is characterized by a massive spiritual awakening.

There is a shift happening between those that are trying to get better and those that are not.
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speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
I certainly don't see civilization getting any better for the common man. For the man at the top of the heap, maybe. But even that is subjective.
For the rest, it's a learning curve. Staying positive the best plan.
The good old days are long gone, but doesn't mean it's over. Adapt and adjust, that's what both sexes have done over the years.
As long as we do that, we will prevail.
There is nothing else you CAN do. You have no choice. Be cynical or negative, you will destroy yourself.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
This started small, when I was barely born, the 70s. 1965 was a disasterous Immigration Act. It's a meme war, and it's intentional. Gays started small. Now they're kissing on prime-time TV. It's social engineering. It's an intentional infliction of Harm on a RACE, the WHITE Race.
I don't disagree but who exactly is doing the social engineering and the intentional infliction of harm?

Reason I ask is this - this disease inflicts any group of people through their own decadence. There isn't a boogeyman, it's just people being people.

Other races and cultures have been destroyed due to this same deal. I would argue that black culture went down first. It may not seem that way now, but that's because the destruction has resulted in big numbers of frustrated people who are rallying together under the rule of a leftist dictator, for lack of a better term. They've become useful idiots. There lives are certainly not better now than it would have been before.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone who hasn't watched this desperately needs to, a real eye opener. It shows us how badly the western man has been screwed. We should all in the west be hopping mad


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
I don't disagree but who exactly is doing the social engineering and the intentional infliction of harm?

Reason I ask is this - this disease inflicts any group of people through their own decadence. There isn't a boogeyman, it's just people being people.

Other races and cultures have been destroyed due to this same deal. I would argue that black culture went down first. It may not seem that way now, but that's because the destruction has resulted in big numbers of frustrated people who are rallying together under the rule of a leftist dictator, for lack of a better term. They've become useful idiots. There lives are certainly not better now than it would have been before.
culture adapt or perish same as anything in our world, or you adapt or you die, simple

now if you ask me if there is a group of people who will do anything to control people to do they bidding, yes there is, but then you need to ask like always who will benefit the most when most people are too dumb to understand science, and fake celebritys will be the only news most people will want to know

same thing if you want to keep one nice little info on WW2, tell me why the day D was chosen to be that day and not later?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2016
Reaction score
The Pendulum always swings both ways. What you see today is a kickback from Men holding the reigns for the last few Thousand years. What Women of today don't understand is that Men are built to hold the reigns. The 'Men' they are trying to create today (see Gillette commercial) will fold when the first real problem arises. Then will see that they don't want a weak, passive Men after all and will chase after the Men they once detested in the name of Patriarchy. Just focus on you, treat Feminism as the **** test that it is and wait for the Beta loser providers to fall in their Thousands. Just wait.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
The Pendulum always swings both ways. What you see today is a kickback from Men holding the reigns for the last few Thousand years. What Women of today don't understand is that Men are built to hold the reigns. The 'Men' they are trying to create today (see Gillette commercial) will fold when the first real problem arises. Then will see that they don't want a weak, passive Men after all and will chase after the Men they once detested in the name of Patriarchy. Just focus on you, treat Feminism as the **** test that it is and wait for the Beta loser providers to fall in their Thousands. Just wait.
I think that is a bit of a overly positive view of what will happen. Everyone uses the pendulum analogy but you can break the pendulum if enough force one way or the other is provided. What we have today is enough force to break the pendulum. If your analogy was true, the dark ages never would have happened because those pushing to stifle knowledge and creativity would have been countered by those pushing against the stifling of knowledge and creativity. It did eventually but that was only after several hundred years and finally enough little bits of knowledge slipping out that it was undeniable they were wrong. They held a very strong hold over society for generations and generations. This is happening again. This may take generations and generations for us to break out of again. Expect a lot of societal pains in the meantime.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
It is definately getting better. It is getting better at a fast rate. It is easy to give into despair and fear porn. Paradoxically, feeling fearful makes us feel better.

People are becoming more "awake". Look at the rise of MGTOW, or spirituality etc. 15 years ago the term "woke" was not even a thing. More and more high schoolers are skeptical of the mainstream narrative. The mainstream media is losing viewers in droves. People are as suspicious of their tyrannical overlord ( government) as ever.

This may be a little too New Agey, but the world most likely moves in seasons much like the weather. We are leaving the winter of humanity and we are entering a spring like era. This spring like era is characterized by a massive spiritual awakening.

There is a shift happening between those that are trying to get better and those that are not.
More like the complete opposite. Just because people are starting to become "awake" doesn't mean it's getting better. It's actually a sign we are living in the end of days. It won't get any better, only worse. Attention has now become the root of all evil. Greed has taken over the world at an alarming rate. The introduction of the internet while it may be the greatest invention of our time, was the start of the downfall of humanity. Cell phones are the coffin and social media is the nail in the coffin.

The rise of narcissism and hate is spreading like cancer. The internet and social media is creating new mental illness's. Men are being emasculated by these Jezebel women. It's a spiritual war between good and evil. Human lives these days don't mean chit anymore. People have lost respect for one another. Cant trust no one, monogamy will become extremely rare in years to come. Suicide rates are through the roof. Gay's and lesbians have become so common that it will only get worse. Men are killing themselves at the hands of these Jezebel women. Men are turning gay after having their heart broken.

I'm last person to ever mention Trump. The only reason I will here is due to him being a great example of how much hate is spreading over one man. People are getting beat up for wearing a maga hat. People spray painting all over our city "fuk trump". People are losing friends just because they voted for him. Never in my life have I seen so much hate being spread over a single human. Trump being a raging narcissist and narcissism being the 2nd hand smoke of mental illness. It's only going to get worse with narcissism on a steady rise.

Greed, attention, narcissism, power, Jezebel..............Destruction of humanity!


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Civilizations evolves over time.

History has proven it countless of times and for most part it has been better.

What are you people raving about.? Women?

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Quote- The Pendulum always swings both ways. What you see today is a kickback from Men holding the reigns for the last few Thousand years.

This is exactly what my feminist mom says when I talk of modern women.

As if that excuses their behavior. I hope she gets to see the reversal happen, so I can say I told you so.

Not that it will do any good, she be very stubborn.