Does anybody here play guitar?


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Does anybody here know how to play the guitar?

I, yes. How did you learn to play it. And how long took it before you could play your first song?

I`ve just started playing the guitar and I need some comparison.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
How old are you? I'm just trying to get a frame of reference for what music you've been exposed to.

I've been playing for 10 years. I'm not an expert, but do play well enough to rock out when the situation calls for it.

I had extensive formal training on other instrumentation before starting guitar, which certainly lent itself to me learning. Also I can tune and play things by ear, which also helped. What is your music background?

As for playing guitar, I've never taken a lesson in my life. Everything I've learned has been through experimentation and observation. I own a book for beginners on playing guitar, to learn the most basic of fundamentals, but after that never purchased any more books. This isn't necesarily the best path for you, which is why I'm asking for your background.

To answer your question of first song, it depends on what you consider a song. With some practice you should be able to play some real simple one-string tunes (Happy Birthday, etc) after a few hours, but as for your typical 3-5 minute radio-formatted popular music it will take at least several months. The first popular songs I began playing were the ones off of Green Day's first big album (Dookie), which was released around the time I bought my guitar. Simple stuff like that is easy to learn once you build up some endurance.

If you really want to impress people, regardless of your skill level, learn to play songs correctly, in their entirety, at the same speed and with the same nuances as the original artist. It will come in time...

One more thing, learning to keep a constant beat and subdividing your timing properly is the biggest thing I see inexperienced guys doing wrong, so concentrate heavily on learning to count well at first - it's a music thing not a guitar thing. Any questions I'll be happy to answer them for you. Now go become a :rockon: god!



Don Juan
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score

I appreciate your helpfull answer! Thanks :)

I`m 20 years now. I don`t have any experience with musical instruments. But I`m trying to learn playing the guitar, not as much because I want to impress people but because I love music, especially rock and blues.

But do you think I need to take guitar lessons?

I have a couple of books and a DVD, and so far this month I`ve learned 6 chords (A,Am,D,E,G7,C).


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
If you don't have any music experience lessons wouldn't be a bad idea. Really it's the fundamentals of music moreso than actual guitar technique that you need to learn. Think of it this way - you're learning to be a musician, guitar is your chosen medium. Consider this idea if you decide to take lessons. Be specific with what you want from an instructor - think of them as an advisor more than a teacher. I'm not sure what most instructors like to emphasize for beginners.

You might want to also consider learning the rudiments of drumming (all you need are some sticks and a practice pad) to help develop your "internal clock." I know that I can go for months at a time without playing, and then upstage someone (not that I go out of my way to do this, but hey I'm not gonna hold back :whistle:) on guitar even with rusty chops simply because I have a very well developed internal clock. Buy an electronic metronome to practice with (clicks a steady beat for you). The internal clock is your foundation for ANY type of music you want to play. It's akin to having a good squat/deadlift/bench strength foundation in bodybuilding.

If I had to start over again, I would have bought those spring-loaded grips to strengthen my hands. Strong hands make a huge difference. I'm getting off-track here...

Lessons wouldn't be bad for you. Instructors only supplement the effort you put in yourself though, there's no magical knowledge they possess.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
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