USMC counter intel? Makes no sense there
US Army 10 mountain Rangers? Just plain 10th Mountain. Rangers are a whole Regiment on their own.
the 10th specializes in cold weather warfare. Skis are part of their life. Rangers do whatever is needed to get the job done.
What webpage did you pull this list off of? This guy got his **** mixed up and needs to stop spreading this around.
No web page.
I was USMC, not Army. If I got the Ranger thing screwed up, my bad. I've heard them referred to as "10th Mountain Rangers" more G0ddamn times than I can count and frankly, don't care enough to get it straight. (ARMY: Ain't Ready for the Marines Yet.) :woo:
As for counterintelligence, it just goes to show how little you actually know. So STFD and STFU and you'll learn something, here. Counterintelligence (CIT) is part of the 0200 (Intelligence) family. It's MOS is 0211, and it's only available to more experienced Marines. Generally you have to have re-upped, you need fluency in at least one foreign language other than English, and outstanding work in a SOC (Special Operations Capable) MOS before you even get considered for the CIT training pipeline.
CIT operates all over the world. When I was in the Corps, CIT was bundled along with Recon and Intell in what we called SRI -- Surveillance, Reconnaissance, & Intelligence. There's been so much fragmentation and reorganization of the command structures that I don't currently know how the Intell community is organized.
211's are sometimes assigned to DIA and/or CIA operations in counterterror, counternarcotics, and counterintelligence, and typically operate in plainclothes; their job is "Locate, Identify, and Neutralize Threats to Ongoing Intelligence Operations." Cloak and dagger shyt. I know for a fact that some of them work in high mountainous regions, as I know one who went to the Mountain Warfare Training Center and operated in Kashmir. The guy is an avid skier and claims he learned how to ski when he was operating in India; it's how they got around from FOB to FOB up there.
Do a little homework next time before you Tom Clancy readers start telling those of us who've been there what's right and what's wrong.
Jesus, I don't even know why the fvck I post on this board anymore.