I wasnt sure if the article was sarcasm.
I'm ending it with someone who apparently thought we were exclusive. The exclusive conversation never happened though. The funny thing is she spun our relations as her getting ready to fall in love. The more she talked like this, the more distant she became in terms of how often she would
text or call or ask to meet up. I remained fairly indifferent to her. But I finally had to bring this up. I said you don't put enough nurturing into whatever is going on with us so I've lost interest.
Now apparently I'm not secure and confident and can't handle someone who is their own person, whatever that means. I thought I was doing her a favor. I didn't want to fake my emotional investment in her. Not sure how she thought putting in the bare minimum is going to keep someone around for more than just sex. She would send texts saying she has feelings for me and wants me. But she was so boring, sleeping a lot, not wanting to talk on the phone if we didn't see each other for more than a week. I have women texting/calling me at 5 times the rate she does with more bonding type conversations. It was hard to not lose interest in her. Actions speak louder than words to me.