With pancake makeup, camera filters, photoshop, and airbrushing---it's hard to tell if ANYTHING we see is "real" these days...lol
But on a side note, let me say this about THE WALL:
LOL...the "Wall" is just an imaginary concept invented by extreme Red Pill "takers", Macho Manospherians, and PUAs to describe women who they deem as no longer as attractive as she once were.
It's a subjective subjective term that it can be argued that it borders on MYTH.
Why? Because in reality, one man's WALL is jjust another man's WINDOW:
Because no matter how "past her prime" a woman supposedly is in the eyes of ONE guy---there's always ANOTHER guy out there that will still see her as a TEN in "his" eyes...lol.
If you look around---you'll see this scenario playing out all around you on a daily basis.