Dear MDJ,
Live your Dream has it pretty well worked out...This Woman will find someone very easily...Never so battered a saucepan that you can't find a lid for it!...The story is a beat up anyway...She put her Dog out of its misery,it was probably very much loved and she was hard up...The Group of citizens that originally framed this Draconian Law that prevents you putting your own Dog down was doubtless made up of Veterinarians,politicians and nodders all self serving individuals...I have put down Horses,cattle cats and several very much loved Dogs,with a well placed bullet behind the ear,I pray the Good Lord that if ever I am in the State they were in,that some well meaning friend will do the same to me...The British Chindits on the Run in Burma shot their seriously wounded during World War 2 rather than leave them to the tender mercies of the Japs ...You might equally say they were War Criminals...Some years Ago A local Lady made Headlines, when it was found she had been slowly poisoning her Husband,at Deaths Door he was examined by a Suspicious Doctor and she underwent a very interesting Trial...Subsequently she did two years in the Slammer...I forgot about the case...But a few years later,whilst on a regular walk with a group of Bushwalkers,I made the aquaintence of a very nice if somewhat outspoken Lady,who it subsequently turned out,was this would be murderess...I can assure you MDJ that she had no problems at all finding eligible suiters!