When I was younger (20s and early 30s) It used to be a massive blow to my fragile ego when a woman would ghost or flake on me
Funny enough I didn't have a problem with women rejecting me at bars or clubs as I knew it was a numbers game
But a woman that I would put forth effort into i.e., trying to set up a date, texting etc
I would get butthurt if they rejected me.
I realize 2 things
1. Women don't give a shyt about your feelings nor do they care, especially if they hardly know you. So lashing out is just going to make you look like a psycho or butthurt(thus in her mind, confirming you're a weirdo even if that may not be the case) a lot of women who reject you won't even remember you a year from now. You trying to put a woman in place (especially if we talking OLD or some bimbo you met at the club) is a waste of time and energy.
2. I learned that I had to stop taking these things personally and realize it's a numbers game, one of the best pieces of advice I ever got about women was from my best friend at the time in college "Girls are like busses ever 15 minutes another one is coming" This has been very true in my life, Even if a girl rejected me, ghosts me, flakes etc. There was always another woman (granted it wasn't literally 15 minutes but usually within a week or so when I was younger). Heck there have been a few times where the next woman was hotter and made things even far easier. That made me wonder why I was doing the most in the first place for a mid or subpar chick
I know that I have an anxious attachment style stemming from my childhood as I've gotten older, I now Thank a woman for flaking or even ghosting as I rather focus on women who prioritize me plus I save time and money not dealing with a woman who is lukewarm at best. Learn to value yourself and time!