Master Don Juan
Now I've been thinking recently about the current quality of women in the market. This is one of the few things where I believe age may play a factor in determining one's knowledge over this so I will especially look for the opinions of older posters, though all opinions are welcome.
Here is why I am making this post: so for the past few days, I've been thinking of who would be my perfect woman, my 'dream girl', if you will. And I started picturing her in my mind, and I was lovestruck. Then I tried thinking about where I can find a woman like this, and I have realized that none exist. Heartbreak ensued.
It is undebateable that the current state of the female market is absolute trash for finding women worthy of a long term relationship. Women just plain old suck nowadays (no offense to the women on here, you lot seem to try and make it easier for men
). And I began thinking, when is it going to get better, if ever? I myself think that it is getting slightly better and will either go on to get a lot better or get a hell of a lot worse, though I don't have much elapsed time to compare to because I'm still young.
I believe that older posters may have noticed a pattern with the market which is why I am looking for their opinions especially. Is it getting better or worse? Or stagnant? Will it happen rapidly or slowly? When will the difference be noticeable?
And how is the market going in terms of looks as well? Are women getting hotter or uglier or remaining the same?
Here is why I am making this post: so for the past few days, I've been thinking of who would be my perfect woman, my 'dream girl', if you will. And I started picturing her in my mind, and I was lovestruck. Then I tried thinking about where I can find a woman like this, and I have realized that none exist. Heartbreak ensued.
It is undebateable that the current state of the female market is absolute trash for finding women worthy of a long term relationship. Women just plain old suck nowadays (no offense to the women on here, you lot seem to try and make it easier for men
I believe that older posters may have noticed a pattern with the market which is why I am looking for their opinions especially. Is it getting better or worse? Or stagnant? Will it happen rapidly or slowly? When will the difference be noticeable?
And how is the market going in terms of looks as well? Are women getting hotter or uglier or remaining the same?