Do you hate sluts?


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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"Men who have sex with lots of women are studs, women who have lots of sex are sl'uts".

It's basic DJ knowledge that women all like sex as much as men, but don't want people to think it. Pretty awful meme huh - if women were just completely open to the fact that they love sex then there'd be no need for a site like this; sex partners would be as easy to get as friends. This idea is slowly going away - more and more women act like "slu'ts" and can live with the lessening social pressure that tries to stop them.

But are you doing your part? Do you believe that there is something wrong for women to enjoy and have as much sex as you do (or as you would like to have)? Do you scorn "slu'ts"? Come to that, do you even use the word "sl'ut", and if you do, do you say it derisively? Do you, consciously or otherwise, exert social pressure on slu'ts to stop being slu'ts?

Overcome your social conditioning! Next time a girl talks about her sex encounters, I say slap her on the back and call her a stud. Make girls feel good about their sexual natures.



Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Men love sluts. I think sluts get hated on by other girls, just like players get hated on by men.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
Sluts are great if you want afew quick bangs but that's about all they're good for. A lot of guys make the mistake of getting into relationships with girls like this and get their heart torn to pieces.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
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Chicks who sleep around with lots of other guys don't bother me.

I hate chicks who sleep with lots of guys, but put a price on it, I don't mean a guy pays her cash, but I mean in other ways. Makes her man buy her lots of stuff, pay for everything, just going after a much money as she can to milk the guy.

I guess you could say I'm ok with sluts, but I hate w hores. (Geez even whor es is censored)


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
I've love sluts they're sexier then non sluts not to say that non sluts can't be sexy


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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Maybe i hold myself to have a higher value then the rest of you. I dont **** sluts, i enfact dont like them at all. They are frequent and they are everywhere. They hit on me at the bar throw themself at me. No chase, nothing. Its too easy its not worth my time. I like a challenge. Knowing i cant lay a girl the first night makes me want her more. Why take a girl home that threw her self on me knowing she is going to do it with every other guy? No thanks i ll pass on that side order of aids.

Last week me and my pal were at the bar. This Drunken slut was throwing herself at me, grabbing my chest excessive kino, asking me if i had un visable tats. Too much interest. I was blowing her off. 2 days later my friend ****s her in the ass the same night he took her home vag to ass. Now hes freaking out. Because he saw her go home with another dude the next day. He should get tested. Enjoy your sluts while i enjoy woman with higher standards as to my own. Its quality over quantity. Leaving the scraps for the dogs while i enjoy my steak.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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I have never used the term slut to a woman in my entire life. I just don't think one's sexuality is any reflection of the person's worth. I think any guy who thinks that way has failed to meet the critical mass of lays. Search for critical lay to find my theory on this.
Jul 19, 2006
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Weak_Game said:
Enjoy your sluts while i enjoy woman with higher standards as to my own. Its quality over quantity. Leaving the scraps for the dogs while i enjoy my steak.
:up: I think the same way. When a girl is not a challenge she's something like AFC in the male world: will do anything for you, so why bother?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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I am with Weak Game on this. Women that are sluts kind of lose value to me. I want more of a challenge personally, but right now I could use me a good slut since I am slumping.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Alot of you are determining that sluts are as easy to spot as 747s flying high in the sky. Sluts can be and sometimes are very tact full. I've met alot of girls who have gone to bed with guys and the guy had no clue that he was courting a slut until the next time he saw her at the bar...pulling the same ploy with another guy. They'll be resistant to advances and even seem prudish, at first but in actuallity it's their means to their "devious goal" which is getting laid. Sluts like to have sex and ordinarily just getting drunk and feeling up the next chump is all they need or want to do, however many times there are sluts with standards who don't want to go after the run of the mill bar hound. I've actually pryed this information from sluts at the bars/clubs around my town (for some reason people like to tell me things...I call it confession because it's sin city). I'm not saying this is a COMMON thing by anymeans. I've also known sluts who will come out and verbally say "I'm a slut and I need to get f*cked". Those are fare more common then the former. Still don't think you've got absolute slut radar because they can be and many times are wolves in sheeps clothing.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
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I am pro-slut. When I run for mayor? I'll have sluts standing behind me at every speech.

Every woman wants a sexual experience they can remember fondly into old age. The women we consider sluts are just more upfront about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
some women are for pay, some are for play and some you stay with.

men, a hell of alot of them here, make the mistake of plumping all women into the same catogory, when they coudln't be anymore alike.

You keep each women in the correct catogory and it makes the game that much easier. You can't come on too fast or offend a freak (trust me).. it's not possible.

Hoe's, as long as you know what their Modus Operandi you are fine, it's up to you to play along.

LTR type women, which are few and far between are the only ones I take anywhere near seriously.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Weak_Game said:
Maybe i hold myself to have a higher value then the rest of you. I dont **** sluts, i enfact dont like them at all. They are frequent and they are everywhere. They hit on me at the bar throw themself at me. No chase, nothing. Its too easy its not worth my time. I like a challenge. Knowing i cant lay a girl the first night makes me want her more. Why take a girl home that threw her self on me knowing she is going to do it with every other guy? No thanks i ll pass on that side order of aids.

Last week me and my pal were at the bar. This Drunken slut was throwing herself at me, grabbing my chest excessive kino, asking me if i had un visable tats. Too much interest. I was blowing her off. 2 days later my friend ****s her in the ass the same night he took her home vag to ass. Now hes freaking out. Because he saw her go home with another dude the next day. He should get tested. Enjoy your sluts while i enjoy woman with higher standards as to my own. Its quality over quantity. Leaving the scraps for the dogs while i enjoy my steak.
damn, you are true to your name aren't you?

And herein lies the problem with alot of you.

This isn't a moral crusade against women.

I guarantee you if a HB9 meet you one day, and was happy to jump in the sack with you, you would be claming her praises to how great of a woman she is.

You have to take life for what it is. I like sex. Women like sex as well. What is the freakin big deal? Why take **** so damn seriously?

if a woman wants to have sex with multiple partners, so be it. I can have sex with mulitple partners as well (and do).. that way, we both have a great understanding of each other.

Is she a slut? What exactly is a slut? Lets say for arguements sake she is a slut.

....Okay now what?

We have now established that she likes sexual encounters with different men. Does that make her any lESS of a woman?

Jealousy is an extremely strong mind altering state.

Only human beings, insecure ones at that would call a female a slut for having sex wtih someone besides them.

It's natural for a woman to want to have sex with whoever she finds attractive. The harsh reality is, that if she isn't having sex with you, you probably don't do it for her.

Even sluts like to think they are good girls, and when they find someone that pushes their buttons, won't cheat, unless that guy pushes her buttons more. However, if you are on your game and know what you are dealing with, you know that she is a slut, and not to take it personal.

In my experience, some of the best times I have had with women have been with girls you might classify as sluts. Memories I will never forget... getting a girl to basically jack me off while her husband is in the same room. Getting a girl to drive 30 mintues to my house in the pouring rain to have sex with me and then my two best friends. Countless BJ's in the car.

anyway, they have their place and time, just like LTR's do

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
I analogize sluts with a nice, tasty-looking sandwich that's just lying on the sidewalk. If you're hungry enough... sure, you'll eat the sandwich. Most of the time, though, you'll think to youself, "Eh... I don't know where that's been, man. I better leave it alone. I don't want to catch something, yeah?"



Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
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backbreaker said:
In my experience, some of the best times I have had with women have been with girls you might classify as sluts. Memories I will never forget... getting a girl to basically jack me off while her husband is in the same room. Getting a girl to drive 30 mintues to my house in the pouring rain to have sex with me and then my two best friends. Countless BJ's in the car.
The thing about a slut -- particularly a hot one (and there ARE hot ones) -- is: someone is going home with her that night. It might as well be you. I have a keen ability to spot a girl who's working the room, and I take pains to put myself in her sights as quickly as I can. Call her a "slut," but if I see a good-looking girl who's working to get laid -- not AW'ing, not "being bad" to show off for her friends, I'm talking about the girl who thinks Sex in the City should be real (that show has done more for my love life than anything else since the invention of Astroglide) -- I'm in there. And I get laid a lot by simply putting myself in a slut's path. Is this DJ'ing? Maybe not in the strictest sense of the word, but if they're doing 90% of the work and it's nearly a sure thing, that's a cost-benefit analysis I can live with.