SNL , back in the day would go for dates but bot anymore
Much of this depends upon how you are meeting the woman. If you're on a first date with a woman and the date came about as a result of one of the major swipe apps (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge) or you managed to slide into her Instagram DMs and get her to agree to a date, it's better to go for sex on the first date. On swipe apps and social media, she's fielding offers from tons of men. What's going to incentivize her to respond to your text message after the date when she could respond to any of the 100-500 offers she has awaiting her? She needs to feel butterflies as she calls it, and butterflies are best achieved through quality sex. The challenge is creating quality sex at 10 PM on a Tuesday night after 2-3 hours of knowing each other, a long work day, and 2 drinks. Since the pressure is on to deliver good sex, you don't want to get drunk since the sex will be sloppy so that's why you're looking at a 2 drink maximum. If you go to a 3rd or 4th drink, you might increase the likelihood of getting laid since she's drunk but decrease the likelihood of you performing at a high level, which you need to give her good memories and the incentive to respond to a text message and sex again (provided you want to have sex with her again).
Realize that women who meet men from swipe apps and random DMs are not incentivized at all to treat men with any dignity, especially if she lives in a metro area with a population of a few hundred thousand or more. When an area's population is larger, there's essentially no chance she'll run into you randomly if she is rude to you or ghosts you. Her social circle is never informed of her rude and uncivilized behavior towards you. She faces no consequences for bad behavior, so she'll behave badly.
In the realm of night game, with intoxication and short attention spans, it is better to go for the same night lay. Most of the resource guides published since the early to mid 2010s advocate for that. Prior to 2010 and swipe apps, if you were out at the bar and got a number, you had reasonable certainty of getting a date. That wasn't the case by 2019. At night, the play should be to go for the same night lay and only accept a phone number if it become apparent for whatever reason that there will not be a same night lay. Now, with the pandemic, there are many fewer night game meetings. No one knows what will happen with night game in the future.
Guys who meet women through their friends or acquaintances are afforded the opportunity to take it a little bit slower with getting to sex. Often times, you'll irritate your friends/acquaintacnes if you push strongly for the SNL, and that'll reduce the likelihood you'll get sent dating opportunities in the future from your social circle. In social circle meetings, often times both men and women are on their best behavior because they know there are consequences for bad behavior. If things don't work out after a couple of sexless dates from a social circle setup, it's not a big deal if both parties explored things slowly and carefully. A lot of men who get relationships from social circle tend to be more beta/blue pill and you see more marriages from social circle setups. A guy with a social circle capable of producing dates doesn't need to put on a ring on it, but he will annoy his social circle if he is too much of a player. If a guy gets 2-5 year long relationships without marriage from social circle 2-3 times in his life, he won't annoy his social circle. However, as a man ages past 35-40, he'll probably have more married friends who don't know single people unless he's really entrenched in a particular metro area from living there his who life or he has a social circle in his 40s containing numerous divorced women close to his own age.
For lesser social circle setups, such as meeting a woman through a co-ed sports league, it's better to take your time in developing things but meeting through a co-ed sports league isn't the same as meeting through friends/acquaintances. Also, a lot of social groups, such as co-ed sports leagues, have been pandemic affected.
Day game is the toughest to read. I've had women I've met randomly from day game at the grocery store or after a gym fitness class treat me as poorly as if I had met them on a swipe app. If you meet a woman at a grocery store or a mall, it's about as random as a night venue or a swipe app, meaning there's less of an incentive for a woman to demonstrate good behavior. Day game approaching should stand out for a woman since few men are able to do approaches in a non-bar setting while sober. I don't push for SNLs from dates resulting from day game. Someone could probably do that if they generated a lot of day prospects, which is not easy to do.