Do you believe in "the one"?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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Some time back I met a woman, we fell completely in love with each other but b/c of circumstances beyond our control we were forced to go our separate ways. Aside from my father this is probably the only person Ive ver trusted in my life, we completely opened up to each other, it was just amazing how deep we were involved with each other.

time passes and passes and it never stops hurting. Obviously after the first few months some of the pain dulls down but the feelings I have for her/the situation/the way it ended just seem to be never ending.
i can be with another woman and I can usually have a pretty good time, but pretty often my mind just drifts back to her.
Hell, even shaking the presidents hand has NEVER been the same since I lost her... i do it maybe like once/twice a week now, most of the time it just produces a really empty feeling and I end up stopping.

I never believed in "the one" but i'm starting to think I lost her. It's not just the typical pain i've had when you lose your oneitis girl, I worry about her everyday as a best friend too... is she ok? is she safe? etc.
Should I seek counseling, this had an enormous impact on my life and months later the empty feeling is still there?
Dec 13, 2006
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it's fun to believe in that ****


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
I see the one everytime I look in the mirror.:D


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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BlackJackal said:
I see the one everytime I look in the mirror.:D

I dont really believe in "the one". Your possibility's are endless, and that starts getting into faith and destiny type of stuff. Which to me is weird in the first place....haha


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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destiny is how you put it to be

simple is that

the "one" could be many, could be down the street, could be one in india. one in NEw jersey.. only reason you discribe her as the one because you seperate her from the rest, she hasnt shown u her bad side, only her good side so in the back of your mind. its creating an illusion.

i met my ex through "destiny" if u wanted to say that. i never seen her. never even knew about her. then one day i got stuck with my cuzin cuz he needed help around the house.
then his gf phoned and she needed a ride, so we both picked her up then picked up a her friend(my furture ex), at that time. we all stopped at the liqor mart while my cuzin and his gurl went inside and left us two together.. i simply didnt show any interest.. she made the first move. i wanted to show her iwas different than most guys. that i dont just jump on the hot dogg like an animal because she was good looking.. so i just played it smooth.. then after, my cuzins gurl gave me her link to her Hi5 profie then i worked it from there..
if you wanna call that destiny then go ahead. but in my mind I made those choices..
i didnt have to look at her profile. i didnt have to talk to her. i didnt have to put an act to show her i was "different"

destiny is how you put it to be. you can be a doctor. a basketball player, a homeless person, a nurse, anythin you put if u really put your mind to it.

destiny is just a guide line

possibility's are endless,
true, theres No limit in yourself. we has humans have the ability to suceed BEyond messaure.. i know this is a poor example but 50 cent. look where he is. got his own clothing line, video game. movie. he may suck but man hes making the green like nothing.
u think that was ALL talent? no it simply wasnt. he had to work his ass like that.

Mj, one of the greatest ball player, kobe, dropping 81 points..
lebrone james dropping 52 points in high school with 14 assists.

you see. you can sit in ur chair and do nothing its fine. but you can also get off ur ass and do something. its all really how u put it to be. you call your own desinty
and its soo easy that. you can get motivation from ANYwhere..