Do women just go from boyfriend to boyfriend?

Zero Hero

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2006
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Is this what you generally see? Women never being single and just hopping from one boyfriend to the next?


Oct 21, 2006
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Its called being human............

loving sex................

it's what I keep tryin to preach to you dumbazzes but you seem to not know how to fvckin READ AND COMPREHEND.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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DJF AGAIN! said:
Its called being human............

loving sex................

it's what I keep tryin to preach to you dumbazzes but you seem to not know how to fvckin READ AND COMPREHEND.
And that´s why you were banned.:kick:


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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DJF AGAIN! said:
Its called being human............

loving sex................

it's what I keep tryin to preach to you dumbazzes but you seem to not know how to fvckin READ AND COMPREHEND.
someone needs to bann you again, your preaching sucks. your advice sucks, your logic really sucks a throbbing veiny pre-cumming ****, and also you suck.


Oct 20, 2006
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Here's what women do: they are constantly bombarded by opportunities to have sex, so they pick the best guy out of 100 and he uses and abuses them.

Yet they feel that they are just as hot as this hottest guy. They imagine they'll eventually find someone just as hot as the hottest guy out of 100, only next time the hottest guy out of 100 will have a really good job and will be the family type.

Based on this illusion, they look down on regular guys. However regular guys are better than no guys, so they "settle" for hanging out with/having dinner with/having sex with regular guys, always seeking something better.

When you ask them "why do women sleep around?" they'll say "Because guys don't want a commitment.".

In other words, because the player who used them didn't call them back ever, they have the right to sleep around.

It's the feminist mantra: Do unto others all the things you hate their doing.


Oct 21, 2006
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:crackup: lol, god I svck? Lol, are you sure about that?

Weren't you the one with the “looks theory” what happened to that great big wonderful post you were going to make on that buddy? I’m still waiting to come on here drunk one night and take a whiff of that bullshyt.

Lol, seriously dude you need to calm down before you burst your little blue balls open. I svck, lol? I can back up any claims I make here, can you? I can provide you with numbers of chicks I fvcked and if you have any manness about you (which I doubt) they might even party wit ya…but seeing that you know, “looks are the main thing” maybe the women should wait until you’re done downing your cup of cell-tech and trying to get that 250 pound barbell off your chest? Lol, and don’t ever come at me like that again you little bytch…..


Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
And back to Zero, I mean, why is this sooo hard for you guys?
Be in sexual state, let the thing progress to sex, if you just stay in sexual state, it all goes to the massaging, kissing, foreplay, all leads right to sex. Now, you do need a strong positive attitude, positive belief, and positive outlook on the world as a foundation or "base" for this to really be successful...then just go right into "being in the bedroom" and you'll have a great flow...and don't let anybody or anything STOP YOUR FLOW

Now, after you fvck a girl, depending on the "type" of girl she is, she might be what I call

1. Girlfriend Material
2. Close Friends with Benefits Material
3. Just Fvck Material
4. Just Fvck and Social Proof Material

You run into problems when you try and make each and every girl you meet out to be a 1 or 2....MAJORITY will be 3, some will be 4.

If I were you, I would just build myself a nice pvssy flow of about 10 girls scattered in each category......

So to answer your question, why do women jump from here to there? Well, because women are really JUST LIKE MEN....they like sex! Being in sexual state you're telling a woman (non-verbally) that "I can bang you nicely" then she allows you to "back up your claim" and when you are actually having sex with her, you need to make sure you are hitting her "DEEP SPOT" and giving her the best she's ever had.

If you don't know about the DEEP SPOT, I guess I could go into that later if I'm not banned again. :cool:


Oct 21, 2006
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But I guess honestly, maybe what I'm saying either

1. Sounds too good to be true to you guys or
2. You just really don't understand sexual flow.

I honestly believe it's number 2. I mean, it throws all the "rules" out the window.

You can be a nice guy, clingy azz AFC, and still get laid everywhere (even though I wouldn't advise this)

You can really just be yourself and relax and CHILL THE FVCK can let go of all the rules that really just TAKE THE FUN OUT OF IT and really turn this whole thing into another "job" and raise your hand if you love your jobs...

I mean seriously, if you guys would listen to me, you will find that all the rules, negative thoughts, fears, nervousness, had about would ALL BE GONE...BECAUSE GET THIS...


(Here's how God of Getting Laid gets ready for a date :cheer: )


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Zero Hero said:
Is this what you generally see? Women never being single and just hopping from one boyfriend to the next?
Yes. Pretty much.

DJF = attention wh0re with communications difficulties. I don't see how one can think that the best way to get through to people is raving like a lunatic. "LISTEN TO ME WHAT I SAY IS RIGHT IGNORE THE FACT THAT I'M SCREAMING AND YELLING LIKE A BUFFOON"


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
DJF AGAIN! said:
:crackup: lol, god I svck? Lol, are you sure about that?

Weren't you the one with the “looks theory” what happened to that great big wonderful post you were going to make on that buddy? I’m still waiting to come on here drunk one night and take a whiff of that bullshyt.

Lol, seriously dude you need to calm down before you burst your little blue balls open. I svck, lol? I can back up any claims I make here, can you? I can provide you with numbers of chicks I fvcked and if you have any manness about you (which I doubt) they might even party wit ya…but seeing that you know, “looks are the main thing” maybe the women should wait until you’re done downing your cup of cell-tech and trying to get that 250 pound barbell off your chest? Lol, and don’t ever come at me like that again you little bytch…..
Bann this cvm drinking troll


Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
This svcks I know, but the truth is that 99% of HBs who are married, would leave their fvckin husbands within an instant, if they were presented with the opportunity to stay with them, or run off with some fvckin famous dude like, Brad Pitt, this may be fvcked, but it is very true. :box:


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
DJF AGAIN! said:
And back to Zero, I mean, why is this sooo hard for you guys?
Be in sexual state, let the thing progress to sex, if you just stay in sexual state, it all goes to the massaging, kissing, foreplay, all leads right to sex. Now, you do need a strong positive attitude, positive belief, and positive outlook on the world as a foundation or "base" for this to really be successful...then just go right into "being in the bedroom" and you'll have a great flow...and don't let anybody or anything STOP YOUR FLOW

Now, after you fvck a girl, depending on the "type" of girl she is, she might be what I call

1. Girlfriend Material
2. Close Friends with Benefits Material
3. Just Fvck Material
4. Just Fvck and Social Proof Material

You run into problems when you try and make each and every girl you meet out to be a 1 or 2....MAJORITY will be 3, some will be 4.

If I were you, I would just build myself a nice pvssy flow of about 10 girls scattered in each category......

So to answer your question, why do women jump from here to there? Well, because women are really JUST LIKE MEN....they like sex! Being in sexual state you're telling a woman (non-verbally) that "I can bang you nicely" then she allows you to "back up your claim" and when you are actually having sex with her, you need to make sure you are hitting her "DEEP SPOT" and giving her the best she's ever had.

If you don't know about the DEEP SPOT, I guess I could go into that later if I'm not banned again. :cool:

Ive known several virigins that go from bf to bf, so i dont think the sex theory is the reason. I think its more of am evolotionary thing, cavewomen picked the strongest guy to protect the, so they r always out for something better. We as guys find a girl we like, we dont change our mind that easily cuz we r the protectors.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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bigneil has hit it on the head exactly. it's what I'm always saying. women have a distorted view of their appeal because they can "****" guys better looking than them. guys are the opposite. it's simply because girls think that they are giving something to guys by having sex with them and most guys do too. Supply and demand. that's the reason why some girls will say that when they really like you, they will make you wait because that builds attraction and a sense of knowing the other person - so using them will be harder. It normally happens to good looking (relative to them) AFCs because they have the best of both worlds then, looks and dependability/morals (which although most people here seem to think isn't a quality girls go for - it is)

I know alot of good looking girls that have stayed single for long periods but I do think it's less than guys.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
Zero Hero said:
Is this what you generally see? Women never being single and just hopping from one boyfriend to the next?
It really depends on the woman/girl.

Some girls always have a boyfriend, some girls are single all the time.

Among the girls I know, most hot girls are constantly with a boyfriend, the less attractive ones are constantly single. Crual truth but it's how things are.

Many hot ones are not even the stereotypical "man eater" type whop hops from boyfriend to boyfriend. They can be very good girls and caring people. But since they are hot, many good looking guys with good personality will be constantly pursuing them. So sooner or later she will fall for it and switch.

I've also known good looking and nice girls who would stay single for sometime, like a couple of months or so. But it's very rare. And they would appear like they are not single, maybe to avoid unnecessary harassment from ugly and stupid loser dudes...:D

This one girl, hot body, cute face, tall, and she's a dancer, the only thing I didn't like was that she has shortish hair. I had known her for almost a year before knowing that she was single. "How?" you would ask...when finally she got a boyfriend and made it clearly "official" before everybody...:rock: The whole time, it looked like she had a boyfriend but was "independant" about it.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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My assessment is somewhat different, and it varies wildly according to *which* women you are talking about.

To make sense of this lets look at what a guy might do:

A guy who has had a lot of pain in the ass relationships might comprimise on looks foolishly thinking that less attractive women might provide him with more stability. He doesn't realize the way he behaves/thinks is involved in the not just the reactions but in the kind of women he attracts in *each* looks category, and he might settle for less.

Another guy has just gotten divorced from an UG who was a pain in the ass. He has never laid a hawtee. He may say, if I am going to deal with a bunch of BS, it may as well be from a hawtee!!!

Now we have two different guys with wildly different strategies and willingness to comprimise on different qualities.

You simply cannot generalize every single woman in the world to one category. That's convenient but not realistic.

Futhermore, believing all women are evil and out to get you is the mark of a desperate, biased man who is trying to make excuses for his failures with women... "they are all *****es, that's why they don't like me". As mystery says my friend, they aren't really *****es, they are just *****es to *you*. She cooks, cleans and screws other men. Do you think they think she's a *****?

You have to put this hatered in the past and realize women will be your best friend you will ever have my brothas. Who else would put up with our crap, have our babies, cook for us, mostly cave in to our wants and needs over their own? Come on man, think about what our mommas did for us already? Women often cheat on men because the men become unhappy, negative people that would drive away anyone, even their dogs, if they had a choice. I know many of my female friends who cheat do-it for this reason, even though they often won't admit to it. They are in bad relationships and just need to get out altogether, which sometimes happens and sometimes not. There is usually more to the story than the guy banging her even knows. They think she does it for excitement, but I know they are mostly doing it for mental ESCAPE from the hell they live at home.

Boring guys who won't get off the couch, guys who haven't done anything sexually exciting in *YEARS*, guys who even when they try to get him to learn how to please her *REFUSE*, guys who yell at her, guys who use vulgarity and are so freaking negative I cringe at overhearing this stuff over the phone, guys who have *serious* mental problems and refuse to get help, guys who blame her for their own problems, guys who create a terrible environment for their kids to live in, guys who will *FREAK OUT* if a kid writes on a wall with a crayon. Can you blame them for cheating or wanting to leave? Who wouldn't? And for the niave guys who really just do get the shaft, I know that happens too, and that sucks man, but they have to stay strong and pick better next time and modify their own behaviors and thought patterns. Becoming negative will only make things worse.

If you want to keep your wife from cheating then be happy. Do whatever it takes, even if she doesn't like it to stay happy. If you stay positive and happy then you are a head of the game in most cases. And if you are with someone who is crazy or uneducated, then fix that problem by dumping her and finding someone else. That is my best advice.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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You don't see men do it as often because we actually have to put in work to get *****. Unless you're the type of guy that enjoys chasing women all the time. Me, I don't enjoy the games I have to play in order to get a chick, so I don't do it often at all. ***** has out priced itself, for guys like me, it just isn't worth the hassle. I try and take advantage of opportunities that arise but I don't actively seek it.
everywomanshero said:
You have to put this hatered in the past and realize women will be your best friend you will ever have my brothas.
I pray that you were typing this up after you drank a bottle of hard liquor.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Tazman said:
I pray that you were typing this up after you drank a bottle of hard liquor.
He's right about that. Women can def. be your best friend.
Its an obvious fact. If they can be the most evil, deceptive b!tches... naturally they can be the opposite.

Don't know if you've ever been in love, and in a serious relationship. But when you are... I know at least in my cases, my women have been DOWN for me. Straight up biggest fans I have. Support like no other... caring, tender, empowering... the works. A woman will go FAR for her man. Its always been the case. Thus the famous quote... "behind every powerful man, is a powerful woman." (or however it goes).

I've had women WRECK me... and I've had women go the mofvckin MILE for me. And like everywomanshero mentioned of Mystery. Its not that their b!tches... its that they're just b!tches to you. Its all about how you are as a man, that will determine your woman's behaivor. (for the most part)

So become the greatest man you can be... and you'll attract an equally powerful/valuable woman in your life.


As far as the thread topic goes.
Its been my experience that it definetly varies.
But in many cases women def. go from BF to BF.
They're beings of feeling... and when their source of love, etc... is no longer. And dozens of men everyday are trying to get at them... they often fill that void, with a new source of positive feelings (w. another new man offering them). Women are fickle beings like that... cause they live through they're everchanging emotions.

Its seems dishonorable and slutty to us as men. But from a woman's perspective... it might even be wise. Why waste time mourning, if the relationship is over, and not meant "to be?!" So a new man comes along, with an aura of positivity, and they naturally want to bind themselves to such a source again... so they give him a shot. Then all they're old feelings (positive and negative) from their last man... romantically get swept into the new guy. Painting a portrait of all their dreams around this new guy, that the last guy's reality didn't measure up to (for whatever reasons). All these factors... emotions, hope, many available new men opportunities, etc... are what create the phenomena your asking about.
