Do what you want, just remain confident!


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
This is the only thing that I've learnt, after years of doing approaches, dating multiple girls and having LTRs:
As long as you remain confident, it doesn't matter what you do
I see guys overthinking things, wondering what to say in every exact moment, and I think this is the main problem.
Thinking so much, you don't feel comfortable and your game is not natural.
It really all comes down to be confident and to feel comfortable in every situation.
Stop planning opinion openers, stop memorizing c&f responses to things, stop memorizing stupid patterns...I mean that is just pathetic.
Just have the balls to go to a girl, assume that she is already attracted to you and focus on having a good time and on getting to know her. I've always wondered why when I was with my GF I was 10x more confident, charming and fun than normally. I realized that it was because I already knew that she was attracted to me, and this fact made me extremely comfortable and confident. It all comes down to this. Have this mindset.
Stop overthinking and overanalysing, stop planning routines.
Most of the techniques that are taught in this site will flow naturally if you have the right mindset and really feel that comfortable in the situation that you don't even think what you are doing. This is the most important thing for natural game.
Another aspect that is important: Forget about the rules and set your own ones! There are no exact rules to attract girls.
Just forget about them. Sometimes I brake the rules and do things that are supposed to be a little bit AFCish, like complimenting or talking about my feelings from time to time. Don't be afraid to do this things as long as you don't overdo them! I also don't feel guilty to say "I love you" when I really feel it and when I know that the love is reciprocal. Some people say here that if you say this three words you will automatically be an AFC and kill your relationship.Lol. I mean, that's utter bull****!
One thing is to get too overemotional,which is bad and insecure, and another thing is to have feelings and to express them with sincerity,in the right moments. Do what you want, just remain confident. I think the main differece between being AFC and a DJ is not so much what you say or what you do. It's more about attitude and confidence level.
Classifying people into this two categories is just too simplistic, most people fall between both types.
I also don't find right the advice that is given here to nerds or people that are very insecure and have been scared of girls their whole life: They are told to just read the bible and to expect to be extremely successful and date HBs in no time. Telling them this they will feel very disppointed soon. I would advise them to not expect miracles and to try to slowly get their lifes handled. To start speaking to more girls and to slowly gain confidence. Having the right mindset and experience is what will make them successful.
Before I end this post I would like to comment something about looks. It is known that looks are not the be and all, but they are important, for guys AND for girls, exactly the same.
Many selfish people here think that looks aren't or shouldn't be important to girls, while they classify girls with numbers refering to their looks. To those guys, I would tell you to stop focusing so much on the physical part of the girls. I can tell you from experience, a HB8 can be more satisfying,on a deeper level, than a HB10. I wouldn't really judge a girl to be a 7,8 or 9. I would just distinguish those who are attractive for me from those who are not, because physical attraction is important,of course, but from the ones that I find attractive I wouldn't choose the one which is the most attractive. I would choose the one I feel more comfortable with and which makes me happy. Just my 0.02
I hope this post helps someone and also feel free to cririque my point of view!


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
really interesting

and following your thought: never getting awkward about anything is the only key to being cool


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
at the end of the day people will say you have an awesome and great post and still ask afc questions later on.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
i thought it was a good post, helped me out.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
dj_spain said:
This is the only thing that I've learnt, after years of doing approaches, dating multiple girls and having LTRs:
As long as you remain confident, it doesn't matter what you do
I see guys overthinking things, wondering what to say in every exact moment, and I think this is the main problem.
Thinking so much, you don't feel comfortable and your game is not natural.
It really all comes down to be confident and to feel comfortable in every situation...

Good post. I think some of us are always trying to get better so that may seem like we are always trying to find the newest opener, gambit, theory, etc. And others aren't experienced enough to know what works best for them, so they are also trying new things. I'm at a point where i know what works and what doesn't for me. Though that doesn't stop me from learning new material and just trying it for fun.

I agree with your point though, confidence is king. It must be the foundation of your game and it's up to to build around it.

BTW, I'm gonna be in Madrid in 2 weeks. I've heard of the crazy nightlife so i'm excited to see what it's got for me!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
dj_spain said:
This is the only thing that I've learnt, after years of doing approaches, dating multiple girls and having LTRs:
As long as you remain confident, it doesn't matter what you do
I see guys overthinking things, wondering what to say in every exact moment, and I think this is the main problem.
Thinking so much, you don't feel comfortable and your game is not natural.
It really all comes down to be confident and to feel comfortable in every situation...

Good post. I think some of us are always trying to get better so that may seem like we are always trying to find the newest opener, gambit, theory, etc. And others aren't experienced enough to know what works best for them, so they are also trying new things. I'm at a point where i know what works and what doesn't for me. Though that doesn't stop me from learning new material and just trying it for fun.

I agree with your point though, confidence is king. It must be the foundation of your game and it's up to to build around it.

BTW, I'm gonna be in Madrid in 2 weeks. I've heard of the crazy nightlife so i'm excited to see what it's got for me!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
dj_spain said:
This is the only thing that I've learnt, after years of doing approaches, dating multiple girls and having LTRs:
As long as you remain confident, it doesn't matter what you do
I see guys overthinking things, wondering what to say in every exact moment, and I think this is the main problem.
Thinking so much, you don't feel comfortable and your game is not natural.
It really all comes down to be confident and to feel comfortable in every situation...

Good post. I think some of us are always trying to get better so that may seem like we are always trying to find the newest opener, gambit, theory, etc. And others aren't experienced enough to know what works best for them, so they are also trying new things. I'm at a point where i know what works and what doesn't for me. Though that doesn't stop me from learning new material and just trying it for fun.

I agree with your point though, confidence is king. It must be the foundation of your game and it's up to to build around it.

BTW, I'm gonna be in Madrid in 2 weeks. I've heard of the crazy nightlife so i'm excited to see what it's got for me!