Do what women have been doing to men since adam and eve.

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
Dj's in this battle of the sexes we must win. One of the many ways I am winning is that I am an actor and can play many parts. I can be an alpha male, to a nice guy or anything else I choose to and I do it well.

The style I have been working on for the past few months is to play the games women do to men. Doing so let's me make all of the rules and I set the limits of how far we go as far as sexual and other things. I sometimes make up bullsh!T rules like I don't kiss on the first date, I think we are going to fast. Just basically do what women have been doing to men. Playing this part has given me control and the ball is more than likely in my court at all times. If you are not that pressed for sex make her wait and it more than likely will pay off. Because she will tell her friends the Chris doesn't want to have sex so fast he wants to get to know. Or he has morals and it gives you an unquie look. It also sets you apart from the rest of the men which is always a plus.

Remember how girls are the one's who normally have the say so, Change and play their games on them. Let you be the one who gets chased and not the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Walk, before you give you power away to a woman. I know that sounds harsh, but at least you'll teach her a lesson. Leave the door open for the future. Don't burn any bridges and they will seek you out in time. They will be a totally different person and have a new found respect for you.

It's happened to me!


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2002
Reaction score
changing things up like this makes a lot of sense. let them have a little taste of their own medicine. it just makes me laugh to think about how pissed most women would be if they read that post.;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
Originally posted by Ashlee Angel
Because she will tell her friends the Chris doesn't want to have sex so fast he wants to get to know. Or he has morals and it gives you an unquie look. It also sets you apart from the rest of the men which is always a plus.

Remember how girls are the one's who normally have the say so, Change and play their games on them. Let you be the one who gets chased and not the other way around.

.... So basically what your saying is to HAVE MORALS, to actually GET TO KNOW HER, because you are in this FOR YOURSELF, not just for sex?

Yes that does set you apart from most other men, but your saying it like you should PRETEND to have all of these things.

Pretending isnt DJ, its PLAYER.

A DJ really does have morals, and believes dating is a "game" to weed out all of teh females that dont suit you. A DJ is therefore trying to find something for HIM, therefore he IS always in control, at anytime the girl knows she can be replaced if she doesnt fit what HE desires.

A PLAYER on the other hand, is set upon getting a girl in bed, and hence the GIRL is in control. He bends to whatever she desires in a man. He finds out she likes feeling safe, even though he enjoys the rush of excitement, while hes with her, he will CHANGE HIMSELF to fit her, so SHE WILL LIKE HIM.

Therefore you put HER in charge.

BIG DIFFERENCE in the two.

**PS**- Players arent AFC's either in case thats what my description sounded like (with the "shes in control" and "changes for her",phrases)