Do The Eyes Tell It All?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys. So anyways a lot of people on this forum say that just doing will get you better at this stuff than reading, and I agree for the most part. But since I have read this stuff I feel like I have gained a better understanding about IOI's. I used to be totally oblivious. Keeping that in mind I have a very basic formula I use to tell if a girl is at least semi-interested, and I want to see if you guys agree.

Essentially if you're out with a group of people, you'll notice certain people can interupt other people and it's cool, where as others get drowned out. You'll also notice that the women will establish eye contact with certain people as a priority of hearing them talk while they won't for others.

The formula I use as to whether a girl is interested is that say you're with a group of friends that includes other guys. If you can jump in and control the convo anytime you want, and have everyone maintaining eye contact, you're alpha. And in particular if there's a girl out with you all and she's always keeping eye contact/paying attention to when you talk vs your other guy friends, she's into you more than your other friends.

I thought this was a full-proof formula but again as some of you may have seen, I had this going on with a girl the entire night, kiss closed her at the end of the night, and then when I tried to get us to go out for some food and drinks I got a maybe, so maybe it doesn't work too well.

Am I at least on the right track with this stuff?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
(Is it in his eyes?)
Oh no! You need to see!
(Is it in his size?)
Oh no! You make believe!
If you wanna know
If he loves you so
Its in his kiss!
(That's where it is!)



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
If you can jump in and control the convo anytime you want, and have everyone maintaining eye contact, you're alpha.
I have a friend of mine who literally talks nonstop. He says he has to control the conversation because he is insecure (a strange reaction I must admit). He pretty much controls any conversation when he is around because no one can keep up with him. He says he doesn't feel comfortable when he isn't controlling the conversation. Is he an alpha? An insecure alpha?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score

Should be about vibing with each other.

How the HELL are you going to build rapport if you just talk like a machine-gun lol.

Your words should be interesting, have meaning and have the ability if you choose to, smoothly lead and change the conversation = alpha.