Do people really use pick up to meet a lot of girls?


New Member
Jun 8, 2014
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I'm a junior in high school (will be senior in a couple of weeks), and I've decided that I want to start doing pickup since I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands for summer. I've had a gf before and am talking to a girl now that I've hooked up with a couple of times, but I want to start to learn pick up. But I was just wondering, is pick up something that people here actually practice daily/weekly in order to meet new girls? With pick up, are people able to actually get to the point of sex with a girl that they randomly approached on the street? Obviously, I'm new to the concept of pick up, but I want to talk to more girls and work on my game so if this is something that people actually do I might as well join in. Thanks


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Yes, you can use pick up to get laid. HOWEVER, you need to know that pick-up is not a quick fix for your problems with women. You need to get out there and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. You cannot expect to become a pro and get laid just from doing a couple of approaches.

The best thing you can do is work on the weaknesses you have that women are attracted to you. If you're not fully confident, strive to reach for that. If you're not a touchy-feely person, try to become moreso. The ideal place to be is when you've internalized all the qualities that women find attractive, and use techniques as necessary to reel them in. Getting to the point where you can pick and choose which interested woman you want is truly mastering the game.

The best thing you can do to get started is read the DJ Bible.

The fact that you're only in high school but interested in becoming better with women will work to your advantage. By the time you're at your most valuable stage as a man (mid-30s) you will have no problem reeling in young women, but that's if you keep at it.

Good Luck.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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I'm no pick up artist....far from it....but I do ok.

I have gained the most from these things:

-DJ Bible
-Book Of Pook
-Rollo's blog

You will get a lot of advice here at the DJ Forum....much of it conflicting. Take everything you read here with a grain of salt...including my advice!

A lot of guys here will talk like they know everything about picking up women but I have a feeling all they are doing is regurgitating the stuff they read online and spending most of their time alone at their computers.

You're starting young...I think you'll be fine. I wish I had started on this stuff at your age.


New Member
Jun 3, 2014
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jsmith5 said:
I'm a junior in high school (will be senior in a couple of weeks), and I've decided that I want to start doing pickup since I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands for summer. I've had a gf before and am talking to a girl now that I've hooked up with a couple of times, but I want to start to learn pick up. But I was just wondering, is pick up something that people here actually practice daily/weekly in order to meet new girls? With pick up, are people able to actually get to the point of sex with a girl that they randomly approached on the street? Obviously, I'm new to the concept of pick up, but I want to talk to more girls and work on my game so if this is something that people actually do I might as well join in. Thanks
IMO some of you guys are to young to get crazy with the pickup stuff.

do you really know you are bad with girls/women yet? because of my ego it took me till my thirty s before I read this forum the DJ bible or any E books.

don't get seduced by this community or try to prove to anyone you are some great "pickup artist" just have fun with your friends family and girls first.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
I highly recommend improving yourself first dude. Either Look up coach Corey Wayne on YouTube, and maybe spend time with his book, or study this forum like everyone has said. Corey is one of the true Don Juans in my opinion. I started around your age at junior year too, its not impossible and I'm glad I did it.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
No guys do not use pickup to meet girls and get laid

Guys develop their social skills, conversation, body language, social awareness, inner confidence, social calibration, social circle, personal development and these are the kind of things which get you laid