Do Not Lose Faith


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
People are losing faith in sosuave.

People are losing faith in the Don Juan way of life.

New members and visitors come to this site expecting the secret to everything, to their everything in life; women. They come, they see and are disappointed. “This **** is for chumps!” they cry, “This is bull****, what about x, y and z?” Most leave.

Others persist.

They’ve seen “The Truth”(tm) and are determined to show those other, less aware users that “truth”.

They are the slanderers, the backstabbers, the immature.

They hunt down different members, members of great stature and those of none. So long as they believe in what they say, so long as they appear to be more composed, more aware and far more successful than the slanderer, they will be forever branded as liars, as cheats and as frauds. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” “What about getting laid? Where’s the part about getting laid?” “This is bull****. Nothing works for me. You guys are all morons.”

They threaten to leave, though a threat implies that something will be lost; that their absence will deprive the community, those members who they slander, of something of value. Another lie. It is made even emptier by their post in the next thread of any interest and the next until they are banned and cast aside.

Bitter, impatient and closed minded. These are not men.

There are those who come to sosuave and ignore the basic tenants, or simply do not understand them. They glance at the DJ Bible, they skim read a couple of posts and then splurge their emotions and frustrations all over the forums. They moan and wail and gnash their teeth in frustration; “Why won’t she go out with me?” “How do I get her to notice me...?” “I FOLLOWED ALL THE RULES BUT IT DIDNT WORK PLZ HELP ME”. They cry, they scream and they beg for advice. They submit to their emotions, to the women in their life or, in most cases, the periphery of their lives, yet when the advice comes they fight like lions for the dreams they are fed by the society in which they live, to fend off the attacks by reality and by the true members of sosuave. They are disheartened. They can’t understand. They leave, but not before littering the forums with their threads and posts, each one leading to nowhere despite the efforts of forum members.

Bitter, impatient and closed minded. These are not men.

There are those who ask questions about 'Alphaism', about 'Being a DJ'. They pine for leadership, for instructions on how to be a man. They are told and directed; puppets moving to and fro to Sosuave's instruction, never truly understanding what they are doing or why. They ask inane questions, seeking ridiculous 'insights' on the alpha male. "Are (x,y,z ethnicity) better seducers?" "If I sneeze during a date, do i have to beat the living s**t out of the girl to re-establish the frame?" "If I eat broccoli three times a day, will my C+F techniques improve? What about carrots, will they affect my IOI signals? Should I sit at an exact angle or face completely away from her to indicate my HV?"

These are the puppets, the vessels, the illusions. They are not real men. Quick with a buzz word and easily directed, yet they possess no knowledge despite any success and cannot move a foot without permission from sosuave.

They are not bitter, they are not impatient or close minded, but they are tools, they are mere puppets and they are nothing more than directionless children, turning to sosuave, to the fathers they never really had, seeking their guidance and their acceptance.

Then there are those who come to the forum, having little experience and a lot to say. They are a mix; the misogynists (“The women are the problem, not me!”), the superficial ‘players’ (“Looks are all that matter in THE GAME. (Dun, dun, dun)”), the short term ‘players’... you get the picture. They spout theories and rules, bad advice and concepts. Each one focuses on the extreme. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with sex or ONS’s, but are you using them for confidence? To fulfil your life’s ambitions? Sure, good looks can help. But inner game and a fulfilled life will bring in far more and far better women than a lucky-dumb ass with no real self-esteem or confidence but a decent face could ever hope to bring in.

And yes, women are *******s. We let them become that way, but they’re also women. They react to men naturally; they can’t help it. They want to be led, to be dominated. If you hate women just because of a few failures and rejections, you’re letting them dominate you. You’re letting them affect and shape your life, your attitudes and your emotions. Why would you do that?

Each one of these ‘men’ cannot see the bigger picture, cannot see the better path. They want quick results for little effort. They see no balance, no compromise or logic. They only see black and white.

Bitter, impatient and closed minded. These are not men.

Can you see?

The slanderers, the backstabbers, the immature.

The ignorant, the emotional, the spineless.

The puppets, the clueless, the directionless.

The narrow sighted, the impatient, the extremists.

These are women.

And these women cast about the forums in gangs and as lone rangers. They post and complain and cause trouble. This is a problem sosuave has always faced and most likely always will. This thread is not for these people.

It is for you. The newcomer, the experienced and the uncertain.

Sosuave is a gold mine. The founding members and the early pillars of the community burrowed their way deep beneath the ground; that veritable fortress, the female psyche, which few men have been able to penetrate. They discovered the secrets, the tricks and the understanding that led them to success; gold deposits few had ever truly seen before. They left them be, leaving post supports, lights and signs to lead the way for the intrepid few that would follow in their wake.

But that intrepid few would turn into the many.

People of all creeds, mindsets and experiences would flood into the mine, kicking up dirt (bad posts and attitudes) to cloud and mask the gold, casting doubt upon the visitors about the deposits they find. “Is this advice valuable?” they ask, “Or is it untrue?”. Over time the mine became flooded with dirt and grime, the gold still there but ultimately reburied. The lights and guides are still here, left by those who came before and new guides are being established by those new pillars of the community who would lead us to success. But you must persevere to find them.

Sosuave holds the potential for you to become everything you’ve dreamed of, but the way is clouded by those who would wish to misguide you in their own failure and hatred of the world. Success with women is linked to you, to your self improvement and to your own success in other areas of your life. There is a lot of bad advice on these forums, yet there is so much good to find if only you have patience and look a little harder, a little further.

Do not lose faith in this site.

Do not lose faith in yourself.

Do not close your mind to the truth.

Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
You're right on the money. A lot of people lose faith because they try once and get no results. Most people though don't follow through with the process of becoming a Don Juan. They end up getting the girl, but start showing AFC qualities throughout the relationship. I'm not going to say I'm a Don Juan, not even close, but I do understand the basic mindset. It's more about you then it is anybody else. That's what I love about this site. It's not just about getting girls, but it's about making you the person you could possibly be. So, I agree you have to have faith and stick with it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, top notch post. Lets hope ppl listen to it.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
No. People lose faith because they do read the Bible and they do read the posts on this board and they do take that advice to heart and they do try their best in the field.

But then they realize that the life inside their head is different from the life outside of their head. They realize that the girls they meet are very different from what they have been told by members of Sosuave. They realize that the theories they learned in their tiny basement have no connection with the practice of the vast world upstairs...


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, and after taking a long break and some time off, they realize that everything starts coming together, magically.

And they return, and from their experience post new theories that confuse newcomers. A vicious circle :D


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
IMO, what's hampering sosuave--at least for newcomers--is usually one or both of:

(1) People not exactly receiving the advice they came here for in the first place.
For example, newcomers/virgins/non-advanced-don-juans asking pretty
straightforward questions but getting ridiculed/snubbed at/demotivating
responses from the more senior members. Often due to a difference of
standards. Not everyone has very high standards, not everyone needs to.
(Depending on the situation...etc...)

(2) People not receiving advice very detailed advice--more of a quality issue.
Sometimes the responses are more of "you gotta get out more"...etc...
but don't really specify anything more. For example, "go to a local cafe
and see what's up", "look at craigslist and see what events are
happening in your area...", etc. are examples of more detailed responses,
(even with not-the-best-examples).


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
A lot of people here spend too much time browsing sosuave, and are lacking the real-life experience.

Being a man is a combination of being yourself and understanding the game. You can be yourself, but if you don't understand the game, you won't get laid. You can also understand the game, but if that's all you chase, you won't be satisfied with your life.

Gunslinger here has shed some light to the degrading sosuave community. The community now can be very intimidating to the newcomers because of all the confusing and contradicting feedback.

Guess what you need to do? Read the bible and get out. Try to understand your women behavior, all by yourself, instead of coming back here and ask and whine why she didn't call you. There's no better teacher than your own experience. Try a few different things, and see the results. Experiment. Experience. Don't be afraid to fail, because you will, but don't give up. The journey is where the fun is.

ken chang

Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Manila, Philippines
I've read the DJ bible and I've been receiving newsletters from SoSuave since last year, but I've only joined the forums recently.

My 1st impression was: "Boy, there sure are a lot of angry men in here." I was actually quite surprised since the newsletters I've been receiving were mostly about being calm and not letting anything upset you too much. And yet, in the forums I see a lot of guys attacking other guys, cussing at them, threatening them with bodily harm, accusations of homosexuality.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not disappointed. Just surprised. I'm still glad I joined. It's still much better than the last forum I was in where everyone was too overly sweet and wussy. (People there kept saying stuff like,"Hey, how have you been? *HUGS*". Made me wanna puke.)

Still glad to have finally found a MAN's forum.

As a rule though, I only intend to post based on my experiences or experiences of friends close to me. Since I'm nowhere good enough to give advice, for now, I can only tell people what NOT to do. I have made so many mistakes with women and had to learn the hard way. Still learning actually. And I hope others out there benefit by learning from the mistakes I've made.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
sharkybear said:
A lot of people here spend too much time browsing sosuave
Guilty as charged! However the forum seems to be stagnating right now, so maybe the issue is solved by itself ;)

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
It must also be said that succesful men do not argue on forums. When I was learning about weightlifting I visited a lot of boards about powerlifting, bodybuilding and olympic lifting and just like Sosuave, these boards were full of men with stories and theories. But when I found out how simple it actually was to train and progress, I stopped visiting these boards and I would never return.

The same thing is happening here. Guys who found out how to live their lives didn't feel the need anymore to argue with people on the internet. They left this board forever. Only the guys with problems remain.

The internet is like a dungeon for the losers of life and love, the outcasts of society and the mentally ill with the blind leading the blind in a vicious circle.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
best post in a long time

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
J. Darko said:
It must also be said that succesful men do not argue on forums. When I was learning about weightlifting I visited a lot of boards about powerlifting, bodybuilding and olympic lifting and just like Sosuave, these boards were full of men with stories and theories. But when I found out how simple it actually was to train and progress, I stopped visiting these boards and I would never return.

The same thing is happening here. Guys who found out how to live their lives didn't feel the need anymore to argue with people on the internet. They left this board forever. Only the guys with problems remain.

The internet is like a dungeon for the losers of life and love, the outcasts of society and the mentally ill with the blind leading the blind in a vicious circle.
I hate to say it but I agree with you.

However, although it is an inescapable dungeon for some, it is also a "foothold" for others who are working to get their lives straightened out. Those are the guys from the "golden years" who were here and are now gone, and also the percentage of us who will outgrow this site and leave in order to live life. I'm certain that there will come a day when I will no longer feel the need to be here. I have seen my progression from having a great emotional stake in replies to my posts (anger, hurt, embarrassment, etc.) to not giving a flying fvck about it. These days I write what I want and maybe check the answers days later if at all, and learn what I can.

It's all a process, and sadly some will never make it out of here and other similar forums. I think a good indicator of where you are is the emotional stake you have in it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
J. Darko said:
It must also be said that succesful men do not argue on forums. When I was learning about weightlifting I visited a lot of boards about powerlifting, bodybuilding and olympic lifting and just like Sosuave, these boards were full of men with stories and theories. But when I found out how simple it actually was to train and progress, I stopped visiting these boards and I would never return.

The same thing is happening here. Guys who found out how to live their lives didn't feel the need anymore to argue with people on the internet. They left this board forever. Only the guys with problems remain.

The internet is like a dungeon for the losers of life and love, the outcasts of society and the mentally ill with the blind leading the blind in a vicious circle.
I agree, but I don't think it's that bad. I can only speak for myself, but I've been doing pretty well for some time. True, I don't have a new girl every week but I pull some every now and then ;) This was definitely not the case 3 years ago.

Some time or the other, when I'm bored, I chime in and do some posting. I've been more successful than ever, but OH NO I'M POSTING! And in fact arguing with you about some thing that is totally arbitrary and uninteresting ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Faith, in the unknown and the yet unseen, is the wellspring of all creation. Whether you are creating a business, or creating yourself as the man you desire to be, FAITH is the secret power that will determine your success.

I keep these words from the Sermon on the Mount constantly before me:

"For verily I say unto you, that if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain: Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

The mountain of which Christ spoke was not a physical one; it is the mountain of fears and doubts (evil) which amasses itself inside your mind. FAITH is the greatest power we have as intelligent human beings!

Whatever you believe is true, is exactly what you will realize.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
What a great post Gunslinger, if more people positively immersed themselves in other areas of life; sosuave, would be just a mere after thought for most men. Working full time, school full time and weight training 4+ times a week keeps me pretty damn busy. Women come after all this, because I ultimately decide. Although my time is very limited, it forces me to act more precisely in actions and also have some damn fun. Which in turn makes free time very valuable in the eyes of others and me.