Do not be afraid to show interest


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
I'll make this short but sweet.

If there is a girl you are interested in, you cannot be afraid to show it.

If she has a positive reaction, she will be MOST likely to have it the sooner you show attraction.

All it really takes is a joke etc about you and her. Something like "You don't have to try so hard to get into my pants." If she doesn't respond much, looks away, doesn't say anything/murmurs, she's probably not interested. If she is eager to talk about it, then you know she's interested. Either way, one of the best ways to make a girl interested is to show interest yourself, and if that doesn't work you might as well move onto the next girl.

But remember, if you meet a girl for the first time, don't be afraid to make comments about how good she looks, etc. As long as you keep your confidence and don't degrade yourself, nothing bad will come out of it and it's the first step to making her want you.


There is a huge misconception as I can see from your response samurai.

Showing interest doesn't make you an AFC. Telling a girl your feelings does. Putting yourself on a lower level does. Assuming the role of being subordinate does. Spending money does. These things do not reflect the confidence which must be present. You can be attracted to a girl and not care whether you get to know her.
Last edited:
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have to respectfully disagree with what you've written here. Always showing interest from day one is a sure recipe to make you look like all the other AFC's out there. Also, just because she doesn't react favorably to the line "you don't have to try so hard to get in my pants" doesn't means that she is(was)n't interested.

Sorry dude but I don't think this is good advice... :eek:


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Well, unless you drop to the floor, saying how she is the most gorgeous girl you have ever laid eyes on and with her permission will kiss the ground she walks on, I think this is good advice.

If you act too indifferent and have no outstanding features in the looks department, chances are, she won't even notice you.

So by showing her some interest she will start wondering about you. Have you ever noticed how you start to like someone better after you find out they have a crush on you or they really like you?

When you have her attention, you sometimes show a little interest, and sometimes you don't which will make her wonder about you even more. Throw in a little teasing and pretty soon, you is all she will be thinking of.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
What about the girls that seem to be attracted to guys that don't seem to like them. How do you win them over?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
this tip is good and seems correct, you just have to make sure you do it properly and do not mistake what it is you should do, you are suposed to show romantic intrest sometimes, this will stop her putting you in the freind group. This does not mean you should give her lots of attention, htis would be a bad way to show her you are intrested as it will sotp her from being as intrested, like Nocturnal said, you show romantic intrest in what you say, and do not over do it either.

as for what fatality asked, well i dnot think any of the rules should change because of this, you just have to try to win her over, which you ironicly do by not trying to:p (among other things)

hope iv been a help


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk

as for what fatality asked, well i dnot think any of the rules should change because of this, you just have to try to win her over, which you ironicly do by not trying to:p (among other things)
More accuratelly you win her over by causing her to try to win you over to her. So in that aspect it should be something you both want.


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
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New York
I don't think he's trying to say that you should show strong interest instantly.

But it stands to reason that you show some interest.

I mean purely maintaining eye contact, smiling and dropping the odd sly and well placed compliment is enough to show signs of interest without being to obvious. If you can combine that with a couple of neg-hits then it gives the girl mixed thoughts.

The key is showing interest without coming on like a love sick puppy.

As long as you know what level of interest is apropiate then I don't see anything wrong with the original point.

I mean the act of approaching a random girl is usually enough to give a signal to them that you're interested.

There is a distinct difference between confidently expressing an interest and acting like some desperate idiot that's just seen a halo of beuaty infront of him.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Six-String Samurai
I have to respectfully disagree with what you've written here. Always showing interest from day one is a sure recipe to make you look like all the other AFC's out there. Also, just because she doesn't react favorably to the line "you don't have to try so hard to get in my pants" doesn't means that she is(was)n't interested.

Sorry dude but I don't think this is good advice... :eek:
I don't know how you show interest. But if your version of showing interest is paying for everything, telling her that she's beautiful, etc etc on day one. Then yeah that's bad and reeks desperation.

But if on day one you look her deeply in the eyes, be physically close to her, or if possible kino her lightly. She knows your interested in her.

You have to show interest to get an answer for the next date. If she responds coldly/neutrally when you do those actions then most likely she's not into you. If she responds back by looking at you deeply, letting you touch her hands and arms. Your game is working.

Now what if you did not do the above mentioned in the paragraph? She'll think you're just another friend who just wants to hang out with her. But wait that's not the end, if you ask her out on a second date and you act less aloof.. she'll go. HMMM.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!

Good post, your one of the few posters here that I really beleive has little trouble with women in reality.

Let me clue you guys in, showing initial interest displays confidence big time! Shy guys and nice guys don't do it because they are afraid. Then theres the "jerks" that assume every girl walking by is digging them, and they get alot more poon than the nice guys.

The whole don't show interest thing you read about when you start out here at Sosuave is to help you out in the beginning. It kinda gives you a false display of confidence, but its not real and the rule should be abandoned.

Interest combined with indifference is the key. If you can say your diggin her and not care whether or not she is diggin you, then your on your way. As pook continues to try and pound into you guys heads, it should be about you.

The only real big point I've ever really tried to get across to people here is to lighten up and have fun with it, and let it come naturally.

But anyway, good post Noc.

Mr. Mystery


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Good post. Showing interest doesn't make you an AFC. It's behaving like a love sick puppy that does that. I see tons of chix that I'm attracted to, and the girls know that when I show them interest it doesn't mean I've put them on a pedestal. I just see them as one of the hundreds of chix that I'm attracted to. They know I'm trying to get in their pants, and if I don't, I don't really care. I'll move on to the next. Remember guys, it's you that's important not the chic. Don't do anything that's not natural to you. Just relax, and have fun with it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts

"OH! let me get that for you!"
"wow, your eyes are so beautiful!"
"Sure, I'll get you a drink even though I dont know you!"

Acting all insecure and god damn stupid.


"haha, I know what you're all about. You've been checking me out since I my hot ass in here! :p"

Grinning and showing interest, but still not really caring about what she thinks - or anyone else for that matter. Not disrespectful, but definately not PC.

Women like to have a little game to make you work for it. So why not turn their game into your game, and just have a blast with it?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Six-String Samurai
I have to respectfully disagree with what you've written here. Always showing interest from day one is a sure recipe to make you look like all the other AFC's out there. Also, just because she doesn't react favorably to the line "you don't have to try so hard to get in my pants" doesn't means that she is(was)n't interested.

Sorry dude but I don't think this is good advice... :eek:
It has nothing to do with when you show interest, it's how you show interest.


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Joshytoohotty
I don't think he's trying to say that you should show strong interest instantly.

But it stands to reason that you show some interest.

I mean purely maintaining eye contact, smiling and dropping the odd sly and well placed compliment is enough to show signs of interest without being to obvious. If you can combine that with a couple of neg-hits then it gives the girl mixed thoughts.

The key is showing interest without coming on like a love sick puppy.

As long as you know what level of interest is apropiate then I don't see anything wrong with the original point.

I mean the act of approaching a random girl is usually enough to give a signal to them that you're interested.

There is a distinct difference between confidently expressing an interest and acting like some desperate idiot that's just seen a halo of beuaty infront of him.
Very true dude! I met my first girl this way. At that time i didnt even show any specific interest in her, but just by commenting on her looks (she is 8.5) and then kind of igoring her (honest..all this was unplanned..), i piqued her interest and in the end it was SHE who asked ME out! :lol:...i wasnt even thinking all was pure accident..


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nocturnal
I'll make this short but sweet.

If there is a girl you are interested in, you cannot be afraid to show it.

If she has a positive reaction, she will be MOST likely to have it the sooner you show attraction.

All it really takes is a joke etc about you and her. Something like "You don't have to try so hard to get into my pants." If she doesn't respond much, looks away, doesn't say anything/murmurs, she's probably not interested. If she is eager to talk about it, then you know she's interested. Either way, one of the best ways to make a girl interested is to show interest yourself, and if that doesn't work you might as well move onto the next girl.

But remember, if you meet a girl for the first time, don't be afraid to make comments about how good she looks, etc. As long as you keep your confidence and don't degrade yourself, nothing bad will come out of it and it's the first step to making her want you.


There is a huge misconception as I can see from your response samurai.

Showing interest doesn't make you an AFC. Telling a girl your feelings does. Putting yourself on a lower level does. Assuming the role of being subordinate does. Spending money does. These things do not reflect the confidence which must be present. You can be attracted to a girl and not care whether you get to know her.
This might be the most true and best post I've ever come across on these forums. Most of this **** is about honing your "game," or specific "moves" for one to pull in the field. But I like this. Simple, effective, and I can relate to it personally.

You guys ever noticed how, sometimes, a chick is tons more into you once you get really flirtatious with her, ask for her phone number, or ask her to some respectable event? I know I have. The latter situation netted me my current girlfriend. I let her know I was interested in doing so, she did the same back in her own little girl way, and it pretty much flew from there.