Hot girls, like 7s and up just know by default that guys are interested. Hell, men are far more turned on by looks than women are, yet I know that most women are attracted to me (in terms of physical appearance - this is different to actual, proper sexual attraction) on some level when I go a HB must be extremely concious of this.
I don't think we give women enough credit on this site either...
Guys, you know when you go up to a woman with your nicely-planned out opener, followed by a DHV story or whatever?...well as soon as you stay longer than the situation required, in this case, begin your DHV story, she knows your gaming her. I think a woman that says she doesn't is lying or very, very naieve, but probably lying.
Thats why I think being direct is best...cos she's gonna know anyway, but at least that way you don't communicate that you're trying to hide what your intentions are.