Do most guys have no balls?


Aug 2, 2009
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I ask this because most guys seem to try to get women the same ways:

- They play the social circle game and creep on some girl they're pretending to be friends with but really want to go out with her or get in her pants. They're the guy that makes pointless comments on her facebook updates or hangs out with her when she's shopping or talks to her on the phone about her "secrets."

- They go to bars or clubs, get a little alcohol into their system, and try to act tough and start a fight that they know they probably couldn't win. They don't even intend to fight. They just think by looking macho, they're impressing the girls even though they just look insecure and childish.

- Or just as bad, they rely on luck or meeting someone through a friend or at work. Nothing wrong with either, but you aren't likely to meet what you actually want by having things fall on your lap.

Here's another example. I approached this girl working at one of those mall vendors. I ran some indirect game, pretending I was interested in what she was selling. Not the best approach, but I did it, it was my first approach in a while, and it got me to where I am now. My friend worked in the store next to her, so I went in there and we kind of joked around and I told him how nervous I was. So I told him exactly what I said to her and told him here was his chance, he could go up to her and mimick my approach then introduce himself. He didn't have the balls to do it even though you could tell he was really attracted to her.

He has some social circle girlfriend now, but he will rely on meeting people through people or being opened by girls that aren't HBs for the rest of his life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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HelpYourself said:
I ask this because most guys seem to try to get women the same ways:

- They play the social circle game and creep on some girl they're pretending to be friends with but really want to go out with her or get in her pants. They're the guy that makes pointless comments on her facebook updates or hangs out with her when she's shopping or talks to her on the phone about her "secrets."
Nothing wrong with meeting people through your social circles, it happens a lot. But I do have to lol because the guy you described sounds like this orbiter ex bf a girl I know has (guy's always on her, he even "accidentally" bumped into us when we were on a date)

- They go to bars or clubs, get a little alcohol into their system, and try to act tough and start a fight that they know they probably couldn't win. They don't even intend to fight. They just think by looking macho, they're impressing the girls even though they just look insecure and childish.
Those guys are just idiots, most girls aren't impressed with this.

- Or just as bad, they rely on luck or meeting someone through a friend or at work. Nothing wrong with either, but you aren't likely to meet what you actually want by having things fall on your lap.
Again, this happens to me so much, and I don't mind really. I'm ok with my friends finding girls for me to meet, as long as their cute and interesting (I approach too but I'll take all the help I can get).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
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- They go to bars or clubs, get a little alcohol into their system, and try to act tough and start a fight that they know they probably couldn't win. They don't even intend to fight. They just think by looking macho, they're impressing the girls even though they just look insecure and childish.

A guy did that to me once. Because I was dancing with several girls, I guess he was jealous and thought 'what I'm taller/bigger than him why not me', or whatever convoluted nonsense conjured in his brain.

Either way he said he could kick my ass and I just smiled at him and said 'No you can't'. He backed off, predictably.

The behaviour you referenced in the other two examples are probably motivated by a fear of rejection or fear of the comfort zone. Most people pick their girlfriends from social circles or from college (again, social circle, social events).


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
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HelpYourself, your screen name could not be more ironic. There is a bitterness in your tone, you spend too much energy watching others and worrying about what they're doing. You have much work to do, grasshopper.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
The answer is yes. Most guys aren't very good with girls and get lucky. The one's who consistently get them are rare.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Most guys have no balls man. Their all fake. Ive actually come to the realization that its not the girls fault that their *****es its the guys that made them that way. Why would girls want to act nice to someone who always has a shell covering his real self from the girl because hes afraid of being himself.
Guys always have to put up an image cause their afraid of their real selves. Conduct an experiment man go sarge then chill with your guy friends and then ask yourself who is the ***** the girls you were talking to or your guy friends. Who puts up the image of something their not more? who doesnt allow you to accept yourself more? who makes you feel like you have to be someone your not just to fit in more?

Some guys would say its girls that are like this but no. Go sarge more and be yourself just say whatever you want to say to the girl and then go to your guy friends and say whatever you want to say to them watch almost everytime if your friends arent dj's or like pook or have the same interests as you you will most likely get made fun of for what you said if it wasnt the cool thing to say even if in their minds they were thinking the exact same thing you were saying.

This always happens to me yesterday my friends were such faggets they were doing their whole cool act ( im drunk , im high yea im cool) then when i went to sarge they started laughing and the girl thought i wasnt serious that i was playing a prank when i wasnt . Then they started making fun of me cause they were to ***** to sarge. Guys are pussies and haterz man now i know why girls come off so mean cause they think all guys are the same pussies and haterz i would do the same thing if i were a girl everyone else would to. Girls arent the problem we are


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
That's why "Hit the Gym!" is part of the SS Mantra. The bigger you get, the more you respect yourself; the more respect you command, the less people fvck with you. If you want to cut the dumb sh!t out of your life, get started.

Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
This always happens to me yesterday my friends were such faggets they were doing their whole cool act ( im drunk , im high yea im cool) then when i went to sarge they started laughing and the girl thought i wasnt serious that i was playing a prank when i wasnt . Then they started making fun of me cause they were to ***** to sarge. Guys are pussies and haterz man now i know why girls come off so mean cause they think all guys are the same pussies and haterz i would do the same thing if i were a girl everyone else would to. Girls arent the problem we are

this is just great, another guy on a "male guilt trip".


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Do they?

It does not matter.

What matters is the question "am I one of them"?