Okay. as you all know I am a women older perhaps.. but here are my suggestions:
-Lose the glasses. YOu should get both contacts and another pair. The black rims is too geeky looking.
-Lose the shirt... uless you want to pick up chicks at a video arcade or roller rink
Looks like you need to get some new clothes. Go to Banana Republic or even old navy.
-Start taking care of your face more. I see a lot of teenage acne on your chin. That is normal but you can start now to take care of it. Make an appt. with your dermo. There is also some great over the counter products. I prefer using products with Tea Tree oil. You can also just buy plain old baking soda at the grocery store and use that. It is great for oily skin. Take a little in the palm of your hand, mix with warm water or a cleanser and gently scrub your face. I use it while in the shower. ALso cleans your tub
Might be too gay, but another great tip for acne is to use Milk of Magnesia as a face mask. Pat on and let dry. Get the unscented one.
-Like everyone said, looks like you could lose a few but lucky for you you're tall.
-Hair- I think you can do better with the cut. I say grow out the sides more and top. NOthing too long but that cut is too highschool.
And I am not sure where you live but a little sun. I am saying a lot but just a little like you have at least been outdoors within the last year would also help. But be careful if you do get stuff for the acne. A lot of products make you photosensitive.
In any case, I hope you aren't angry at this. Better you start now. i mean you are young and if you start now.. you are going to me the KING DON JAUN on here. YOu have nice enough features but I think a makeover is in store. Please don't be mad. I am only trying to be honest.
Good luck.