Do girls like guys who are metro?


Mar 22, 2006
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Ya know, the guys who wear the Abercrombie shirts, have the gelled hair, etc. So many times on myspace (girls who I know personally) say they like guys who wear that type stuff. Then there's girls who say they don't like a feminine guy. What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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The simple answer is: some do, some don't! Just as some girls like rockers, some like skaters, some like bodybuilders and so on. It's all a matter of taste.

Generally speaking though, a feminine attitude in a guy is a turn off to most women.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Arizona USA
Jariel said:
The simple answer is: some do, some don't! Just as some girls like rockers, some like skaters, some like bodybuilders and so on. It's all a matter of taste.

Generally speaking though, a feminine attitude in a guy is a turn off to most women.
Not nessesary. Fiminity in a guy is persieved as a charm. Feminine guy is charming( so is for a girl) Combination of buffed guys who is masculine and charming is the most what they like. (based on my experience only)


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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spaceman2001 said:
Ya know, the guys who wear the Abercrombie shirts, have the gelled hair, etc. So many times on myspace (girls who I know personally) say they like guys who wear that type stuff. Then there's girls who say they don't like a feminine guy. What do you guys think?
My answer is...don't pay much attention to what a "girl" (or woman) says...instead pay attention to what they do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Combination of buffed guys who is masculine and charming is the most what they like. (based on my experience only)
I agree and this is exactly how I try to be. Feminine charm in a man is great at winning female friends, but I believe you need to project your sexuality to strike up any desire.

Girls love guys who take care of themselves. Very well-groomed guys.
Again I agree and this is something I live by too. I'm regularly referred to metro-sexual due to being well dressed and groomed (which I believe is the actual definition of the term), but I am far from feminine.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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godsgifttowomen said:
Girls love guys who take care of themselves. Very well-groomed guys.

Generally speaking (e.g. most women) you are correct.

I personally don't consider myself "metro sexual". If I was going to describe my mannerisms and the way I dress and compare that with a particular movie...I would say, I'm more of the "ocean 11" type. Of course, I'm 38. Not saying that I try to immitate anyone from the movies...but more of a description for clarification purposes.

I view metro sexuals as effeminated men.

But being groom is something that men should do without damaging their masculinity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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I personally believe that metro sexualism is there to justify men into developing effeminated mannerisms.

No man should spend more time in front of a mirror than a woman.

For decades, men have shown elegance without the "metro sexualism" syndrome. I wouldn't consider Sinatra or James Bond or any of those guys a "metro sexual". But they were indeed well groomed and elegant. And they still behaved like men.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Latinoman said:
I personally believe that metro sexualism is there to justify men into developing effeminated mannerisms.

No man should spend more time in front of a mirror than a woman.

For decades, men have shown elegance without the "metro sexualism" syndrome. I wouldn't consider Sinatra or James Bond or any of those guys a "metro sexual". But they were indeed well groomed and elegant. And they still behaved like men.

look the whole metro thing is retarded. its a term made up by the media so that they can write tons of dumbass articles.

Men who cared about their appearance existed forever. From Alexander the Great to Caesar to Byron and Casanova and Don Juan and so on and so on. Some of the greatest conquerors, lovers, scientists, etc. were what any paper today would call metro. Hell, any aristocratic culture would be considered metro by todays standards from greeks and romans to french and italian and british nobility to todays guys.

And the truth about the whole thing is a lot less controversial than one would think. There are tons of guys who take good care of themselves. And very few of those guys actually do it in a feminine way, yet they oftentimes get grouped into the "metro/homostraight" crowd. Kinda like for every 10 guys I know who really care what they look like and take care of their appearance only maybe one goes into extremes like getting manicures and that BS. The rest are just normal guys who can get down and dirty if needed but love rocking $150 jeans and use moisturizer.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Egoist said:
look the whole metro thing is retarded. its a term made up by the media so that they can write tons of dumbass articles.

Men who cared about their appearance existed forever. From Alexander the Great to Caesar to Byron and Casanova and Don Juan and so on and so on. Some of the greatest conquerors, lovers, scientists, etc. were what any paper today would call metro. Hell, any aristocratic culture would be considered metro by todays standards from greeks and romans to french and italian and british nobility to todays guys.

And the truth about the whole thing is a lot less controversial than one would think. There are tons of guys who take good care of themselves. And very few of those guys actually do it in a feminine way, yet they oftentimes get grouped into the "metro/homostraight" crowd. Kinda like for every 10 guys I know who really care what they look like and take care of their appearance only maybe one goes into extremes like getting manicures and that BS. The rest are just normal guys who can get down and dirty if needed but love rocking $150 jeans and use moisturizer.
I agree with you 100%.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Latinoman said:
For decades, men have shown elegance without the "metro sexualism" syndrome. I wouldn't consider Sinatra or James Bond or any of those guys a "metro sexual". But they were indeed well groomed and elegant. And they still behaved like men.
This is a great illustration of what we men should be trying to emulate. I call it having class. Whatever you guys do don't stop brushing, flossing, showering and wearing deodorant because you're trying to be more manly.

I see the metrosexual movement as having two aims. The most obvious ones is to create a larger market for makeup and personal grooming products. In other words, they're trying to get us to spend as much money on our appearance as women do, telling us we need to use 4 different products on our face every day, 3 different shower gels, shampoo, conditioner, after-conditioner, spray conditioner for right after the shower, then some pomade to style it (and of course, we died it for 'natural' color that lasts first). Then they tell us to exfoliate our skin, use blackhead removal strips, some Nivea for men, then put some lotion to undo the damage all that did, throw on some concealer to 'smooth our complexion', maybe some eye-liner to look more... something, then finally we're done with our face. We've still got to keep our skin smooth, our bodies waxed, our nails done and... damn anybody else tired of this yet? They're sellling us products.

A more serious aim of metrosexuality is to demonize masculinity. Feminazis are raising men to behave like women, brainwashing us into believing that we are 'natural oppressors' and that our society is keeping women in the gutter while advancing the aims of men. In other words, the Malboro Man isn't manly, he's oppressive, and we need to act like women trapped in a man's body in order not to oppress anybody. The best way to oppose this is to refuse to buy into it. Be a man's man, and don't pander to gender politics.

Have enough common sense to do what you need to look well-groomed, smell nice, and show you have a sense of style.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
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San Diego East County Mountains
Latinoman said:
... or James Bond or any of those guys a "metro sexual". ...
The actors that played him spent hours in "make up" to look the way he did. Otherwise. you are right!!