Do girls do crazy ****?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
This is just plain weird.

I am going away to a boarding school in the end of the summer to a new city. I currently have a girl here in this city that have been with me for 3 months. We have been dating healthly and stablely, where i have the dominate control in the relationship.

This girl likes me a lot, i can tell from the constant phone call she rings me everyday, and i have never ever call her, only the two times which i have to cancell a date. She has never cancell a date on me, and during the date i will always be the one to leave first and she literally begging me to stay with her a while longer. It's not abusing her, it's just a way to keep control of the relationship as the dominate side and never let her lose interest in you, and it works wonders.

I am leaving in 2 days now, and she has been acting very strangely lately. Yesterday she got sad suddenly during a stroll in the park, i asked what is it and she told me i have never ever call her in our relationship (i mean, come on, who cares who calls who??), and she is always the one to call me.

Today she got sad all of a sudden during our hanging out again, and told me how her life isn't going to well for her, she has this music auditions in a few months and not sure if she can do it, her best friend just broke up with her, and i am leaving in 2 days as well. I tried to comfort her using flirty appraoch, ex. You have to believe in yourself in the audition, hey remember that you got me to be your bf, now what else can't you do? smile.

It doesn't quite help, she then complained about how it's our last days together but im always hanging out with my friends in clubs at night, and start mentioning a few of my closer female friends (somehow she has the idea that most of my female friends are super models look alike) and utter nonsense about how they give me blow *** at night.

She just got more and more emotional, and suddenly kinda loses control and i had enough of her. So i said, Claire goodbye, it's been nice knowing you and i hope you have a good life.

I was hoping we can do something special for the last day, i am a realist and practical person and know the chances of us being back together is close to 0.1%, and i never intend to find her in the future. But i genuinely like her and was hoping the last memories we have for eachother can be good ones, and then go seperate in our lives.

And now she loses it and that's it, that's her fault, that will be our final good bye and i won't see her again in the future. And im totally ok with that.

But the problem is, that is just some crazy ****, and she has been so sweet, cute, fun and always good to me all the time, she has almost never been angry at me etc, i have been treating her very well, always having fun in our dates (till recently), it was now our last days so why she suddenly changed?

i want to know this so i have better experience for the future.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Dunno how to interpet it,to me it looked like an long-ass **** test but i could be wrong,i was never in a situation like this one.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
ya girls give you tests, but only in the beginning of the relationship where they still need the confirmation that you are not afc

this girl just never dare give me any **** test, she knows that i will get angry if she does any bs like that

and even if she is doing a test on me, why do it in the last days before i leave?


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
How long are you leaving for? Maybe she was afraid of losing you and wanted to see how much you care for her.

EDIT: I just re-read your thread,seems like she was trying to make you stay or something.You know LDRs don't work anyway so why bother?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
She is scared of when you go. Its caused her to react this way.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
She does have alot of **** going on (at least what seems to be inHS), so yea she was probably worried about you leaving, but I have something to add:

This girl likes me a lot, i can tell from the constant phone call she rings me everyday, and i have never ever call her, only the two times which i have to cancell a date.
I understand in the beginning, but later on man you should soften up just a bit, otherwise she's gonna get tired of it (if she's a normal girl who doesn't like to be abused all the time).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
It sounds like her IL is rising high.

She may be a good girl but she's getting tired of the ride and she wants a bit of emotional stability and commitment from you.

I have been through the same thing exactly and at some point you cannot use the same tricks over and over again.

Open up, that's when your real self-confidence will reveal itself.
Not some lame Hard to get trick you picked up on sosuave.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
you are right, i think i need to open up, i have always been fun, interesting, mysterious, flirty, neg hit her all the time, etc

but i have never been the true bf that gives her intimiate love and attention

i have overcome the fear of going after women, but now i think i have the new fear of becoming too afc by showing my feelings too much

i have been learning and soaking up DJ stuff so fast that i lost who i really am, i remember the days when i am a very caring guy, never hurting a girl emotionally on purpose, but now i do it sometimes, by leaving early in dates, never calling her up, etc. just to keep her IL high and me in control of the relationship

i do care about her and like her geniunely, but sometimes im scared of letting her know how much i really like her, she may lose interest in me, so i never do any of those loving and sweet bf stuff that a true bf does

one time her very cloes friend, herself and I hung out, for some reason i just got into the mood of neg hitting her a lot:

She said: Hey terry i am finding a job now
Me: Wow, just a suggestion, you should check out the freak show that just came into town, im quite certain they would hire you there (laugh)
She: (looked kinda sad on her face, but managed to smile and giggled a bit)

Later her friend talked to me in private, and got pissd about how i was giving my gf ****, but i said i was just teasing her. And at that time i thought her friend is just all tigten up and *****y, don't even know what a joke is. But now i think maybe she was right, neg hit is fun at times, but i have probably dont it so much on her that i hurt her self esteem. And i have probably done it so much on her that it numbed me, i just don't know when im actually hurting her.

so i guess that what she did was kinda like a revenge huh, and i wouldn't be surprised at all if her friend was the one that suggested her on it


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
I was dating a girl this summer who seemed to be emotionally stable until about 3 weeks before she went away to school. She went crazy on me a couple of nights in a row. We had both agreed at the beginning of the summer that it would be a temporary thing...I think it might be harder for girls to deal with that.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
DJ4Life said:
you are right, i think i need to open up, i have always been fun, interesting, mysterious, flirty, neg hit her all the time, etc

but i have never been the true bf that gives her intimiate love and attention

i have overcome the fear of going after women, but now i think i have the new fear of becoming too afc by showing my feelings too much

i have been learning and soaking up DJ stuff so fast that i lost who i really am, i remember the days when i am a very caring guy, never hurting a girl emotionally on purpose, but now i do it sometimes, by leaving early in dates, never calling her up, etc. just to keep her IL high and me in control of the relationship

i do care about her and like her geniunely, but sometimes im scared of letting her know how much i really like her, she may lose interest in me, so i never do any of those loving and sweet bf stuff that a true bf does

one time her very cloes friend, herself and I hung out, for some reason i just got into the mood of neg hitting her a lot:

She said: Hey terry i am finding a job now
Me: Wow, just a suggestion, you should check out the freak show that just came into town, im quite certain they would hire you there (laugh)
She: (looked kinda sad on her face, but managed to smile and giggled a bit)

Later her friend talked to me in private, and got pissd about how i was giving my gf ****, but i said i was just teasing her. And at that time i thought her friend is just all tigten up and *****y, don't even know what a joke is. But now i think maybe she was right, neg hit is fun at times, but i have probably dont it so much on her that i hurt her self esteem. And i have probably done it so much on her that it numbed me, i just don't know when im actually hurting her.

so i guess that what she did was kinda like a revenge huh, and i wouldn't be surprised at all if her friend was the one that suggested her on it
Yeah, she's probably all uptight and *****y because your ex was probably spilling the beans about you, and made you out to be maybe, not the nicest of guys. Like it's said, women hate the "jerk" types (their words, not mine) on paper, but will love them in person. Plus it doesnt help that females are usually protective of eachother.

her friend thinks your a sleazeee man.

But life goes on.

Good luck with your new boarding school eh?

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Always note to yourself whenever negative sh!t is coming up change the subject, your just digging a grave with more and more negativity.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
lol if she really talked to my ex, she would probably say that i am a very funny, caring, considerate and nice guy, i was a semi afc back in my last relationship which was about half a year ago

i didn't start hooking up chicks again until i got most of the DJ stuff in my head

im not a jerk type bf, but i am just scared of opening up my feelings, and doing anything too sweet and nice that show her i care a lot about her.

What do i do

jack knife

Don Juan
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
She was faced with a lot of negative emotions due to your break up and her friend leaving her. She probably freaked out because she couldn't control those negative emotions and didn't know how to handle them. Mentally she couldn't accept the fact that you were leaving.