Do dreams relate to every day life? (long read)


New Member
Jan 27, 2010
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lucid dreams

So here I sit, 230 am, a day before my midterm (I am 19). I have not had a dream like this for maybe 10+ years. I am about to recount to you a summarized version of what just happened...probably the scariest/wildest thing of my life. This is a short/1st edit version of my dream. I need some help in deciding if this has significance to my life or not. There is no way I am going to send this to anyone personal because it is beyond ****ed up.

I went to bed at 1230 but did not fall asleep for a half our. So starts the dreaming...

Flying to france, up and out of my bed. Arms spread like the wings of a bird.
Still slightly inbetween sleep and conscious. I remind myself that I can control my dreams if I am in this state.
Fly across the atlantic ocean and end up near my best friend thats a girl at a ski village similar to Colorado
With a mixture of familiar faces and strangers my age in a strange sushi-boat like human water ride
Hookah is being boated along with us around

Here is when things ramp up from strange to down right fvcked up:

I black out, almost as if i had drank 17 shots of whiskey and things go swirling (no actual drinking during the dream)
End up in a bathroom alone, trying to stand, keep falling and looking for my phone as if it is the last thing to keep me from falling further into what seemed a downward spiral of uncontrollable unknown.

I remember feeling as if I were on an acid trip (never been on one, but have heard stories), coming to some spiritual understanding about things. I was told to get ready and stay tough for about what was coming. Almost like my brain knew what was about to happen with my crazy dream. I got a massive wave of courage/strength and immediately left the bathroom that I was lying down in.

Eventually I am able to make it into a living room where lots of people are hanging out
Very odd vibe, everyone acting like I ****ed EVERYTHING up. Kind of that feeling when you are 5 and you disappoint your family.
The owner of the giant house is a family of about 10 kids, very odd considering they would let people stay there and party.
People smoking weed, drinking in front of the kids. I try to hide the bongs but people don’t seem to care that there are children around.

I pick a fight with someone with my new courage. Some small bickering and he throws a punch at my stomach. For some reason I was already expecting it and knocked him out, later on my uncle tells me I made him bleed everywhere. :trouble:

Somehow transitions into me being sober but the aftermath of my mess is unreal
I See my favorite uncle, he looks upset
He takes me into the bathroom and shows me my mess (broken glass and broken toilet)

I leave the bathroom to walk outside and am confronted by some famous woman from a soap opera…and 3 other random guys my age. The whole time during this peoples faces are changing (not while looking at them, instead they changed after looking away and seeing them later during the dream)

Afterwards, I look over and I see my roommare who tells me that he will no longer put up with my ****ty roommate values. This puts me in a state of begging, like he was my last option. Soon everyone around us starts telling me I am out of line again.

At this point things become blurry as in all dreams. I consider sleeping on a couch, but a large younger girl is next to me. Soon 4 other girls show up and are vying for my attention. I tell them I cannot have sex as I am "seeing" someone else. Some how a condom is put on and I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable and unhappy. Almost back into that state of drunken blurr.

So that is my dream. I am honestly disturbed beyond belief. If you made it this far, thank you for reading, I really dont understand this.
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Carlos Vendetta

New Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Dreams are all made up of your subconciousness.
it's a way to process things u havn't been able to process in a normal way during the day.
seems to me like u'r feeling insecure about something, scared to f. up in live, scared of makin' a mess of things.
maybe, your worried that your gonna have nothing more then "platonic relationships' ?
I suggest trying to take some time for yourself to analyze your thoughts about everything.