Do decent sexy girls exist?


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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By sexy I mean sexually attractive face like HB8+ A girl you would describe as skanky, a good root, with a nice body, basically promo girl body with a slutty face.

Not that I feel entitled to marry one, just curious but I am under the impression they dont exist I dont know any1 who has a normal relationship with a sexy looking girl, I checked face book, they seem to get worn out before their 30s, single mothers at best.

I thought about it and came to the conclusion:

High testosterone father would probably be a poor role model for them.

Girl gets corrupted early on from sheer amount of sexual opportunities and power over men.

High sexual attraction = high testosterone, risk taking behaviour so likely to be demoralized.
Hence correlation between HB8+ and tattoos, stripping, prostitution and cocaine habits.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Sexy girls get 'sexy; through practice

practice = blowing dudes, gangbangs, buttsecks, ski-ing, coke secks, meth secks, all that sh!t

nothing 'decent' about this...this is full out nasty walking home with dried spunk on their face behavior...and 99.9% of hawt chicks get down like this

thats how they know what to do when I meet them :)

that hot girl you see at the bus-stop in college most likely had trains run on her by the football team every weekend.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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^ This.

Girls entering puberty tend to idolize their daddies and feel deep kinship for their brothers. Young girls worship men.

Girls leaving college have an all-consuming hatred of men. Every time they take a sh1t or insert a tampon, they're reminded of one of the many penetrations they invited. And those invitations, as Burroughs indicates, were learned by doing. Every little reddish streak in her hair, every little multicolor toenail polish showing through her so-unsubstantial-as-to-useless sandals, come from deep-immersion schooling in how to get passes from men. Your unconscious perking up is also the product of a couple decades of social conditioning to prefer what the merchants sell as "sexy" and "liberating."


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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No, you're not going to find a skanky girl who's only skanky for you. Theyre not trying to impress one guy with their skankiness - then turn it off to everyone else. Power corrupts, and there's usually a reason for being skanky. They're usually immature, insecure, have low self esteem, in need of approval... And there's further reasons for all of that. Being skanky is just the outcome, or result of all this craziness. Thats why they call them crazy sluts / *****es.

If it looks like a ... acts like a ... Yeah, its a skanky duck.

Nobody is pretending to be anything, and they wont change. Nor are you a special cookie. What you see is what you get. Hot / skanky girls are NOT decent. They act, dress, talk, and move like that for a reason. They also get a lot of attention, favors, prospects, etc as a result of their skankiness, which makes them even worse. Then they become addicted to the ****, and the game, and etc.

Thats why theyre so demonic, and have no good qualities whatsoever.

So, yea... No.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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You might find a decent HB7 who is cute, good to you, and isn't "crazy". MAYBE, MAYBE an HB7.5. But the 8's, 9's and 10's have been ran through so many times. I highly doubt it. Learn to identify red flags now and save yourself the trouble, also take more time to ask her about her past. What was her family like, did she grow up with both parents, was her childhood "normal", etc..



Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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SoSuave666 said:
Also, to piggyback on burroughs' football skank example....I played football in college...and you'd be so surprised what the hoe-train looks like. These groupies are so prevalent it's scary. The shy girl reading Charles ****ens in the coffee shop has the potential for a background of double fisting dongs in her face.
Too funny

And its like after a while the whole college 'yo! see that girl she ran a train in the woods behind the quad and let 7 dudes cvm on her face lol!' then the same girl senior year is trying to find a dude to wife her up who hasn't heard of her gangbang rep....sometimes she finds a guy like that an econ major looking to make big $$$ then one of his friends whispers in his ear 'hey that girl ashlynn you're dating used to fvck the whole baseball team while letting them squirt ketchup and mustard over her' the econ major drops the hore soon afterwards....then the same girl is giving handjobs in the bathroom of the local bars two years later to unionized carpenters


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
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This thread is rather depressing.

Actually, in retrospect, I guess it's not horrible news. I'd be perfectly happy with a 7.5 that's decent. Depending on the person's scale, at least. If she's cute but not one of the super-beauties I'm game for that, but man, it'd be nice to settle down with a girl who's not been one of the college bicycles.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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RE: "They'd have you believe so..."

Great point. Watch out for the subtle, deceptive, undercover skanks. The wolf in sheep's clothing, if you will - which she ****ed both animals at the same time, by the way. She'll TRY to act normal and decent and justify her skankiness ("Oh, I'm so victimized and cant trust people"... )... But then she'll talk about sex constantly and act like a complete lunatic. Typically, this happens at the same time. Ex: "How come guys are such jerks? All they want is sex. Can I suck your ****? So, my last boyfriend threw me out of a window. Wanna ****? Nice girls finish last. I miss getting some" This is where guys get confused. The skank cant hide for long.

A common mistake is sympathizing, and believing their lies. Then assuming she's a good girl who's afraid to be herself - as she was in the very, very beginning. Negative! That was her act, which wasnt even very good. The psycho skank that peaks through every now and again is the real her. Its just hard to see with the charm, lust, and deception going on. Then you have the teasing, attention whoring, and mind games they play to gain control, have you chase, etc. All clever ruses. Plus you have their agressive, get in / get out, play everyone nature. They have a skankathology book they follow, or something.

But you eventually find out that she's been lying to you the entire time; you were a dumbass for falling for her games; and she ****ed the entire county in the time you were still courting her. Plus, all she ever talked about was sex, and not just with you. She was having those same conversations with all her guy "friends", and she has so many because she ****s them all. If hamsters could talk, they would tell you some wild **** she did with them, as well.

Use caution with fake, wild, flashy, in-your-face, pornstar-skanky looking girls. They remain single, arent looking for relationships, **** hamsters, and know a lot of guys for a reason.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
rotfl college? COLLEGE? college?

why wait that long. I had not one, but TWO girls i dated in high school have gangbangs ran on them.. one w hile i was dating her.

and the ironic thing about it is that both of them were proud of it. like they accomplished some real **** or something.

but yeah.. there are. you just got to keep looking. you work at a car lot, when the only way you can put food on the table is to sale crs, you have no cohice to talk to people. even if you don't want to you do. and on a good week you might talk to 30-40 people. you might, if you are really good at what you do you might sale... 3-4 of them. might. more likely 1 or 2.

and of those 1 or 2, you are going to be lucky if one of them isn't' an *******.

getting in sales is the best thing that i ever did for my game, not like i set out to do it but i knew in the back of my mind.. all this **** is just numbers. they are large numbers lol but numbers none the less. and i can honestly say yeah i have ran into them all, *****s, skanks, scallywags, but there are some really hot good girls out there. i would consider my wife a solid, 8.5 on an avg day.. when she wants to be the bad ***** in the room and breaks out the ****tail dress and heels a solid 9. and she's well.. my wife.

the girl that bought me to this site.. honestly a good girl. a solid 9/9.5 just wasn't MY good girl but a good girl none the less

the problem that you have that 80% of car salesman have is that, you start getting rejected then you start mentally discriminating potentical clients. the second you do that you're done.

talk to everyone, and let the process weed out the good and the bad. there are good one's out there. a woman might get hit on the the more attractive she is but i don't believe looks have a direct correlation between behavior. that's upbringing and other socioeconomic factors

then the same girl is giving handjobs in the bathroom of the local bars two years later to unionized carpenters
damn bro that's pretty specific lol


Mar 12, 2011
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BabyFaceComplex said:
By sexy I mean sexually attractive face like HB8+ A girl you would describe as skanky, a good root, with a nice body, basically promo girl body with a slutty face.

Not that I feel entitled to marry one, just curious but I am under the impression they dont exist I dont know any1 who has a normal relationship with a sexy looking girl, I checked face book, they seem to get worn out before their 30s, single mothers at best.
A lot of guys would have no problems with women if they stayed away from the sexy, slutty, HB7 type. They all want the best, the sexiest, the Victoria Secret model, the Transformers girl, the Sharon Stone basic instinct type and that's where they run into loads of problems.

These girls have been deflowered long time ago, they know how to make an AFCs head spin in one sentence. Have to stay away from these girls, media and tv and have made it that they are so desirable and sex with them is worth anything. They know this and use it to their full advantage. Only after their looks start to fade they may start to recognize they are not all that.

Gots to go after the educated, HB5 type of girl. They may not be stunning to look at, but usually they understand that life is not all about me,me,me look at me I am so pretty, guys will do anything for me.

Sexy skanky types are just good for sex, other than that, they will take energy for you and you still owe them. Stay away.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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Trump said:
A lot of guys would have no problems with women if they stayed away from the sexy, slutty, HB7 type. They all want the best, the sexiest, the Victoria Secret model, the Transformers girl, the Sharon Stone basic instinct type and that's where they run into loads of problems.

These girls have been deflowered long time ago, they know how to make an AFCs head spin in one sentence. Have to stay away from these girls, media and tv and have made it that they are so desirable and sex with them is worth anything. They know this and use it to their full advantage. Only after their looks start to fade they may start to recognize they are not all that.

Gots to go after the educated, HB5 type of girl. They may not be stunning to look at, but usually they understand that life is not all about me,me,me look at me I am so pretty, guys will do anything for me.

Sexy skanky types are just good for sex, other than that, they will take energy for you and you still owe them. Stay away.

Not to say that girls can't be educated and physically sexy. Some of them can be hot. But we are talking about the ones that dress and act like slvts. I'm sure we all know the difference.

There ARE good girls out there. There ARE good girls who are good looking and single. But these girls WILL have had sex before.

Not all are taken. You think all these girls will have found a QUALITY MALE at such a young age??


no man, they go out with alpha *******s who treat them like crap and use them for sex. They are young and dont know any better.

Not all. I am not excusing psycho slvts....but some. They are out there.

There is a lot of hate for women on these boards, and a lot of it is based on hate for a specific kind of super slvt porno type girl. Yes, they are sluts...

but be realistic. Girls have sex. You should have had sex too.

Be mature.

If you are an angry virgin then you will most likely idolise and feel entitled to a porno style girl and somehow wish she is a virgin too.

I've been with a late 20's virgin girl. It creeped me the hell out.

Just a little perspective.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Heh... My bitterness and resentment and hate comes from both sides of the fence. When you chase after or date these hot girls - ALL of the guys hate on you for it. Even if the girls are approaching you, flirting, etc. Then they try to sabotage, **** block, etc. So, you have all these guys saying you're ugly, she doesnt like you, she's out of your league, etc, and rooting for you to fail. Then you find out the girl is just a stupid, crazy skank; things dont work out, or whatever; and all these jackasses are still talking ****. Just getting pounced around from every direction. When they dont even know the whole story. Then again, its not like their simple minds can comprehend anything. Being the *******s they are - theyre always on the attack. "Nobody's jealous or hating; you're just a loser", etc. When they know this is false. Typically, they dont start hating until they find out a girl is attracted to you. Theyre not oblivious to this fact. They dont hate until you succeed.

But you learn a lot of things along the way. A lot of people are fake as hell. Dont tell them ****, or brag, or even hang out with them. Certainly dont bring women around them. Men are your worst enemy when it comes to women. Theyre not on your side at all. They want you to be beneath them.