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Do a lot of other rich countries not support single moms ??


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Its come to my attention from another single (Low working hours/unemployed) moms in the USA etc not get well looked after by the state like they do in the UK?

over here(UK) if shes got two children and works under 16 hours a week or is unemployed

*she will get a rent free modest house
*a liveable amount of weekly money from the state
*extra money most likely cash from the one or two ex dads in the picture

so were talking here of lets say the equivalent of 500 dollars a week wage every week GUARANTEED

all this has done is create a load of mardy selfish 12 year old minded women who NEXT any man, alpha or beta as you lot say makes no odds to them,...yes they may return for the good sex when attention is withdrawn

add social media aswell and **** me

no wonder we need top advice us brits


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Why don’t you actually work on your game and yourself instead of being butthurt about not getting Pucci.


Its come to my attention from another single (Low working hours/unemployed) moms in the USA etc not get well looked after by the state like they do in the UK?

over here(UK) if shes got two children and works under 16 hours a week or is unemployed

*she will get a rent free modest house
*a liveable amount of weekly money from the state
*extra money most likely cash from the one or two ex dads in the picture

so were talking here of lets say the equivalent of 500 dollars a week wage every week GUARANTEED

all this has done is create a load of mardy selfish 12 year old minded women who NEXT any man, alpha or beta as you lot say makes no odds to them,...yes they may return for the good sex when attention is withdrawn

add social media aswell and **** me

no wonder we need top advice us brits
In Canada they get welfare, can apply for subsidized housing (rent geared to income), free dental and medication, then allowances for school clothing for kids and travel allowance. Special diet allowances if someone has diabetes or some other condition like celiac etc.

Depending on what part of Canada they live, this will look ok or very crappy.

In Toronto the average market rent rate is 1600+ for a two bed apt in a non crime ridden non crappy building. No single mother with kids can afford to live in market rent in this city if she is on welfare.

The average wait for a subsidized apt is 5 plus years and priority goes to abused mothers fleeing their husbands. People select whatever areas they want to live in and when an apt becomes available they can only turn down two, after that they are back at the bottom of the wait list. The more bedrooms needed, the longer they wait and they can't select a one bedroom apt if they have a bunch of kids, they are actually not allowed to do that.

They have to file taxes every year or they lose their benefits, if they get a job they will get cut backs on their benefits or lose them altogether depending on how much they make.

If they get into subsidized housing they have register the names of everyone living there and do annual rent reviews every year providing financial info like bank statements and income tax returns. There are a many conditions on them when they have a subsidy. If another adult moves in with them they could lose their subsidy. If they are found to have lied in on an annual rent review they could lose their subsidy. If they have a guest stay longer than three weeks they could lose their subsidy.

I worked in social services helping people apply for benefits several years ago. Things may have changed a bit now but basically it's not a free ride like in some places across Europe ie Norway.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 16, 2017
Reaction score
In Canada, the burden is put on the genitor. The state can FORCE DNA test then FORCE 18yrs child support on a poor fellow.

Ultimately, there are women who will recuperate used condoms, or I've even seen chicks swallow a load, and preserve semence and use it 2 yrs later to artificially inseminate themselves. It went to court, guy had to pay.

I know in France, the state take the burden.. but we all know what this really is... men pay taxes, the government take their money and give it to women. Plain and simple. At least the burden is spreaded evenly accross men instead of emasculating 1 guy which is criminal imo.

My advice; get snipped.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Why don’t you actually work on your game and yourself instead of being butthurt about not getting Pucci.
who the **** uses words like butthurt, trolling my posts, why dont you just change your username to mine aswell


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
The programs exist in the US, but the woman has to take the initiative to apply for them. There are a lot of appointments and paperwork - getting on welfare is actually a bit of work. Food stamps, you get immediately. Housing is a 'put your name on the list' thing. They will give you an apartment in the projects, brick buildings that all look the same, for about $30 a month if you have no income. But if you try to work at all, they take all the money by raising your rent. There are also subsidized apartments for old people, and some Section 8 vouchers to pay rent at non-project properties.

I've known a lot of people on various forms of welfare. My biggest problem with the system is not that it exists, but that it is structured to punish anyone who wants to work. If you try to get a job, they charge you $450 for that $35 apartment. If you hide any income at all, that is a felony with the threat of prison time. I don't think we can call people lazy for not working when we take all of their money away when they do. The system is designed to make sure people stay in it. The problem with the welfare state is not the people in it, the problems lie with the politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists who wrote all of the rules for the system.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 16, 2017
Reaction score
Poor, lazy and idiot people's problems... If they were half smart, they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with and an even bigger problem is we're encouraging single moms. That's highly destructive for society.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
make no mistake lads.....single moms in the UK generally have very nice houses...they also have plenty of cash within reason to see them through the week, the whole point of this thread is it actually makes them like the female Don Juan NATURALLY ...IDGAF attitude there as good at NEXTING as we are


Do the women need to provide proof that they were abused? What about the homeless men? They get nothing right?
Abused women usually come through the shelter system or other community supports and have been involved with a social worker who was advocating for them. I just helped them fill out the housing forms which did not ask for documented proof but they may have filed other forms with their social worker that did I don't know.

There are different streams for subsidized housing in Toronto for homeless men and women who can access housing programs funded to deal with homelessness. It's too long to explain but there are outreach programs to walk them through getting housing and support them to make that transition when they do. Similar streams for mental health and addictions.

The people at the bottom of the pile are able bodied cognitively intact single men and women. They never make any priority lists which is kinda sad.


The programs exist in the US, but the woman has to take the initiative to apply for them. There are a lot of appointments and paperwork - getting on welfare is actually a bit of work. Food stamps, you get immediately. Housing is a 'put your name on the list' thing. They will give you an apartment in the projects, brick buildings that all look the same, for about $30 a month if you have no income. But if you try to work at all, they take all the money by raising your rent. There are also subsidized apartments for old people, and some Section 8 vouchers to pay rent at non-project properties.

I've known a lot of people on various forms of welfare. My biggest problem with the system is not that it exists, but that it is structured to punish anyone who wants to work. If you try to get a job, they charge you $450 for that $35 apartment. If you hide any income at all, that is a felony with the threat of prison time. I don't think we can call people lazy for not working when we take all of their money away when they do. The system is designed to make sure people stay in it. The problem with the welfare state is not the people in it, the problems lie with the politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists who wrote all of the rules for the system.
So true, the system is designed for people to be deterred from getting off of welfare. Here in Canada medication and dental is not included in our public health care. A single mom on welfare doesn't have to pay for that for her family. A single mom who works but has no health benefits from her employer ( which is a significant portion of working Canadians) would have to pay for this upfront every time or pay monthly for a private medical plan

Welfare was originally intended as a temporary plan while someone got back on their feet. It has now morphed into a 'career option' for some people, which makes it bad for folks who really can't work and need the assistance.


In Canada, the burden is put on the genitor. The state can FORCE DNA test then FORCE 18yrs child support on a poor fellow.

Ultimately, there are women who will recuperate used condoms, or I've even seen chicks swallow a load, and preserve semence and use it 2 yrs later to artificially inseminate themselves. It went to court, guy had to pay.

I know in France, the state take the burden.. but we all know what this really is... men pay taxes, the government take their money and give it to women. Plain and simple. At least the burden is spreaded evenly accross men instead of emasculating 1 guy which is criminal imo.

My advice; get snipped.
You've seen chicks swallow other guys' loads and preserve it?
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
it is to easy for women to get child support, what if the baby was unintentional but she wants to keep it and he doesn't? What if he wants to keep it and she doesn't? He has no choice if this happens so he shouldn't be held accountable. What if she lies about using birth control?
But look at the other side of the coin...

What if the State DIDN'T force guys to pay child support?


it is to easy for women to get child support, what if the baby was unintentional but she wants to keep it and he doesn't? What if he wants to keep it and she doesn't? He has no choice if this happens so he shouldn't be held accountable. What if she lies about using birth control?
Good points and I remember reading that some countries were considering changing laws around this where women who choose to have the child and the man doesn't want to, can't go after the man for money. I'll have to find that article. I think laws should change in some aspects and I think if it did it could lead to better decisions around birth control.

I recall one argument in that article around at what point could a man walk away - before the birth and not anytime they decided that they didn't want to be a Dad. I think for laws to successfully change they would have to stipulate criteria around when men could legally assume no responsibility, which ideally would be before the baby was even born and not like, five years later, unless the guy didn't know he had a child and the woman sprung it on him years later. In that case I don't think he should be responsible.


No one is saying that is what should happen. But if it did, women would be a lot more responsible with the choices they make with their bodies. Your body, your rules, your choice, your problem.

It is not ok that single mothers are so accepted by society.

I think that men should have an option of a legal abortion within the same time frame that women have. If she lies about being on birth control, she gets no assistance. If she hides the fact shes pregnant, she also gets nothing. Just because a woman chooses to get herself pregnant or chooses to put herself in the position to accidentally get pregnant doesn't mean she should get a security net.

Besides the way the family court system is set up was done so in a time when women couldn't find a real job that they could support themselves and children on and no man would want to remarry her so back then they were ****ed without child support or alimony.

Things are extremely unbalanced in terms of gender dynamics and if they were more equalized, a truly level playing field, women's lives would be much more. Uncertain and they most likely wouldn't be able to compete as much.

Don't get me wrong. Some women deserve alimony and child support or benefits, but a minority of them. It's not like these irresponsible women care about the children anyways otherwise they'd not be single mothers.
Family court systems are based in patriarchal ideas which have now come back to bite men in the butt. In order for family law to be fairer to men it actually has to be less patriarchal. We need to move away from this gender biased assumption that only females can nurture children, a patriarchal view that results in very few men getting custody of their children and having to accept visitation controlled by the mother. It needs to change. In Canada, if parents have joint custody the Dad does no have to pay child support. This is fair and just and we need to start with more joint custody arrangements.

I was a single mother for a while after my divorce from my first husband but I had a full time job and didn't get welfare. He didn't want joint custody because he travels a lot for work so we made our own arrangements where he pays less than legally required for child support and uses the difference on gas to drive our child to Montreal to see his family on a regular basis as they are close to our child and we both want to keep them connected. We have both since remarried and he has another child. This last Holloween we all went out trick or treating together. Not all single mothers are welfare cases with a string of baby daddies.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 16, 2017
Reaction score
You've seen chicks swallow other guys' loads and preserve it?
It was in the news... the guy had to pay 18 yrs of child support over a fckin *******... this is just not right... I am surprised not more men go postal over that ****... I would... hence me being snipped.

Aj84, I wish there was more women like you... Unfortunately, that isn't the case and sperm jacking aka accidental pregnancy is a BIG issue in Canada/USA. But I raise my hat as to how you dealt with this situation. Pass on those values to as many women as you can please!

I've thought in lenght about a solution to this and it is quite simple.

When a woman gets pregnant, before the 3 month mark, when abortion is still possible, she needs 2 signatures on a birth contract. Hers, and a man's, preferably the biological dad obviously (if not the dude is an idiot imo).
Plain and simple... as soon as you get 2 signatures, then the law should be applied as is currently.
No signature? You are 100% on your own. I don't even think the state should pay or help those single moms... if they do, it should be 1yr TOP.

Canada is fcked. As it's been mentioned, we breed welfare families. 80% of people on welfare, have been on welfare for their WHOLE LIFE and their kids are following in their footstep in an insane amount.
Most of those people, are rolling $ under the table.

Single moms are even bigger threat to society. Go check out stats... they're scary. I strongly suggest you watch Stefan Molyneux youtube video about single moms if you have no idea what I am talking about.
But yeah, too many of them raise little boys to be ashamed of being boys, and little girls to hate men and use them. This is bad for homo sapiens in itself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
But look at the other side of the coin...

What if the State DIDN'T force guys to pay child support?
My dad's dad ran off when he was about 13. That was in the early 1960's. His mom was a housewife with no education. His dad was a university professor and colonel in the Army Reserve. He never paid a dime of support. My dad dropped out of school after 8th grade so he could get a job to support his mother and younger brother, who had bad health and died just a few years later. That was life in the good old days.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
My dad's dad ran off when he was about 13. That was in the early 1960's. His mom was a housewife with no education. His dad was a university professor and colonel in the Army Reserve. He never paid a dime of support. My dad dropped out of school after 8th grade so he could get a job to support his mother and younger brother, who had bad health and died just a few years later. That was life in the good old days.
My grand-mother started working in factories at 10 years old to support her mother and 6 siblings. Her dad died to the Spanish Influenza.

Oh did i mention there was the great dépression right after?

The problem with welfare it became à lifesupport system for people who got Lazy and than they brainwash their kids.

I know, nobody on wellfare in Canada who lives in a nice part of town. They usually live in ghetto.

If you on wellfare in Canada (quebec) and you have kids... you get family allowance for them until they 18 or leave the house.

So when you are on welfare, you are paid to make kids.

I believe we should cut it entirely... because it makes Lazy people being better rewarded than the hard workers (especially the low paid ones)