DJs BIBLIOGRAPHY - how to educate yourself at barnes and nobles


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
glendale, ca
most of the stuff written in the PUA community is derivative - and not only that, it is sometimes badly written, badly edited & over-priced. especially when it comes to the AV material....

that's not to say that they can't help you. i myself was tremendously helped by mike pilinsky's "without embarassment" e-book... if what you find online helps you, good for you and don't let me deter you.

but it is good to see where some of these ideas came from in the first place and here, i attempt to do something that seemingly NOBODY in the PUA 'industry' does - provide a bibliography of where their brilliant ideas come from.

so without further ado, here is a good reading list that gives you a lot of the same info but often, with greater clarity, consision & elegance, not to mention that our gurus get their stuff from this too:

1. The art of seduction - robert greene.
2. The 48 laws of power - rg
3. The Symposium - Plato
4. The Erotic Poems - ovid - original pick up manual
5. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
6. The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
7. The luck factor - dr. Richard Wiseman
8. The game! - neil strauss

good luck and good hunting.



Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
All Knowledge is good Knowledge but not all Knowledge works for all people.

For instance the "****y and Funny" theology has never really worked in my own interactions with woman, yet the "Looking A Woman Straight In The Eyes" theory has worked extremely well for me.

I think it is all about leraning and trying new things and then appropriating all of these things in your own life and keeping the tips that work for you and getting rid of the ones that don't.

I think that the "****y and Funny" thing works well for certain types of people depending on their original personality but it obviously doesn't suit the way of which I come accross, I being a more serious type want to use the presence of power or "KINGSHIP" theory to get the things that I desire. :cool:
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Never even heard of the erotic poems, thanks Delta.

Your list is pretty close to good, but good pua are influenced by far more than just books. There is a chance that everything they know about game is second hand knowledge, or even third hand, or purely suppositional. If you or I, truly wanted to make a list of EVERYTHING that has influenced our ideas about games, we'd spend the rest of our lives trying to remember... how would that help?

When I read of the different types of game, I occassionaly come across minor references to influential writings. Not often, though, because the most advanced players don't follow the ideas of others, they test, and make their own.

Neil Strowce wrote 'the game' recently, which book should the game be included under the bibliography?