DJing for weightlifters?


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
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Is there any difference in picking up girls for bodybuilder type guys (or guys with muscles in general)? What should I avoid doing?
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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I would say avoid acting like you are infatuated with your own body and obsessed with working out all the time at the expense of social activities.

A few bodybuilder types I know are bodybuilders because, deep down, they are insecure about their bodies. They have developed the equivalent of anorexia nervosa for men. They compulsively work out all the time and look at themselves naked in the mirror and never put anything unhealthy into their bodies except anabolics. These guys work out because they are insecure. Maybe they were the skinny guy, or the fat guy, or the short guy, or whatever. But instead of working out in order to improve themselves, which IS a noble goal, they are working out because they are insecure. These guys hide behind their muscles and exercise because they don't have the relaxed calm of a confident person. Don't be that guy.


The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
alright, i'll give you a real response:

If you consider yourself to be an attractive guy then you shouldn't use as much C&F style, ****y attitude stuff (tho to be honest you don't need to do much of that anyway). You don't want to be too intimidating.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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Yes that is true, if your an average or below average looking guy, more ****y and funny is needed. However if you are good looking or ripped then ****y and funny turns into arrogance and being a prick.

So if you are truely in awesome shape you could almost reverse it and mix it up, sometimes be a little coccky, and other times crack on yourself, that way you dont get arrogance, instead its just ****yness, cause there is a difference.

Other than that, dont let weightlifting and bodybuilding get into the way of social activites, becuase I am a bodybuilder/weightlifter myself, but I would never sacrifice having fun to get a workout in.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
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First of all, most of the guys who are obsessed with bb are werdos without friends. To me its just a hobby. At 5'8 I weigh around 180 now, so not huge or anything. just more muscular than the average skinnyguy.

Im actually a powerlifter that dieted down 40 pounds and discovered some musclemass. and dieting down made me whant to try som bodybuilding stuff and get up to about 190-200. Anyways, less c+f is a good idea.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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It's been my experience that modesty goes a long way. I am an athlete, and one pretty awesome side-effect of my training has been a very lean, "ripped" body. Last night some girl I was talking to kept grabbing my chest. Instead of the typical "hands off the merchandise" line (which I think is crap anyway), I just acted sort of embarrassed and laughed with her about it. I don't think that blowing up a girl's spot is necessarily what you want to do.

I think the attitude you should take is that your physical appearance is a side-effect of your athletic pursuits, i.e. you do not lift weights to look bigger, but rather for the discipline and health aspects. The physical rewards are secondary.

My 2 cents.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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New York City
I'd have to say subtlety is the number one thing. DON"T talk about working out. If she mentions you have a nice body just say thanks. Don't take this as a signal to start ranting about how much you work out or your diet. And even if you are on a strict diet, when you are out with her have some fun. Have a couple drinks and get some apple pie for dessert........... don't act like some tight ass whose so worried about what he eats. It'll make her feel self-conscious. You have ALL week to make up those extra calories.

And please whatever you do, DON'T wear those super-tight, guido, extra-smedium shirts. Just dress normal. I can't stand seeing those buffed guys walking around a club with a ginny-t on. Ever notice how they are never with a chick? If you have a lot of muscle, believe me it will show through a regularly sized shirt. Leave something to her imagination. Just imagine the look on her face the first time you guys get intimate and you take off your shirt. If you must show off your body then at least take her to the beach where you are supposed to be wearing next to nothing.

I'm pretty built myself and I can tell you first hand that it can be harder to pull chicks when you are diesel. Girls are easily intimidated. Ever see a really hot girl and you think you are going to try to be different by not showing her any attention cause every other guy is drooling over her? Well girls do that too. If you are very good-looking they think you are banging a different chick every week. They rather reject you than be another notch on your belt.

Also just relax. Guys with muscles always tend to stand around posing like someone's about to take their picture. Try to get over yourself a little and forget about how built you are. Relax your shoulders and be easy. Believe me, models aren't the most interesting people in the world so don't try to act like you are one.

Well that's about all I can think of for now. Remember looks get you in the door, personality is what gets you to the bedroom :rock:


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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fireguy said:
Is there any difference in picking up girls for bodybuilder type guys? What should I avoid doing?

Your only 20 yrs old. You're not even close to being a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders don't peak until around age 30-35. Since you're 20, you're nowhere near peaking out your muscle unless you're on roids.

Since I've been weightlifting since I was 15, I know around how much muscle you will have at 20. Girls will be somewhat impressed, but it doesn't change their attitude at all about you. I bet at most your guns, unflexed, are no more than 15 inches. 15 is impressive, but not an eye opener.

GL with your lifting, and don't worry how it affects your PU. BTW, you better not be lifting so you can get more girls, thats the most pathetic excuse you can possibly have for lifting weights. Every guy on here that lifts weights so he can pick up girls is absolutely pathetic. You have to do it for yourself.
Aug 8, 2005
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The Cold North.
honeyshark said:
I would say avoid acting like you are infatuated with your own body and obsessed with working out all the time at the expense of social activities.

A few bodybuilder types I know are bodybuilders because, deep down, they are insecure about their bodies. They have developed the equivalent of anorexia nervosa for men. They compulsively work out all the time and look at themselves naked in the mirror and never put anything unhealthy into their bodies except anabolics. These guys work out because they are insecure. Maybe they were the skinny guy, or the fat guy, or the short guy, or whatever. But instead of working out in order to improve themselves, which IS a noble goal, they are working out because they are insecure. These guys hide behind their muscles and exercise because they don't have the relaxed calm of a confident person. Don't be that guy.

Well at least they're not skinny little bastards anymore. Hater.
Aug 8, 2005
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The Cold North.
Espi said:
TRANSLATION: HS envies guys who look better and stronger than him, so he just assumes all bodybuilders are shallow and obsessed former skinny guys-turned muscular behemoths.

Also, HS, using steroids is not "unhealthy." Abusing steroids is unhealthy. You've watched too many talk shows. Please refrain from such assertations unless you know what you're talking about.

Most women I meet appreciate well-muscled men, and some just want to fvck you because you're muscular...

But a man should never brag about his working out...that would be like Donald Trump saying, "I'm rich, so fvck me."

I usually avoid mentioning the subject. It's much more gratifying when a woman says, "Looks like you've been going to the gym."
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
The Cold North.
Wiesman44 said:
Your only 20 yrs old. You're not even close to being a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders don't peak until around age 30-35. Since you're 20, you're nowhere near peaking out your muscle unless you're on roids.

Since I've been weightlifting since I was 15, I know around how much muscle you will have at 20. Girls will be somewhat impressed, but it doesn't change their attitude at all about you. I bet at most your guns, unflexed, are no more than 15 inches. 15 is impressive, but not an eye opener.

GL with your lifting, and don't worry how it affects your PU. BTW, you better not be lifting so you can get more girls, thats the most pathetic excuse you can possibly have for lifting weights. Every guy on here that lifts weights so he can pick up girls is absolutely pathetic. You have to do it for yourself.
Don't be generalizing. I'm sure no one here does it solely for picking up chicks.

I do it because I like it. I like to feel strong, no aches and pains, no problems, hell! I even get sick less often.

But I also do it for the chicks too. It's nice to be someone else. Someone better. Does that make me pathetic?

You also have to realize that the guys who do it solely for the chicks give up easily. Why? Because in the short term, it doesnt mean jack. It takes years of work to get big and strong. Lots 'o trial and error. Lots of effort and you need the knowledge and discipline to get huge.... (or buckets of drugs if you can afford the 500K yearly pricetag.)

And many people aren't looking to put that much effort. They want 'that' chick(s) and they want now. They go to the gym for a bit... assume it doesn't work for them and then go do something else.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
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I party almost every weekend, and I've noticed that I get alot more positive attention when I wear a long sleeve than a regular t-shirt. And that one time I wore a tightfitting shirt, many girls avoided me like "who does he think he is?".

Wiesman44: Even though I said bodybuilder type guys, I didn't mean pro-freak status. And I've been a fat powerlifter for three years, so my motives for lifting is basicly strenght. Arm size and musclesize is the least of my worries. As I wrote in a previous post, I dieted down and found out that c+f wasn't as effective as before when I was fat. Hence this post.

Everybody: Lets not trash this post with hate towards non-lifters who don't know anything about lifting. I want this post to be informative to lifters. Even though it was a bit off, I think honeyshark made good poit in how non-lifters might view weightlifters, so I don't think he deserves to be hated on.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
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Maby I am overanalyzing. Guess it's part of the "learning how to be a dj phase".


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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fireguy said:
I party almost every weekend, and I've noticed that I get alot more positive attention when I wear a long sleeve than a regular t-shirt. And that one time I wore a tightfitting shirt, many girls avoided me like "who does he think he is?".

Never thought about it that way. Maybe I should think twice before wearing tight shirts to bars or parties.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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Espi said:
TRANSLATION: HS envies guys who look better and stronger than him, so he just assumes all bodybuilders are shallow and obsessed former skinny guys-turned muscular behemoths.
Not really. If you reread what I posted, I said "A FEW bodybuilder TYPES I know are bodybuilders because, deep down, they are insecure about their bodies" defines a few as "A small number of persons or things." These FEW people are people I know personally. I also said bodybuilder TYPES. I am not even calling these insecure people true bodybuilders. Relax, I am not trying to attack bodybuilders.

Espi said:
Also, HS, using steroids is not "unhealthy." Abusing steroids is unhealthy. You've watched too many talk shows. Please refrain from such assertations unless you know what you're talking about.
You are right in that there are many legitimate uses for steroids whether topical or intravenous. However, I think its safe to safe most roid heads will acknowledge that anabolics are generally cycled in a way to minimize their negative side effects. This suggests that they are unhealthy. The secret is getting good gains without messing your health up too much. The point I was tangentially trying to make is that it is ironic that some bodybuilders won't even drink alocohol or eat a fatty steak yet they have no compunction about inexpertly injecting synthetics into their blood from pseudo-sterile needles (hyperbole).

Whether you take steroids/prohormones/whatever is your own decision. I don't really care. But, going back to the originial poster who wanted to know what he should avoid doing...I guarantee you that most chicks will not be thrilled to learn a man is on roids. Using steroids for athletic performance or physical improvement is still stigmatized in mainstream society as "drug abuse" and "cheating".



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
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TRANSLATION: HS envies guys who look better and stronger than him, so he just assumes all bodybuilders are shallow and obsessed former skinny guys-turned muscular behemoths.
Where do you get "all" from, when he clearly writes "a few", your too retarded to comprehend arent you?


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
He missread. big deal. please, don't go off topic.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Wiesman44 said:
Your only 20 yrs old. You're not even close to being a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders don't peak until around age 30-35. Since you're 20, you're nowhere near peaking out your muscle unless you're on roids.
Oh i see. The fact that he has a body and is building it up with muscle doesn't make him a bodybuilder. Mmm hmm.

To be a bodybuilder you have to make it your life apparently. And be 35. Same as you can't be the u.s. president until you're 35.

If you're not 250+ lbs you're not worth mentioning! :rolleyes:


Women for the most part don't care about huge muscles. They appreciate a decent build but beyond that it's just the law of diminishing returns to the point of "what's with this freakishly large guy?"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Espi said:
See, a FEW of the skinny guys...not all, just A FEW, are very insecure slackers...A FEW of them are really jealous but too lazy to go the gym and pump iron, so it's easier to think a FEW of the BB's are insecure, unhealthy "roidheads."

No stereotypical intentions here, bro. I'm only talking about a FEW skinny guys.
You're right of course :up: No hard feelings.
