DJ vs PUA styles


New Member
Jan 12, 2006
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Since I came here, I've been reading some threads and imho I feel there is so much liberty in most of them, despite everything is explain in most important ones and also sometimes, possibly negatives PUA attitudes are encouraged as good DJ ones...

For explample, what is going on about one-itis situations? Most of the post explain techniques to go through this symptom and also encourage people to mantain it in this matter: "I love this xxx girl but i have never talked to her, but last monday I ask her to come to my party and she accepted!!, what may I do then?"
And loads of answers reccomending this kid how to approach the girl during the party :eek:

What is the point thing of all this? A DJ is a person that only is good vs women but doesnt care about some important cultural problems (such as being a holy AFC)?. Do you even use AFC term 'here'?

I have been in ASF for somewhile (and may continue), but the problem out there is that is a newsgroup, so postings dont go to the top of the frame when someone answers them, and that pisses me off hardly... (Thats why im looking for alternative PickUp related real forums).

The best thing is that here I have read that there is some people interested in main world PUA methods (like Mystery or Juggler), but are not thrully extended in the community in overall...


New Member
Jan 12, 2006
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Feel this

- You are the only one that can change your life. You think it sucks, change it by reading on.
- You must be happy with yourself before others will be happy with you.
- You must know that you do not need a girl to love you.
- You must know that you do not need to love a girl.
- You must find a way to be positive in everything.
- You must live each day as if it was your last chance.
You just doesnt say this kind of things when other people post **** that is practically content in this words... (Specially the 3rd and the 4th ones)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
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Actually, he has a genuine observation. When did it become a taboo in sosuave to call people on their oneitises?

I guess it must have happened at the same time (close to when the main contributors of the DJ Bible stopped posting regularly and the AFCs took over) when people decided this forum wasn't about getting girls, but rather about self-improvement...

El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
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Chico, Ca, USA
Here is the best way I can think of to describe what the folks around here are trying to achieve....

Taken from...
Anti-Dump's Machine (Part VI: Three Words To Change Your Life!)


He asks for a girl's phone number when he FIRST meets or sees her. Not one month later.

He always asks for the HOME phone number. He walks away if he doesn't get it.

A Don Juan always waits four or more days before calling a girl. She must wait.

A Don Juan never arranges a date face-to-face with a girl. He always calls first. She must wait and wonder about him.

He sees a girl ONLY once a week for the first three weeks. He has to 'clear' his dates with other women. Or pretend he is busy with other women. He says he is busy if she wants more.

A Don Juan never gives flowers, cards, or gifts for the first two months. Her birthday is the only exception .

He never talks over an hour with a women on the phone. EVER. Twenty minutes is tops. He avoids contact with her. With e-mails and messages, etc. between dates. He calls once to arrange the next date.

During the first three months he tells her NOTHING about himself. She has to ask. When asked, he gives only tiny itty bitty pieces.

He waits for her to say 'I love you' first. Then he knows she really means it.

A Don Juan never says 'I love you' before two months. Ever.

A Don Juan NEVER proposes before six months. He prefers to wait one year. All minor flaws must be seen.

A Don Juan never lives with a woman. He is a free man. He will marry the BEST when he meets her.

A Don Juan only FOCUSES on the romantic side of a woman. He knows long talks lead to friendship not LOVE. He knows being a mystery fascinates her and makes her WONDER and WANT him.

And lastly, a true Don Juan
makes sure the relationship is 50-50. HALF of the time she is doing what HE wants to do. He feels this in his stomach. Not head.
Seduction is great for the short term but eventually long term goals will set in. I think this is the sort of thing you should be focusing on here.

Man I miss the old cats that used to run this place.... I disappear for a couple of years and it seems like there is no wisdom anymore....


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2005
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That's a good anti-dump post. But I want to make an observation here that even most of anti-dump's machine is about getting women--which in my opinion is what this website should be about. This messageboard has turned into a theoretical life-improvement website and I don't think that's the right direction.