DJ Bootcamp Week 2 (Summer 2005)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Welcome, recruits, to second week of the rest of your lives. You have survived the perils of week 1, and made eye contact with many a stranger. You have even stepped out on a limb and said hello to many of them. You went out fearing the worse, but somehow survived without being laughed off the face of the earth. Nothing wrong with a few friendly 'hello's, right? Well, don't get too comfortable in your seats...

It's time for Week 2. Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and you do, because I said so), is to initiate a conversation with 10 strangers, lasting at least 2 minutes. You will lead into the conversation using what is now your familiar eye contact + hello combination, and you will talk about whatever comes to mind.

If you are nervous about this, remember that nervousness is the very emotion that we are trying to beat out of you. If you want to see positive internal change, you must place yourself in front of the firing range and do what you fear most. Confidence will come as a result of experience. Remember, true confidence is hard to develop - that's why it is a rare thing. You are well on your way to being rid of your social akwardness - but we're not going to stop there. By the end of this, you will be able to approach any girl in any venue no matter how beautiful and stuck up she may seem. Remember - you are a man. You are a social and sexual being. Embrace it.


If you have not yet read the week 2 literature, do so. Focus on the tips on initiating the conversation. After getting one started, you will find that it flows quite naturally.


The DJ Bootcamp

Xanga BlogRing

DJ Bootcamp Week 1 Thread

Bootcamp Recruiting Thread, Summer 2005

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey BrotherAP! I'm glad to see your still on board! I thought maybe we had lost our fearless leader. ;)

I was going to post the thread but I didn't have time to write out a big description. I'm glad that you were able to do it, you always post all the useful links and such.

Good luck in week 2 everyone. I start today!

Edit: Could the guys participating in the Xanga webring share your screen names?

I'm confused as to who I'm talking to over there and who is who over


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
I just added myself to the Xanga blog ring. My screen name is the same over there as it is here: Tukzulu.

I'm heading out now to do some sarging and see if I can get a couple of conversations under my belt. I already have done about 10 with HBs over the past 3 or 4 weeks since I started DJ bootcamp on my own. But I'll see if I can get 10 more. Will post my successes later.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
I'm going to copy a post I made from the other thread since it pertains to week 2:

OK so I'm going to finish my hi's while doing week 2. Got in a few more hi's today (kinda not keeping count now but I'm pretty sure I'm close to 40) and got in one conversation with an HB8 receptionist at the gym. I initially tried to approach an HB7 that was walking out of the gym but lost her. So I walked near the HB8 while leaving and thought hmmm why not talk to her and get practice. So I approached her:

Me: *smiles* Hi.
Her: *looks up shyly* Hey.
[Asked her when the gym closed on the holiday and stuff like that. Then starting talking about other stuff.]
Me: So what is going on town for the 4th of July? *smiles a little again*
Her: *laughs a little* Well, I don't know, I usually just go see the fireworks in town.
Me: *laughs* Yeah I know there just isn't much to do.
Her: Yeah.
Me: What are you doing this 4th of July?
Her: I don't know. Might just go see the fireworks as usual. *smiles a little*
Me: Oh yeah ... so where are you from?
Her: India (She was a hot indian!)
[Can't remember what I said but it had something to do with her being Indian but it wasn't offensive.]
[Started talking about whether she goes to school here. She was a grad student and I told her I would be a junior in the fall. She is studying Electrical Engineering. I was like wow that is hot. She must be smart as hell.]
[At the end of the conversation:]
Me: Oh yeah what's your name?
Her: Blah
Me: I'm <name>. *places hand out and shakes hands*
Me: I'll see you around! Have a good weekend.

Conversation lasted close to 5 minutes I think. Overall I thought I did alright. Especially alright for the first convo.

Since there was a humongous storm outside, I stayed in and hung out in the game room for a while. I ended up meeting some other guys there. They were pretty cool to chill with. We all ended up playing some pool and I won. Then I just kinda talked briefly afterwards. I won't count this as a conversation though.

I think for future conversations though I need to make sure I smile and eye contact more. Also need to keep making sure I remember to do the 'girl handshake'. Otherwise I think I'm getting better at this stuff.

Hi Count: Close to 40 or so.
Conversations: 1

Oh yeah, and good luck everyone!


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
week2 days1&2

Good to see we're still on!:woo:

day1: wasn't planing on any excercises today but couldn't help but talk to a blond HB5.5 who I shared an elevator with. She was very talkative, could have done more, it's a shame she was only a 5.5

Made some more convos with girls from stores at the mall, I won't count those but it's good to practice.

day2: wrecked from last nite.

Convo count: 1


Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score

i had a convo with a man at the bus depo about starting bussinesses, and his days of touring on motobike around the UK.

Five mins later I had a chat with two girls who were where I was working. One was ugly, the other had a boyfriend.

Then me and my friend approached and chatted to a group of 7 younger teenagers. Doesn't really count coz it's solo though. That's about it really.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
OK for day 2 I got another convo in.

Went to my local pool and talked to some folks there (no girls yet) about the pool in another neighborhood that has a diving board and whether I could pay a small fee to get in there or something. I figured there would be some HB's at this other neighborhood pool.

While riding my bike to the other neighborhood pool, I passed by this HB8 who was hiking. I said hi and smiled. Once I went past her for a minute I was like **** this just go for the convo. So I turn around and start going towards her. She had turned around and was running towards me. I stopped her and asked her how she was doing. Then asked about what there was to do for 4th of July. Then asked what she was doing. After that, I ****ed up and the convo just ended there. She kept hiking again after that. Convo didn't even last 2 minutes. I was like damn. Oh well, I felt better after I approached her anyway. I probably could've approached her yet again and just cut the crap and go for the number or something but that would've come across as desperate/creepy.

So I go the pool in hopes of getting in a better convo. And sure enough I did! There was an HB8 lifeguard there. We talked for about 10 minutes! I bet I could've grabbed her number but I didn't want to look too desperate. Besides, I could always go for it later. I was partially chickening out of the number thing anyway. I gotta get better about that.

So the convo mainly went like the following:

Hey how are you doing, blah blah blah.
Is the pool closed (people were leaving)?
Told her that I saw her around from somewhere else (was lying) and then asked what school she goes to. She goes to the same school as mine. I was like yes! And then talked about how I saw her there at school sometimes. Then just talked about the school in general for a bit.
Conversation ended up being about a lot different things like the gym, joking about how some kid nearby looked like he had barf on his mouth, and little things like that.
There was an ackward moment for about 10 seconds where I probably could've number closed the HB.
Then she had to go back to lifeguard duty as the pool opened up again. I waved bye to her and smiled. She did the same.

Overall I felt good about doing this because I rarely have approached HB8's like that in the past. It was nice to get over the little fear of trying to talk to her when I got there. I still need to work on the eye contact (could've done a little better) and may challenge myself next time to actually go for the number (that would be of course after telling her my name which I forgot to do).

Also said hi to a lot of different strangers too. It's becoming second nature to me now.

Total Hi's: About 50 by now.
Conversations: 2


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I started a conversation alright... with a group of 10 people. 2 hot babes, and 8 dudes. I didn't particularly have the bootcamp in mind (just looking for some fun on a slow night), but it ended in a phone number for both me and my friend, and the perfect plans for a date. Read about it


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Two girls talked to me

About 4 more made eye contact

I dont give a shti about women that's the problem

I ****ing girl in texas made me feel this way

I hate her guts


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Originally posted by BrotherAP
Well, I started a conversation alright... with a group of 10 people. 2 hot babes, and 8 dudes. I didn't particularly have the bootcamp in mind (just looking for some fun on a slow night), but it ended in a phone number for both me and my friend, and the perfect plans for a date. Read about it
Very nice!


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
OK quick post, im really busy this week with college and work..

I got at least 10 convo's allready, including 4 with HB's. :)

Maybe I post the FR later, otherwise, see you guys in week 3!!
good luck to you all!


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hey I'm oklydokly0 on Xanga if anyone wants to check my blog. I've been posting in there rather than in here...


Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Had a convo with a man who was taking photots of the sea today. Was interesting...


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Day 1, 2, and 3

On day 2, I talked with one of the girl working at old navy for a few minutes.

My second conversation was with a salesman we talked about for about 15 to 20 minutes.

The third conversation was with an HB6.5 working at a music store.

On day 3, I talked with two different girls that work at the gym. I had seen the girl (HB7) before and did some small talk but today I talked with her for a good 4-5 minutes. I thought she was studying but it turns out she working on cooking reciepe.

As I was leaving the gym I talked to another girl about the incoming volleyball intramural activity.

I went grocery shopping and talked for 2-3 minutes with the cashier. She had somehow managed to get a paper cut.

By the way, I have done a bootcamp before but failed to advance beyond week 4.

I'm still having a hard time finding good places to just talk with people. I mean people that work are usually fairly easy to talk to, but I have a hard time iniating with people that are just not working.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Had a hangover from hell today. So i'm going tobed early. Sad part is I've only been up for 8 hrs.

Remind me not to drink again guys. Hell it led me to my tirade posts this morning as well.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Hey Kamikaze_R6, I know what you mean about not finding the right places to initate conversations with people. If I try to stop a girl somewhere (while she is shopping or hiking or something), I feel like I forced it too much. Lately, I've been struggling with the idea to go out to places for the sole purpose of meeting women. I know that isn't DJish behavior but you have to find them somewhere. Do you people think it's better not to go to places just to meet women even if that means that you won't be able to meet any for a while?

I mean I don't really do that ... but I will go out of my way a little bit to meet a woman ... like I'm working out at the gym and see an opportunity or at the pool, etc.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
only had 1 convo with an adult about college, choosing careers, stuff like that. im still undecided about my major, and pretty much every adult ive talked to has either told me they werent sure what they wanted to do in college or just got some random job or whatever, so hasnt helped too much as of yet. been pretty busy, lotta stuff goin on with the 4th comin up, so ill post on what happens tomorrow. gunna celebrate my countries independance by gettin piss-poor drunk 2morrow :D. there should be opportunities tommorrow, so hopefully ill meet some new people.

and everyone, i think we need to read WALDENS bootcamp. i think hes like one of the few people who's gone through to the end, so it should be our homework to read the week we're on in his bootcmap to see what he went through. its long, so just read it 1 week at a time if ur pressed for time.

lets keep it up guys



Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
I will do both week 1 and 2 i will be posting in both threads till i finish week 1.(15 to go)
I dont know if talking and # closing can be part of week 1&2. But, i # closed on 2 girls yesterday night at a local bar/club. I got sick of sitting at home esp. after 3 nights of going out, it does get boring, if you just stop going out. So me and a couple of buddies went out, knowing that sunday nights are dead, but still..

The FR:

The place was really slow, when we went in, more so because it has 3 floors. We got in some drinks and were just chillin out. Later i suggested we do some bar hopping and maybe find something better. So off we went, but it was same everywhere. We came back, this time the people were coming in..mostly couples..not many single girls.

I was just standing watching people having fun..i was like Fk it!..and tried to see if they were any HBs alone. I found a table with 4 chicks fooling around. I would "normally" NEVER go, but since i was buzzin a little..just went up and said hi! They were like..huh.who is this guy? I fluffed around a lil' but, couldnt get the convo i kind of bailed from there.

I then saw a HB8.5/9 and a HB6.5 sitting near the ledge in a corner and talkin.
Me: Hi! How are you guys doing tonight?
HB 8.5: Fine! How about you? (Shes got an accent..sounded European)
Me: Not bad!..for a sunday night!
HB8.5: Laughs!...this place is slow today.
Me: Tell me about it! are from Europe or something?
HB8.5: Yes, Luxembourg.
Me: Oh! wow..long way from home..whats the story?
HB6.5 Cuts in: Hey pass me you smoke (to HB8.5)
Me to 6.5: Hey how you got great goldie locks! (She had gorgeous golden blod hair..but was slightly chubby)
6.5: Laughs..oh thanks!..starts becoming interested.
Me: So what you girls upto?
They: Just having a drink...
8.5: You know you are brave!
Me: Whoah! Brave..for what?
8.5: You came and approached us! We have been having people standing next to us for 2-3 hours looking at us..doing nothing!
Me: Losers!..;) (Me am RAFC..telling this! ha ha)
6.5: Yes..i dont know why they think we eat them up or something!
Me: They were prolly afraid, that you might kick them out !
At this point my buddy comes in..i intro him to them..
Me: alright we need to run..give me your #s...i will give you girls a call next week.
8.5: Punches in her# and name in my phone and says: This is the first time in U.S i am giving out a # in club to a almost a year!
Me: You got lucky just met a great guy!
6.5: Punches in her # too.
Me: Put my arms around the 8.5 and hug her and leave..also shake 6.5s hands.

So, it was not bad going for a sunday night. I dont know, somehow i feel lot more natural having convo's with girls and talking..rather than just saying Hi. If i fell like talking, i just go up and startup..but if only wanted to say Hi..sometimes i just chicken out!