Divorce-making professions


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2003
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I read this article on Divorce-making professions. It talked about professions such a doctors, lawyers, Top exec buisnessman usually end up in divorce court because of the demands on their time because of their jobs. Women typically file for divorce because they put anytime into the relationship and eventually it dies. My question is if you are in one of these divorce-making professions what can you do to lessen your odds of divorce. Is the only solution to find a woman who is in the same profession or someone who understand your job is going to be demanding? What should you do? Thanks - I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments....


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
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I don't think it's the "profession" that drives people into divorce. More like personality conflicts, communication problems, and perhaps sexual probs.
Mar 28, 2005
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Pomona by way of Sacramento
Originally posted by Analysis
I read this article on Divorce-making professions. It talked about professions such a doctors, lawyers, Top exec buisnessman usually end up in divorce court because of the demands on their time because of their jobs. Women typically file for divorce because they put anytime into the relationship and eventually it dies. My question is if you are in one of these divorce-making professions what can you do to lessen your odds of divorce. Is the only solution to find a woman who is in the same profession or someone who understand your job is going to be demanding? What should you do? Thanks - I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments....
I'm still a student in school but i'd like to point out that military wives seem to not really do the divorce thing when their husbands are across the world.

Some will argue because their wives are pretty ugly but just because a person has a demanding job doesn't mean it has to end in divorce and they aren't exactly the richest couples.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Lawyers have 8-10 times the rates of anxiety, hostility, and depression. Estimates of the rate of alcoholism among lawyers range up to 20%. These conditions are not favorable to any relationship.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
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Originally posted by Bible_Belt
Lawyers have 8-10 times the rates of anxiety, hostility, and depression. Estimates of the rate of alcoholism among lawyers range up to 20%. These conditions are not favorable to any relationship.
That's unfair of you to put lawyers into a negative light. Many lawyers have great relationships, the ones you are probably thinking of should've been a car salesman or some slick willy person as they're probably doing law just for the $$$.

Then there are the genuine lawyers out there that want to help people and represent them in court. I don't like how people stereotype lawyers as being unprofessional money hungry bastards when some of them gotta go through hell and paperwork for their clients.

If anything, when companies start firing people, lawyers and accountants are the last people to be let go of, but that's because they're truly more powerful than some service worker, enginerd, or scientist.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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Personally I think it's marrying too early. There are alot of people who don't know where they are going in life until they end up in some dead-end job or are pretty much ingrained into one way of life. Of course conflicts will occur because of this and they can surely unsettle even the thickest fondations of a relationship.

But I also agree with DonJuanMonk when he says the problem is communication. Strong communication in a relationship is like blood in the veins, it has to keep flowing. Without communication, two people living together seems like there's nothing to it, except living together, sharing a room and a kitchen. Where's the love! :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
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Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
Re: Re: Divorce-making professions

Originally posted by Bill S. Preston Esq
I'm still a student in school but i'd like to point out that military wives seem to not really do the divorce thing when their husbands are across the world.

Some will argue because their wives are pretty ugly but just because a person has a demanding job doesn't mean it has to end in divorce and they aren't exactly the richest couples.
Except not. In my boyfriends company a couple of guys have gotten divorces since their deployment, one guy having to get emergency leave to fight for custody rights. I've heard of husbands cheating with hookers while deployed, and sometimes the husbands come back so ****ed up and violent that their wives divorce them.

Anyways, most problems in marriages stem from couples being tired all the time, children, work, and higher-demanding jobs would heighten those consequences.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
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Re: Re: Re: Divorce-making professions

Originally posted by LuvMyArmyMan
Except not. In my boyfriends company a couple of guys have gotten divorces since their deployment, one guy having to get emergency leave to fight for custody rights. I've heard of husbands cheating with hookers while deployed, and sometimes the husbands come back so ****ed up and violent that their wives divorce them.

The US Military brainwashes each civilian into a combatant. Only the smarter ones are able to break away from the mindwash or at least hold their own independent minds. But the majority of others, you can see it in their eyes. They're fcked up inside.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Why Divorce

The courts are so widly in favor of females during a divorce proceeding and these guys make high incomes that it's no wonder women want to divorce.

Most likely she'll walk away with the lion's share of everything and get maintenance payments, child support, etc to boot. When that ends, she'll get HUGE tax returns, government subsidized housing for next to nothing a month (assuming she sells the house as part of or following the divorce), free food, cash assistance, etc.

The government makes divorce so favorable that it's just too good of a deal to pass up. To lower divorce rates, we have to make child support what it should be... the guys buys things for the child. No cash. Divorces of less than 3 years should result in common property sold and individually purchased property returned to the original owner. Divorces longer than 3 years should probably be split up reasonably according to a judge. Men are more than walking wallets.
A Side Note:
I recommend never considering marriage under any condtions. If your relationship is so great, why does she need a legally binding agreement to feel secure? I mean she's claiming you'll stay together forever right?

Even worse than marriage is having children. This is an absolute no-no under any conditions and will result in you being broke for life. Consider your surgical options to prevent this.

There is millions of hot women in the world. No matter how much you think you're in love, I assure you there will be a day you can't this woman and never want tos ee her again. Save your money so you can go visit that hot, young russian broad when you're retired.