Disrespect? Stick around?

Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
So this 16yr old HB8 self mutilating hoe I'm dating for 2 weeks now is getting on my nerves. For example, today I was over her place and she had 2 friends come over and she pretty much ignored me while talking with her friends for 1 hour. While I'm sitting in the living room watching TV. Same goes for when her phone rings...

She doesn't ask me anything about myself and my life, rather she just goes on and on and on about her life. Some curiosity about me wouldn't go astray :mad:

I go over her place and her dad will answer the door saying she's not in then when I call her up on her cell phone she'll say "oh sorry cutie, I forgot to tell you I'm out tonight, call me tomorrow, ok? sorry"

Also she confessed that she does coke at parties sometimes, but doesn't like it that I smoke the ocassional bong because she "had a friend that died in a car crash after smoking weed" but oh no, coke is fine in her book. Marijuana is much worse then cocaine

:rolleyes: Now I'm not to sure if she knows she's being disrespectful or if she's just being a naive teen... Really, right now I'm just sticking around because I can hit that sweet putang pretty much whenever.(yes 16 is legal here) Should I tell her how's it getting on my nerves or just let the harmony flow and continue taking that sweet nectar?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Look I'm not going to rip you a new @sshole, I'm being 100% honest here.

This chick is wacked out, you said it yourself!! Girls like this aka attention w-hores, are only concerned with themselves!!! The whole world revolves around them and your just another object in her life. She honestly doesn't give a flyin' fuvk about you or the fact that you fuvk her all day and night. She's a cutter, a coke addict and she's sucking everyone's co-ck in the neighborhood. Bro this pu$$y ain't worth the trouble. I can already see that you are developing feelings for this girl and that's a big RED FLAG!!! She will sux the life outta of you if you try to bail ship on her and tell you extravegant things about how she wants to change and can't stand being the way she is. DON'T BELIEVE IT!! Grab your ballz, pack 'em up and go pitch a tent with a girl who has a brain that functions correctly because this 'ho was probably raped by her daddy and shiat on by her family.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Dude, when her friends come over why don't you just leave? Why are you there? Same goes when she is on the phone - leave!! You should be setting the agenda and not waiting for her beck 'n' call!!

You know that she is screwing other dudes while you are ringing her door bell and acting dumbfounded when she is not there.

Never let a woman disrespect you once let alone 27 times!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Dude, when her friends come over why don't you just leave? Why are you there? Same goes when she is on the phone - leave!! You should be setting the agenda and not waiting for her beck 'n' call!!

You know that she is screwing other dudes while you are ringing her door bell and acting dumbfounded when she is not there.

Never let a woman disrespect you once let alone 27 times!!!
27 times??? :D

Gotta love PRL, the man has more wisdom on fuvked up slvt bags than Hefner....

Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks fellas, I got rid of this kock sucking coke head like a bad cold. I don't need this disrespect, especially from some 16yr old *****.:p


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Mr.Hash wid da Stash
So this 16yr old HB8 self mutilating hoe I'm dating..
I'll read the rest of this post in a minute, but I don't even need to. Read this line a few times. I mean REALLY read it and think about what it means. Then see if you really need to ask any more. :eek: