Master Don Juan
Went out to wing a buddy at a happening bar last weekend. As I have a GF, the plan was to just help him out. This was the first actual bar/club (other than hotel bars or bars with the GF) since 3/20. Nice that no masks & no vacc cards required. No one practiced social distancing, either. I noticed girls were mostly 4-7/10. Very few faitties. Mostly avg looking guys. Most of the girls were in groups of 2-4. They gave out no IOIs & seemed to ignore all the men. When approached by the men, they were pleasant, but ultimately, nothing happened. As it turned out, I got pretty liquored up & bored with my friend’s lack of trying. I saw a cute girl, who was ignoring everyone. So no IOIs. I chatted her up. We wound up talking for an hour or so, sharing drinks and she let me fondle her. This would have been the perfect time for my buddy to come by, as I could have introduced him to her. But he just sat by himself. I was sober enough not to press things further (whether or not she would have been interested, I don’t know). I was hoping, at least my friend would get motivated by my little adventure. Sadly, he wasn’t.
It was interesting how indifferent the women were to men. Though, I saw no brutal rejections.
It was interesting how indifferent the women were to men. Though, I saw no brutal rejections.