disgusted with high school girls

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
this is more of me venting than anything else but I found out something completely disturbing with one of my "innocent" plates.

Iv been hanging out with this girl for a couple months now, we would make out and mess around some but never sex. I never pushed it because I didnt think she was ready/wanted it yet(boy was I wrong).
She was a virgin when I started talking to her but that has changed in these past couple months. Last night I got a phone call from a friend at a different school, aparently she likes to get wasted and get fvcked by randoma$$ guys, sometimes a couple guys in one night.

I just feel like I really dropped the ball here. All this time I could of been fvcking this beautiful blue eyed blond but instead she is getting rammed by other guys on the weekends.

I guess I should try to look at the bright side, she doesnt know that this guy told me everything. And now that I know she is a little slut I can start having sex with her.

It just really sucks, about 3 months ago I could of been her first and only, if only I had been a bit bolder in bed. Instead ill be like her 6th.

And I had actually started to like this girl, the thought her being my girlfriend wasnt out of the question. Now I look at her completely different.

Im just in shock, in about 10 minutes I went from thinking I had this great innocent girl to a dumb slvt. Kinda hurts. It makes me feel sick and I hate it.

But I feel a little better now that I wrote this.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I know how you feel, it happened to me a lot in high school. I was shocked to discover that the "nice" girls I oneitised after were going out to parties, getting wasted, and screwing random guys.

Thing is, most women are like that these days. If you can't be her first, you can still be her best.

Like you said, you need to be a litter bolder.

EDIT: Like the guy in the post below said, Remember condoms.

Any girl who is willing to have unprotected sex with you would have likely had unprotected sex with any other man she has been with. Even if she has only given unprotected blow jobs, she can still be infected with something like Hepatitis B.
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New Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Yep happened to me before.

Just use a condom and profit from the situation.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Get used to it

I very wise man (he thought he was haha) i work with once said:

Give a women an inch and she takes a mile

This girl had the chance to be a little slvt and she did, she became the little slvt.

I bet it's also right to say (maybe??) that in the last couple of months she's started partying and drinking??

She never had the chance to be like this now she does and she is.

Perfect example of that saying and a good thing to know.

And MrDroggie's advice couldn't be any better haha, she's just obviously not girlfriend material though...


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Five To One said:
And I had actually started to like this girl, the thought her being my girlfriend wasnt out of the question. Now I look at her completely different.
It's good that this happened since now you won't be tempted to get into a monogamous relationship at age 18.

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
thanks guys, I appreciate all the posts you gave. A lot of truth to them.

--to Captain, yeah thats a good point about being her best, I plan on being that guy. I cant imagine she ends up that satisfied with drunk guys and she does keep talking to me for a reason. She wants to have sex with me, thats for sure.

--Analyzeit you have some good points, I opened the door to intimacy and she apparently couldnt get enough of it. Drinking just adds to the hornyness too. I look at her as a slut now, instead of a close friend that im intimate with.

--Bucket of Truth, I couldnt agree more. I didnt notice at the time but I had cut back on the number of plates I had; I honestly just stopped talking to some of the girls and they are gone now. I subconsciously wanted to be with this girl and was slowly getting rid of my poligamy ways. Glad my subconscious onitits is out in the open now.

I can address the issue and get my plate numbers up again.

Thank god for this web site, I cant imagine how I would handle these things if I didnt have all this knowledge I learned here and guys I can turn to for advice