dinner and a movie my room? help!!!!


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
wassup guys... heres the situation.

talked to this girl casually in college then she added me on facebook. so i talked to on friday got the number and told her we should hang out and she says ok. i tell her ill hit up during the week. and hit her up via text today and talk to her and after various texts.
Me: we should go out to dinner or something
Her: I dont have much money and cant really do much
Me: dont worry about that im taking you u out
Her: i dont let anyone take me out ever
Me: so ur one of those... i can just get a movie and order some food and we can chill in my room
Her: i really dont wanna see your roommates i dont wanna deal with there bs (the play alot of pranks and she knows them)
Me: i think everyone went home
Her: hm... maybe... lol
several texts later
Me: ill come pick u up on my way to there (told her i had something to pick up from room anyways)
Her: ok.. u sure you wanna come to where i live and pick me up
ME: lol yea its cool.. ill hit u up tomorrow to get the address and stuff

Now im trying to bang this girl (will be my first girl in my college dorm). im planning on get some alcohol andstuff but i wanan know what exactly do i do because i have never done this before. need help guys asap... im excited but i want things to run smooth.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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Hmmm you want to get fun light food. What do you think she is expecting, from the way she acts I am wondering if she knows this is a sexual hangout. She has an attitude. What kind of person are you and her? Is beer what you two drink, hard vodka? Wine?

If it was me, I would get two bottles of wine, some dipping choc, and some strawberrys, and cut bannana slices to dip in there. Clean you apt, make sure your sheets are clean, fabreeze your fouton or whatever make the place smell good.

What movie are you going to rent? What are you going to wear? Is this a causal hang out?


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
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i have no idea man thats im here... i was gonna go with to pick out a movie but ... im gonna dress nice i told heri had to go ny before i came to pick her up. i dont know if she knows this is a sexual hangout but i feel as if she has to because most girls would not want to do an indoor movie night on the first date so i think she has to know.

Lets take it as if she does not know what can i do to give me the best opportunity to go on the way. i got the dressing and talking part down... i dont want go all out with strawberry and such (way to romantic i think). the alcohol might even be an issue now because the person who was supposed to get it for me says he won't and i cant because whenever i go i get carded (im 20).

this my dorm room in college.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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The main thing is to be relaxed, and be in control. Don't get all wussy and "what do you want to do, what do you want to watch, what do you want to eat".

Lead, lead and then lead some more. Tell her to sit on your bed, tell her what your going to watch. Be cool, if you're not cool, fake like your cool. Of course don't get all chattery...

kino, kiss, don't forget to push, pull...don't pounce the girl, tease her a bit. And just have fun!


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
good man thanks... i try my best. i think im gonna break cloverfield i heard it was really good i always wanted to see it. any recommendations on food? sushi?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hey bro sounds good, you got her to your place.
Main thing is to be cool, and like warrior said lead lead lead.
Act like shes your mate, i bet your fine just diong whatever YOU want when they are around.

If you act all awkward like you need to impress, if your actions look forced then youll give her a bad vibe, and since its both of you it'll get "wierd" and no good.

Soon as you meet her be playful! tease push and pull, straight away! that sets the mood cause now you just carry it and lead :) thats the best thing you can do!